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Mak Eightman

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Everything posted by Mak Eightman

  1. I had same problem when i came here. Now I'm pleased with my sound. Strong, powerful and loud. Guitar - 200$ Yamaha ERG 121 USB interface JamVOX - 200$ for new DoD mix I used Boss Me-25 - 200$
  2. I started to upgrade my Harvest November. It will be finished later this week)
  3. I tried to find Contra Hard Corps covers and found AMT's wip. Pretty old wip at that moment, AMT's name was Death by Spoon. After few pages of google lurking, I found connection between DeathbySpoon and OCR. So here i am now.
  4. That was one of my favorite! I still fighting my favorite boss ever sometimes. Stage 20! I was in love with that bitch when i was a kid8-O This game has only two modes: super easy and SUPER HARD! Actually super easy level not so easy) This game took few days from my childhood:sleepdepriv:
  5. Oh i forgot russian is a spam language) Thank you!
  6. This thing appears(and don't disappears) in top right. I have a visitor message on my profile marked as "Moderated massage" What is that mean? Not a big deal, but this thing(top right) kinda annoying) thanks in advice!
  7. Здорово? хД

  8. How they choose a winner? Is there any voting or something?
  9. I realized my turning point is right now. Sound design. Any time I get new gear/soft/instrument, i'm trying to understand how is it work/sounds/sit in the mix and why. So, I had lot of turning points. -first guitar -first amp(created by me) -first "daw"(CoolEdit pro 2 - Adobe Audition) -first amp-mic records -magix daw -new guitar -amplitube(first) -OCR -Addictive Drums -bass guitar -first OCR project(still in progress xD) -new magix daw -First guitar gear -new synth -new guitar -new synth(etc) -orchestra -guitar processor I hope "turning points" will be endless
  10. For some reason i think the only problem is compression. You don't have to cut lows to much. I'd say cut below 60Hz is nuf for kick. But you have to check other instruments freqs(guitar). Probably guitars conflicting with kick drum and bass somewhere around 120Hz(maybe 80-250Hz). Try to turn off ALL compressors. Then listen how it works. Feel the different. I prefer to mix my stuff without master compressor. When I satisfied with mix I master it. Then i fix conflicting freqs, giving needed freq priority to needed instrument(rhythm guitars don't need lot of stuff below 90Hz(120) in my case). Other words, I simply giving exact freq to exact instrument. Kick - 80hz and 4-8kHZ Snare - 100-250hz And 4-8kHz Guitars - 90-120hz and around 4khz(depends of amp). ETC. Freqs I don't need, I cut till compression and loudness get in right place. Specific stuff) Try to find that different with/without compressor. It'll help. I'm sure. SFME! edit: I had a great mixed track once, which was destroyed by compressor closer to end of the track. Why? Because of ONE SINGLE hit on Crash cymbal! I turned down hit power just a little bit(very very very little bit) and mix back to normal. Be careful with compressors)
  11. few years ago i thought exactly the same. Nothing changed. I'll back to this when I get home Edit: Overcompression. Upfront bass - borrowed drums. Overall i think if you check your kick drum you'll understand what cause overcompression. Too long sustain, too much lows plus compressor(master?) ruin your sound scape. Other then that it's a great stuff!!! I'm loving it!
  12. Hi! Change my name to "Mak Eightman" plz! I think it's time now) Thanks! edit: THANK YOU!
  13. Great project! Great people! Awesome tracks and energy! I proud to be part of this community and one of BadAsses:<
  14. When I checked the site first time it was ok. Now I see same as Dusk.
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