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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Never posted back in the day? Shame on me! This track is awesome. Vocals well done, production immaculate, arrangement great fun. I still get chills when Mute City kicks in: It's just sweet. Come back and grace us with more great music, Harmony!
  2. http://www.ocremix.org/songs/original/Donkey%20Kong%20Country%202.rsn The link on the OCR DKC2 page is wrong, but the file is still hosted on the site. Just had to change the filename in the link, and it works. All SNES spcs are also hosted on http://www.snesmusic.org, although that site would appear to be down right now...
  3. I don't think the fact that it's a bonus track ruins the excellence of the song (which is one of my favorites as well). The only reason why it's a "bonus track" anyway is because it's not from the two main games the album covered (Tales of Phantasia and the original Tales of Symphonia), but rather an extra arrangement from the new Tales of Symphonia Wii sequel. We weren't trying to downplay the 3 bonus tracks, just making sure it was known that they're separate from the rest of the rest of the project. Anyway, glad you enjoy the album so much!
  4. oa who's that sum n00b?

  5. NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.... http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=23074
  6. Alright, the WIP due date has past! I'm pretty happy with the turnout actually: Even though I didn't get something from everyone, things are looking to be progressing along well. For those who sent me tracks, I'll be looking into the WIPs and giving you feedback soon, and they will be posted over at the forums (or you can do it yourself) for other project remixers to give feedback on. For those who didn't send anything yet, I'll be talking to you soon.
  7. Filled it out for ya. Let us know the results!
  8. I can't say it much better than that. This is a great change that benefits both those giving the feedback and the remixers. Nice work.
  9. It's your call, but the entire project already has comparison competition in this, so what's it matter?
  10. I forgot to mention: There's really no reason for these games to have projects. I think just about every song has been remixed from them, so make your own mix album. Not to mention the several non-OCR album projects out there covering the entirety of Mega Man 2: Mega Ran, The Megas, Project X...
  11. Yeah, I thought about PMing you guys to get back on board, but the tracklist actually filled surprisingly fast. I figured if you guys did get interested again, you'd come back. However, we won't turn away multiple remixes of the same song. So if you want to jump back in, by all means please do.
  12. Fixed. Mae is on the Super Dodge Ball project, but was not on SoS except as a moderator on the forums. As for this project, and projects in general: OA and I were considering writing an article giving some advice on how to run remix projects, but I'm not sure when we might write it. I have a lot on plate now so I can't help here directly, but feel free to PM me questions you might have. I wouldn't mind hearing more Sakuraba goodness, for sure.
  13. Oh man, I know I'm saying this about a number of remixes lately, but this track has great energy! The original is awesome stuff, from a series sadly overlooked at OCR. I'm a sucker for melodic songs and wanky synth leads, and this remix delivers them both in spades. "Delcaration of War" is a strange title outside of the game context, but regardless, Andrew and Simon totally rocked it. Definitely the perfect song to pilot a starfighter and blow shit up to. My only complaint is that even at almost 4 minutes, it just feels like it's over too fast; but hey, that's what the Loop button is for. Nice work dudes.
  14. I dunno, man. I managed to scrape together a pretty huge project out of a series that, at the time the project was started, had only four remixes on the site from one game, and absolutely none of the other game. So it can be done.
  15. Can't believe I've never posted here, considering this track is an excellent rendition from one of my favorite 16-bit racing games of all time (and one of like two remixes of this game in existence, even after all these years. Good thing I found the OST has some awesome arrange tracks). It does have that very laid-back "Stoner Anthem" groove: I think it's the deliberate, slow pace at which the song moves along that gives it that "whoooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaa" feeling. Still one of my favorites on the site.
  16. You can also help out the staff and tag a couple of remixes yourself (though keep in mind that only existing tags can be used). I've been doing that with a number of tracks since the feature first rolled out.
  17. WIPs due tomorrow! Where do folks stand currently?
  18. Looks like things are coming along nicely. Nice work on keeping the progress up on this, dudes. By the way, in relistening to the preview, Token Tango is going to be SWEET.
  19. I'll keep the hot girls (even if they are mechanical) confined to my sig, thanks.
  20. I think most all of the Sim games after SimCity 3000 have soundtracks like this: SimCity 4, The Sims, Sims 2, whatever other ones are out... There's also this, which remixes the SimCity 2000 soundtrack into a similar jazz style. It's a very good album, (especially since I'm a sucker for SC2K's music) provided you can track it down.
  21. Use this opportunity to make millions. Quickly though, if it won't last forever.
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