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Everything posted by Eulogic

  1. I can't imagine why I would want something more than Premium or how I could get by with something less. If I upgrade to Windows 7 at all, that is.
  2. I've been engaged for a while now to be married October 17th. We've been together for 7 years now (since high school), so for longer than I've been on OCR. Or known almost everyone I interact with regularly. As a general rule, however, I don't like married people.
  3. Given that it was almost a week away from the meetup date and this thread was almost on page 3 (with less than a page of posts), I'd say this meetup date likely needs to be changed to be successful. There is an UnMod Kansas City meetup the weekend of July 10, but I should hopefully be available any other weekend.
  4. In undergrad, I usually got 10-12 hours of sleep a night (more on weekends) unless I had a paper due the next day, in which case I'd pull an all-nighter. Classes were easier than in high school and I never did any homework. Hell, I discovered OCR my freshman year just because I had so much free time that I could spend hours and hours every day just browsing the Internet. Grad school, on the other hand, was a bitch.
  5. i ran two games before buttercup took over there is not enough interest at .org and remod has their own dumb mafia games
  6. UnMod had been dead to me for years. I thought it was funny that it got deleted and that it had it coming.
  7. It's pretty likely that I'll be able to come, as I am currently located in the STL.
  8. Since middle school, I've always said that I'm invulnerable until I'm 25. I never worried about car accidents (I've been in two in which the cars were totaled and come out unscathed) or terrorist bombings (lived in Washington, DC, for the four years after 9/11) or pandemics (swineflulol), etc., because I just couldn't be harmed or killed until May 13, 2009. Today, I am 25 years old.
  9. Sleep paralysis is so cool. It happened to me freshman year of college once and I was terrified. So after I snapped out of it, I tried to put myself back into it and was able to. When you do it knowingly, it becomes less scary and more awesome. I am unfortunately not able to do it at will.
  10. In case you guys are interested, a bunch of old unmodders (like BaconFat, gorveg, FlankingLine, JesustheDarkLord, and some others) hang out in #unmod on irc.synirc.net
  11. Wario Ware: Pyoro EDIT: Stupid gifs not allowing partial transparency. Worse version without white pixels: Ugh, I guess I'll work on it some more. These are all horrible. What is wrong with the original? Who cares about white pixels? Actually, the more worse ones I make, the better the second one looks. It's not so bad, is it? If someone is legitimately good at this sort of thing, here is the original, unshrunk png: LT: Unlike what FR said below, the white-ish pixels of the 1st one were fine, because the images are on an off-white background and are colored that way in order to smooth the re-sized image. Stray pixels are bad, but not stuff for smoothing. So this one is good. Can you lemme know which specific WarioWare game that art is from?
  12. http://www.last.fm/music/Eulogic
  13. alas, was it the existence of google that gave me away?
  14. AVangelion Geon Nenesis? AVG Norton? AVeraGe Noob? Aqua Veen Gunger Norce?
  15. Also, they should add alternate models for each race. Horde Orc - Brown Orc (Mag'har skin) Troll - Buff Troll (Amani skin) UD - Undead Elf (Dar'Khan skin) Tauren - Taunka BE - Wretched Alliance Human - Half-elf (possibly a polished version of the pre-BC elf skin) Dwarf - Frostborn Gnome - Mechagnome -- as seen in that one Icecrown quest, they seem to have some self-awareness NE - Antlers (Malfurion style) Draenei - Broken It wouldn't require too much effort, as most of the models/skins are already in the game (though they'd have to add alternate faces and a lot of female skins), and they'd make a ton of money on the paid character changes.
  16. dialect lol ur prob bein sarcastic but i sure dont care!
  17. dickhead-pokedex thx molto also unoriginal idea i wish you hadn't stopped me from navigating away after the first sentence!
  18. Blackbog's Sharp? I want to make a poisonmancer every time I get that thing.
  19. Next patch, they're changing the mounts from the Argent Tourney to make them cooler looking and making the old mounts available for 5 seals and 500g. I wish they'd make the 100 seal ones flying mounts exclusive to each race to actually make it worth the cost. You could have something like: Horde Orc - Stonetalon Wyvern Troll - Zangarmarsh Wasp UD - Bat Tauren - Wind Serpent BE - Bird of Paradise Alliance Human - Dalaran Supersweeper (like a fancier, permanent Halloween broomstick) Dwarf - Wildhammer Gryphon Gnome - Personal Transporter (like a floating Segway) NE - Owl Draenei - Outland Chimaera It took forever to think of something for humans, and I'm still not really happy with it. What a flavorless race. I'm also not sure how the tauren will ride puny little wind serpents. I thought about giving them chimaeras (the brown Azeroth kind) first, but I figured that they were NE units in WC3, so they should stay with the Alliance, and, as the Draenei are closest to the NE and also from Draenor, the Outland variety of chimaera clicks pretty well. Speculation is awesome and totally useful. I'm having a lot of fun playing the WoW in my head.
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