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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. I'm registered, my flight is booked, I'm working out room plans... I AM GOING TO MAGFEST! The only drawback is that my flight doesn't leave until Monday afternoon, but oh well!
  2. Really? I've seen days when there are NO specials, or where the only specials are DLC for a railroad game.
  3. Yeah, the Super Meat Boy release included in this deal is absolutely massive. Probably worth the $10 alone.
  4. There was work going on with an FF6 album, but it seems production on that screeched to a halt a few years ago.
  5. Looks like the deal has been extended to Monday. If you haven't gotten the chance to pick up this insanely awesome deal, now is your chance!
  6. Quite a few of these aren't game OSTs, but they are all from folks who have composed music for indie games previously.
  7. No, it doesn't. It's 'The Doomsday' (which is on Project Chaos, but not on OCR) that rips the 'Electric Eye' solo, not this remix.
  8. Doing a special holiday show TODAY at 5 PM Eastern. If you don't have anything to do, why don't you come hang out in the chatroom and make some requests?
  9. It's Bat Man, not Batman. It's also amazing.
  10. So where's the "What's Your Name?" ReMix Project?
  11. Listen, I can understand you guys might be scared because of all of the evil ROBs that have appeared in game reviewers' videos around the web, but I guarantee you they'll all dig whatever you come up with.
  12. Not enough remixing of Dark Man's theme going on around these parts. First you won't remix Mega Man 7, now you won't do this. It's become apparent that you all just hate awesome music.
  13. Still not enough Mega Man 7 remixes. Clearly you guys hate everything good and just in the world.
  14. http://www.kngi.org/private/miscstuff/goldensun/
  15. http://www.kngi.org/private/miscstuff/10%20-%20Kirby's%20Dream%20Land%203%20-%20Iceberg.mp3
  16. Gee, I wonder whose fault that could have been...
  17. http://www.kngi.org/private/miscstuff/drakkhen/
  18. housethegrate did a short but sweet cover of Battletoads Surf City back in 2005ish: http://housethegrate.net/aud/vintageworks/01.%20housethegrate-Battletoads_Surf_City.mp3
  19. Well, it's your lucky day. Both of those themes were remixed awesomely by regular Dwelling of Duels entrants M-H and Scaredsim: http://dwellingofduels.net/searchresult.php?search=Baten+Kaitos
  20. Maybe in like six months you can whittle the queue down enough to get back to REAL-TIME JUDGING again.
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