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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. What if we have higher-quality encodes of OCR songs in our collections from other sources (DoD, VGMix, personal sites, etc.)? Can we send these to you?
  2. I will host the album permanently on my site for you: http://www.kngi.org/mirrors/Theophany-CrystalFlashEP.zip http://www.kngi.org/mirrors/Theophany-CrystalFlashEPFLAC.zip Feel free to direct everyone to download using those links. Bandwidth is of no concern.
  3. Live stream capped at 96kbps? Man, that is a shame. We really need to get that Arecibo/8bx alliance going, because Arecibo has a 128k stream with support for 10,000 listeners.
  4. Drivin in a toyota ooh that rhymes with yoda
  5. Where does this project stand right now? Not much activity in a few months, which has me worried, because Bionic Commando has some fantastic music and a project is perfect for it.
  6. Fishtricious, please to be making update on project status because this project is awesome.
  7. Looking forward to the next release. I might be the only person in the entire world who likes FF5 enough to call it my favorite Final Fantasy game.
  8. I love how every project goes through an "ALL JUST A HOAX" phase.
  9. We are? Shit, nobody tells me anything. As far as I'm concerned, we're still on track for a 2015 release date AT THE EARLIEST (things may get pushed to 2017 if we have someone try and re-trace the Dodgeboobs cover art), and because we're next in line no matter what (seriously, if any project directors try to cut in line I WILL CUT YOU), we'll also be delaying DKC3 and MMX and any other project that finishes between now and 2015-2017.
  10. Got a show tonight, and it's starting at a special time: 8 PM US Eastern (just 30 minutes from this post!) I hope to see you there in the chat with requests!
  11. Not to be confused with virt's magnum opus, I presume. I'm all over this.
  12. Been loving this one for a long time now, since playing it back on NGI #139. Great to see it here and getting more exposure, especially since this is probably my favorite song from the Last Ninja games. Nice work, Mr. Järvinen!
  13. Yep. And just like Summoning of Spirits before that.
  14. This project is a carefully-crafted hoax. It's not real.
  15. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MarshmallowHell
  16. I'd be careful, Ben. She carries a lead pipe and isn't afraid to use it. Just ask anyone who worked on Summoning of Spirits.
  17. For the record, we are having a more traditional cover designed by OA (especially since the Dodgeboobs art is not high-res), but the Dodgeboobs art will be an alternate cover and will totally be used for promotional stuff. I can't wait to see it on the front page of OCR.
  18. Brandon, go ask SnappleMan how to direct a project.
  19. I'm just trying to figure out what a hardware manufacturer has to do with software. I think the correct term you're looking for here is Harmonix.
  20. This project is MASSIVE. Even when all of the songs are done, I get the feeling the post-music logistics of this thing are going to take ages. It took several months after the last song was complete to push Summoning of Spirits out the door, and there wasn't even an album queue at that time.
  21. Had trouble making it out to the live broadcast of Nitro Game Injection because it’s too early? Well, no more. NGI is moving to a new time! You can now hear Kyle, Larry and Suraida discuss the video game music community and listen to great tunes on Sunday evenings at 6 PM Eastern time (3 PM Pacific.) Don’t miss all of the action LIVE on Arecibo Radio.
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