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Everything posted by Eulogic

  1. Gorveg's an admin at .org, where he can be found pretty regularly. Moggie shows up there occasionally. I'm not sure if Gorveg ever got unbanned here or not (and I'll be damned if I take the time to check!).
  2. I remember having these shortly made after the change to ocremix.org from remix.overclocked.org. The latter wouldn't fit, unfortunately. I r spedrun winar! Also BEER. Possibly the last one? I don't recall. EDIT: Here is the original card deck in its glory. For those who weren't there or don't remember, hearts were reserved for kind and generally helpful posters, clubs were trolls/meanies (though, for the most part, in good humor), diamonds were those shining stars that contribute so much to the community, and spades were...I honestly don't remember. People who like to hear themselves talk, judging from the list. EDIT2: And while digging around, I found the second card deck with its notably higher production value. I believe this time, they were grouped by "faction," whether UM.O, gerbilfat, Remod, or Offtop. It looks like some of the Remod/Offtop ones are kinda mixed around though. Or I just didn't care at all when I put it together. Actually, in retrospect, this might've been before Remod, in which case clubs is just postwhores. I'm not entirely sure where that leaves diamonds though.
  3. I still have my car design from the first one, but the only picture I have from the actual races is one of me rear-ending molto from the second race.
  4. arguably the best thing to happen i dont think stan started doing it until molto came around tho
  5. I think I saw Shaolin Soccer with her (and Myf, of course) once at a small meetup long ago. She seemed nice enough, from our limited interaction.
  6. And, to be fair, while these pictures are in no way appropriate for a girl her age, they aren't really in any way porn. And no, I will not send them to you, you sicko.
  7. Not being a pedophile, it's difficult to discuss the attractiveness of a 13- or 14-year-old, but I will say that there's not a lot for you if you're a boob man. Training bra lol.
  8. Some dumb jailbait posted pictures of herself in her underwear (and a few out of it huddled over as to be "tasteful") on an open Photobucket and they got leaked to the general public. You can probably get them from JtDL if you really want them.
  9. I'd post the StormyAddiction pics, but I'm afraid I'd get banned (read: arrested), but here are some others I have lying around: From the first page of Mae's most famous thread at some point. Probably UE's best post. Why I think we're all kinda glad UnMod died. It had outlived its worth. The card back was probably the most successful part of the UnMod Card Project. Thanks...Coop, I think?
  10. I started off Unholy, then respecced Blood. Blood seems best for solo grinding, though, as you say, Unholy is better for AoE. For most mobs, my Blood rotation is 2 diseases, heart strike, heart strike, then obliterate. If that doesn't finish them off, I toss death coils at them until my runes are back up. If my health is ever visibly low, I use death strike, and if I'm ever actually in danger, I can start throwing out my CDs.
  11. Illidan, eh? Maybe I could roll or transfer a character there. It does satisfy my two requirements of being Horde and PVP.
  12. One of my characters on Firetree got stuck on the Arathi Basin load screen yesterday, while one on Firetree got disconnected in Orgrimmar, and, when reconnected, was falling through the ground in Eastern Plaguelands. I'm guessing somehow he switched continents without changing his relative position on the map. Let's hope today goes more smoothly.
  13. Man, this patch is taking forever to install. That and the fact that, for whatever reason, my background downloader was turned off are making this update an all-day event.
  14. I think molto and I still have ownership of VGDJ.
  15. I know. I was just talking about your average non-tourney level player here. Or tourney level Brawlers who never played Melee competitively, for that matter.
  16. cause most ppl dont care about the stuff u dont like so it really just comes off as whining
  17. I'm just talking about his performance in Iron Man. He might do a great job in the role in another movie.
  18. Even allowing for a black Nick Fury, I thought Jackson did a pretty bad job (funny, given that Ultimate Nick Fury's design is based on him). Otherwise, the movie was enjoyable, but hardly the GREATEST SUPERHERO MOVIE OF ALL TIME, as it is being dubbed by a lot of people.
  19. that sounds like every girl i've ever tried to get to play the game people who don't play video games at all just don't seem to understand the concept of double-jumping or different buttons doing different things or controllers in general
  20. Phil Hester (one of my favorite artists) was at a store a few hours away, but I'm too lazy.
  21. I couldn't get there until late last year, so I missed out on all the good stuff. I'll try and hit it up early tomorrow.
  22. baby peach is awesome the best ever yay
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