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Everything posted by Eulogic

  1. I only meet up with cool dudes, and with cool dudes, what is there to worry about?
  2. this one wins for the scathing political undertones
  3. Rather than contributing anything to the conversation directly, I will just tangentially contribute by posting a list of people from this site whom I have met IRL (in chronological order of meeting and separated by incident, if I can pull it off). JesustheDarkLord AlmightyTim --- MythrilNazgul Shael Riley Xerol MithrilNazgul's ex-girlfriend who posted on here a few times I think --- (MeteoX maybe but I honestly don't remember him) --- djpretzel Pixietricks GeoffreyTaucer DrumUltimA Slut DjSammyG (three more people I don't remember but are in a picture from this meetup) --- FlankingLine Pip Mad Bastard DJ Tempora Oddllama Orual Red Omen Fang Iron Knuckle Warmech Ace! Apologies if I have met you but don't remember!
  4. It would depend on the hero (and what other skills are available), I'd imagine.
  5. yeah, accursed is pretty unkillable in the right hands (mine are not the right hands, but i still did not die easily!) i still like the wildsoul best i think. ranged helps a lot early game and bearform allows you to be more beefy lategame. also, booboo allows you to pretty much constantly annoy whoever you're laning against.
  6. i prefer celtic rock, a la dust rhinos idk about the music from the first post a bit too new age
  7. steam is awful and i could do without it audiosurf was ok but it gets old fast and fortunately i played in the beta so it got old for me before it ever got released and i never had to buy it tf2 is probably the current most overrated game
  8. Dammit, I had a good one, but I forgot it. Ugh, screw it. I'll go with another Mario one (take that Xelebes even though your suggested topic is actually better than mine!). MARIO CARTHAGE HI I'M DIDO!
  9. ok fine here is my revised submission
  10. i drew it, just not with conventional tools. it's pop art. you wouldn't get it.
  11. heh guy who missed the joke also musical taste is really important guys. i am gonna argue about it!!!
  12. my brother and i played zelda with our dad and we had a giant piece of grid paper that we used to map out the overworld and all of its secrets basically, we constructed our own guide
  13. all songs are good yami you just haven't listened to them enough
  14. My site has video game remixes and also a forum. In the forum on my site, people can discuss video games, music, and other things as well.
  15. I think the issue was more that it says June 27-28 in the title, while people actually met up on the 26th. As Moseph said.
  16. I can't come tonight. Friday is D&D night. I probably can't come tomorrow either. My fiancée is getting in after being in DC for a week. Sunday should be good though.
  17. Wait, are we meeting today or tomorrow?
  18. man, i hate driving around downtown, but i guess there's no way around it
  19. budweiser tour is only worth it if everyone's over 21 (and even then, it's not all that exciting)
  20. Wrong forum. n.b. This thread was posted in Off Topic for those who are confused after it is moved.
  21. the first post made it seem like basic will not be available in america in any form
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