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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. I still find it pretty hilarious that you went with my super-silly joke for the album title.
  2. They should give us a west coast MAGFest first. Throw us poor Pacific slobs a bone here. Even if I'm going this year, it would be way more awesome if I didn't have to spend an assload of money to get across the country and could just drive or something much easier and cheaper for once.
  3. Just let me know what you need!

  4. If she does, do you think she's actually gonna tell us?
  5. I'm just confused as to who you think might take legal action against you if you use chiptune sounds. I don't think anyone holds a copyright on synthesizer noises. EDIT: Wait, I understand now. You mean like, sound effects from games in particular. You'll probably be fine.
  6. BadAss just came out, and Wild ARMs comes out in just a few short weeks. If there's one thing there will be a shortage of, it certainly won't be awesome tunes.
  7. BadAss 2: Bad Harder. Then when the v3 hits, you can call it "BadAss With a Vengeance".
  8. I'm coming in clothes. Consider yourselves lucky.
  9. LameFool going live in about 30 minutes! Got some good stuff lined up and will be taking your requests as well!
  10. Tango, you say? This one would probably go over pretty funnily: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01457/
  11. Listening right now. Totally worth the five-plus year wait.
  12. You mean the literal THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of doujin Touhou arrange albums coming out of Japan every day doesn't do anything for you? (I agree it would be cool to see some more Touhou stuff on OCR, though.)
  13. Not bitter about the game itself, just the people who won't SHUT THE FUCK UP about it.
  14. I demand another category called "Most overhyped overblown game of 2011" with the only option being Skyrim.
  15. You're doing yourself a big disservice by not throwing ALL OF YOUR MONEY at Danimal Cannon in exchange for this album. ALL OF IT.
  16. As a serious question: Would you ever accept a remix of the Sonic 2 ending theme? It's originally a , and a lot of early Sonic music actually uses some melodies from other songs by DCT, including Green Hill and Star Light.
  17. Someone please use Nic Cage's screaming from the end of The Wicker Man.
  18. Yeah, the Rock-Men covered this song 3 times on their album. It's what prompted me to post this in the first place.
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