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Mak Eightman

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Everything posted by Mak Eightman

  1. No. I never played/saw/heard any game which can make me cry. mostly I'm laughing, other cases - i don't care.
  2. Nice one! I like it! despite itsa fake Drums panned left, hat panned right.. Why? Overall, too muddy. Your rhythms has to much in Highs. Cut everything after 12kHz, boost 80-250Hz, drop a bit 500Hz, then listen what to fix. Leads has the same sound scape as rhythms(sounds like same tone), this is bad. It is your main muddy source. Change tone for leads(amp, cab), well, just mess with your amp's knobs. Also i'd suggest to play with picks switcher(if passive) for lead. wait.. shreddage.. forget about everything I said.
  3. Wow! Tekken 3 has soundtrack8O I like this bass, could work. And.. all I can shred is a skirt or underwear. Any other guitarist from wip forum can play leads better then me) I can play rhythm.. NOT even chords) I can help with other things.
  4. At last I had invitation! Played. as Rubick. Dota 2.... sucks:cry: I better get back to first one.
  5. I like it! Now I can try to learn retro-mega-reverberation technique from WillRock or orchestration from Archangel, or dubstep from someone! maybe even chiptunes Run it now! Noob in wait!
  6. Mostly, I don't listen games osts for this purpose. Lot of other stuff still exist in this world, like Takanashi Yasuharu and Motokura Hiroshi, so as and lot of bands(so as and myself:mrgreen:). But sometimes I love to listen Golden Axe 3, Spaltter House 2,3 and Guilty Gear XX
  7. Try McVaffe, Jayson Litrio, Seduction or Scaredism(ask OA), also Diggi Dis. OCR filled by them actually.
  8. I'd suggest you to find someone who can make piano sections for you, to replace that lead synth. Also, I want to ask.. Any place for heavy rhythm? Could work in some sections. Overall, you have a source's body, i think. When you'll add original sections(Bass solo, Sax vs Guitar solo, piano leads with female choir background), you'll have 25% Max for source.. NO'ed:pretzel: Let's do it!!
  9. First of all, you need to add link to the source:<
  10. Believe me, you do not want to know her. Stories? Once she screwed me with vocals, collab with Brent for "Descent" remix died and it's dust flying somewhere around my hard drive as a result. Also she killed one of my best remixes I ever could made. Still, at the begining of my mixing path she helped me a lot. Dunno how, I just felt that in her reviews. Well.. damn.. She is awesome person! with a cool but?? nice SFME
  11. I'm "mak-if" at KNGI

  12. Hi. I get "kinda" invitation from Joker. As I understand, he is gone for a while, so I contact you.. He offered me to take a part in your guys project with this: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=40171

    Sorry for bothering and for my english, I just want to know what should I do now? Forget or participate?

  13. As I know, deadline somewhere in December. still need tracks(like about 50-57). One track was "accepted". Last contact was somewhere in April, if i recall correctly. No more information I have.
  14. Thanks, for feedback guys! Gar, drums are off, obviously. All I need is lvl fix and proper freqs cut, to make it fit to rhythm guitars. I tried to integrate this stupid organ to mix and forgot about drums) Parallel compression is a cool thing, but not for me and not for my drums) It's "kinda" there already. Thanks for advice, but I'm using this trick since I get AD)
  15. Thats why I said: "FAIR":< Yamamoto's words made some sense to this "remake". Thanks Kyle! As I said before: "I'm sad". Hoping for aggressive-heavy-electronic-metal ost, mecha-cyberpunk hardcore battle madness, I get "Batmanty Slear".
  16. Made it for game(in progress) ost. http://soundcloud.com/mak-eightman/corrupted-dream What do you think? And if someone tell me what is the genre this track, i'll be very happy! thank YOU! sorry for my english
  17. Source: RMX: http://soundcloud.com/mak-eightman/oblivion Overall finished. I don't know what to do with organ. It sounds bad. Any tips, critics or whatever are WELCOME!!! thanks!
  18. Fair. If you never played original. Well, looks like i'm simple hater.
  19. Well, mostly because of "fun factor" and some things in game play I said Metal Slug cover.. As I can see, ppl around youtube separated. Haters, fans and neutral. I can't say I'm neutral, but not a hater or fan. I'm just sad.
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