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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Okay, so it's been almost 4 years since the mirrors were pulled down, but here's a new one for you anyway, Darke: http://www.kngi.org/mirrors/KirbyRotS/
  2. So DjMystix's Lady in Black remix was accepted, which is awesome, but it sounds like it's going to be posted as a Bayonetta remix according to Larry. So through sheer technicality, OCR STILL isn't going to have After Burner on the game list. SO CLOSE.
  3. Well, with non-music podcasts, they probably wouldn't take up as much space as they could be encoded at a lower bitrate. But, since these are music podcasts, it's preferable to maintain a decent level of quality.
  4. A couple weeks off from a year since VGMix was taken down. A real shame.
  5. We've celebrated the ladies, and now it's time for the guys to get their due! In honor of Duke Nukem Forever, today's Nitro Game Injection pays tribute to the biggest male badasses of gaming, starting 3PM Eastern Time. Don't miss out!
  6. http://www.free-codecs.com/Lame_Encoder_download.htm Install that then point foobar to it when it asks for the location of LAME.exe.
  7. http://www.biglionmusic.com/music/arrangements/other-arrangements/canyon/ There's a link to canyon.mid there, as well as virt's badass remix of it. EDIT: Or not. The original MIDI link spews a 404. Still, the remix is worth checking out.
  8. Dammit, I knew I forgot one... Also Sidearm, if you like Danny B's stuff, he has a ton of it here: http://dbsoundworks.bandcamp.com/
  9. Here's a couple good ones: http://bbriggs.halc9bit.com/album/attention-deficit-ep http://protodome.bandcamp.com/album/bluenoise There's more out there, but I'll let some others link those. A lot of this stuff is available for free, because OCReMixers are awesome like that.
  10. Don't worry, same thing's happened to NGI so far. He is a ridiculously busy man, though. Last night's show was my first time at Video Games Live, and it was worth it. I stood in line for 2 hours to talk to all of the guests (for like 2 seconds each, but still) and I'm still reeling from being starstruck. When you have Tommy Tallarico, Chris Huelsbeck, Kinuyo Yamashita, Christopher Tin, Akira Yamaoka, Frank Klepacki, Gerard Marino, and even HIP FREAKIN TANAKA all in one place, you know that it's a very special night.
  11. The Wii is notorious for lasers dying after years of continuous use, unfortunately. That's probably one reason why it doesn't play DVDs (even though it has the hardware to do so.)
  12. The Megas will be on today. Yes, all of them. Hooooly shit.
  13. I really think longer remixes should be handled on a case-by-case basis. If it is an absolutely fantastic piece (and I can think of a few) why does length preclude it from being on the site? Most long remixes can suck and do suffer from terrible medleyitis, but not all of them. I can kind of understand the bandwidth thing, but that really seems like a holdout from 2004 in this era of site providers practically giving away massive bandwidth.
  14. Who streams from their actual NES? Nobody except jmr, that's who. You all need to tune into this once-in-a-lifetime event.
  15. So apparently this movie is amazing. I haven't seen it and wasn't all that interested by the previews, but people whose opinions I respect say it's pretty fantastic, soooo...
  16. I agree with Fishy. Sure, most long arrangements are nothing but medleyitis garbage, but there are some truly epic and amazing longer remixes out there, and not allowing them just because they are long kinda sucks.
  17. Birmingham Beatdown has passed the judge's panel. Took you guys long enough. Slowasses.
  18. This album is fantastic. Okay, so all of the content IS all previously released, but it all sounds so much better than before. Zero Light and Hell March to the Apocalypse especially shine now. GET IT.
  19. I endorse this product and/or service. Also, Jet Moto 1 had some pretty hot tracks. For example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_50ACmg6is
  20. http://www.dwellingofduels.net/searchresult.php?search=F-Zero http://www.kngi.org/miscstuff/fzero/ Also, look up F-Zero: The Transmitter by doujin group Magical Trick Society. It's a full F-Zero SNES arrange album.
  21. http://www.kngi.org/miscstuff/contra/ http://www.dwellingofduels.net/searchresult.php?search=Contra A full album is hardly necessary, considering this slice of brilliance already exists: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/cliffcolon Also, not from the original game (though there is a remix of the remix of the original Contra Stage 1 theme that's in Contra 4. Try wrapping your head around that sentence), but any fan of Contra owes it to themselves to check out Contra 4 and this album: http://www.rockednloaded.com/
  22. Okay, so I'm resurrecting a dead thread, but whatever. From Project Chaos: http://blueberry437.free.fr/s3k/album/104%20-%20Daniel%20Baranowsky%20-%20Caution-Echidnas%20May%20Eat%20Your%20Brain%20(S3%20Boss%201).mp3
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