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Everything posted by GravitySuitCollector

  1. Same here. I thought Bakemonogatari was much better. All of episode 8 was fanservice, and episode 9 has maybe 5-8 min of it in my opinion.
  2. Personally, I think the period being outside of quotations looks a bit sloppy. For me, it's almost a, "oh wait, I forgot something," and it's just stuck on the end. Don't compare math and grammar, by the way; they're two different things entirely. Besides, the equals sign isn't even really comparable to a period; it's more of a verb. I can't think of a single symbol comparable to a period. On the subject of anime: Nisemonogatari episode 8, what the heck did I just watch?!?!
  3. Listening from Bandcamp, headphones on a laptop. I think it sounds pretty good. I dig the lead kicking in about 1:45 in "Gradual Electrocution." There is some repetiveness, but it sort of comes with the genre oftentimes. I did have a few things I didn't like (the static-y hat at the beginning of "A Reason" felt harsh; delays in a lot of things, lengthening of it), but I'll leave the in-depth stuff for someone else. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Thank you; it's a download from me.
  4. I can see what you're getting at, but it's not quite there. By the way don't post giant images like that; please just set them as links.
  5. D: I have to deal with you on here now? :/ Oh well.

  6. Happy birthday, the four of you! I hope you guys have had a great day and didn't act the age you are (I don't think anybody does, but it's your day not to).
  7. The game wouldn't be nearly as epic without the soundtrack. It does sound great as rock (good job too, Brandon!). More on the topic of Skyrim, I quite enjoy the dying sound of a horse falling off a cliff. It's even funnier when you survive after rag-dolling down a slope.
  8. Sounds a bit crazy, but fun. I don't really play pokemon since I first played red in elementary school, but I could see doing something similar with a different game (hmmm, Disgaea might be good). Actually, that does sound good, especially since I picked up the PSP version recently. Maybe only one character per monster type, reincarnations to higher levels allowed.... Too bad I'm busy with other games right now (Fortune Summoners ). As gamers, we seem to have an affinity to challenge/punish ourselves.... Anyways, good luck gaming. Oh yeah, I ran into this in chat when I was playing Kingdom of Loathing for some reason. It's an entertaining read: http://s7.zetaboards.com/Nuzlocke_Forum/topic/8552228/1/.
  9. DDD: Anyways, the game looks cool. I'll be looking forward to it.
  10. That part is just a greedy money-grab, plain and simple. That peer thing looks like it's trying to bash things like torrents, though. That really worries me a lot. This thing is horrible.
  11. Personally, my parents taught me that women should be respected. I tend to be a bit nicer to my triplet sister than my brother. This doesn't really affect my door opening, though, since I tend to hold it for most people. So what if I tend to be a bit nicer to the opposite gender? It's not like it hurts anyone, and when it comes down to it, how I treat people mostly depends on how they treat me. On the subject of videogames, They way overdo it with the sexualization of female characters. It's annoying, to say the least. The thing is, I guess this is due to the demographic of gamers who they are aiming for. My sister tends to play more RPG-ish games like the Tales series or Disgaea; she does really like the Mega Man Zero series and Castlevania, and she plays TF2 with her friends at school also. She doesn't like overly gory or scary games like Left 4 Dead or Dead Space, and she tends to not play FPS or fighting games. She might be an exception, though. Edit: Well, there are always exceptions. :b
  12. It's a pretty good game; it just felt like there were a couple things holding it back to me. I sort of thought the story felt disjointed almost, as in there really isn't that much of an explanation of how they got to this space age. You're just told who characters are like Doctor Carson. Of course it's on the game site, but I didn't initially read it. Also, I wish there were more levels. I'm used to the Mega Man Zero series where there're several more levels than what the game had. Edit: By the way, the music IS awesome. Good job.
  13. Keeping the logo as is would be just fine, then. As I said, I do like the logo with its angles and points.
  14. THEY'RE OFFFERING THE FIRST BUNDLE AGAIN!!! $5 for it, $10 for FLAC. If you missed it the first time, get it nao!!!
  15. I like the current logo - although, taking a second look at it, maybe there are a few too many diagonal slashy things on the letters (the middle lines of the e's,bottom of the n, the left side of the last a). It sort of confuses it for me. I tried doing a very rough mockup in M$ paint, just to give an idea of how it looks. I think this just looks cleaner. Edit: Oops, I forgot to mention the giant horizontal lines on two of the a's.
  16. I hope you plan to release the music album sometime after you release the game. Seriously, it makes me wish my brain could implode from it. Multiple times.
  17. Good Stuff. My favorite so far is Chipmonster.
  18. The music sounds great, by the way.
  19. I think I'm drooling.... The preview's great!
  20. Is that another row of albums for sales to unlock...? Maybe it's just loading up weird for me. Anyways, 885 left to the next album, and it's going down. Four more days.
  21. Happy birthday!
  22. Happy birthday, Ectogemia! I hope you have a good one.
  23. I've got to wait for my codes.... Got em! It takes a bit of time to receive the codes, fyi. Just don't freak out about it. I got an extra code for those interested, so if you want it, go ahead and PM me about it. Probably the first one who asks me will get it. EDIT: Code taken by Phonetic Hero. Cool first name, bro.
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