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Mak Eightman

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Everything posted by Mak Eightman

  1. I have this problem with my Vox(same as pod). In my case its because of JamVox driver. I have old version(XP) installed to Windows 7. Sometimes I see that blue thing you talking about. edit: read the text at blue screen. It my be the same thing I have. Try to update your soft(if you didn't).
  2. Glad to be part of this!! Thanks to all of you!!
  3. At last!! SOR project! I'd say i wanna participate.. But I'm kinda confused with direction. Should my mix "sounds" like 80-90s or should it.. I mean its a free-genre project or what? .. Dusk you probably heard two of my BA2 tracks.. Something "alike" is NOT acceptable? Thanks!
  4. I've been waiting for this thread!! x) Here is my first "good" thing: http://tindeck.com/listen/ookk Made it in 2007. I used old guitar made in USSR(1974) with Amplitube(first) and MM2004 without any knowing how to use all this stuff)) (it has lyrics in Russian).
  5. Dude! I wanted to make this thing for a long time.. But my guitar skills too low for something like this. Here is my vote for BA3:

    Hope you like it as much as I do)


  6. Hey Boss... I have to say.. you used the OLD version of my mix... Glad to be in that list anyway!!! Thanks!
  7. Congrats man!

    They posted it! AT LAST!

  8. I use master limiter at -0.2 or 0db Also max point to all tracks in the mix close to 0db. Drums and guitars(rhythm) works at same position. 0db After this i don't have to use lot of compression(-0.8 or -1.8db "IN" and 0db OUT) to the mix. I don't have to use limiter/compressor if i cut freqs in "right direction"(depends of sound i want to get at the end). Actually this question kinda specific imo. You should find your own way. SFME
  9. Hi!) Note: I'm talking about production only Can't say anything useful about drums compression, so try Timaeus's offer.. I'd suggest to boost freqs at 90-130Hz and cut rest of the lows for kick drum. Also boost 3kHz.. After you can try to boost 80-90Hz for bass "guitar".. Too much highs for snare(or could be reverb issue).. Just my opinion. Hi-hat could sound more better and clear if you pan it to R/L. Overall.. same common problem.. Too much reverberation. My advice.. Build your mix with no reverberation. Cut it out. This will help you to understand "Freq-Instrument" dependence. When you understand how it works you can create as crazy amount of reverb as you want)) At least it helped me. At this moment no matter what you do, your mix will sound crowded/unclear. Mostly because of reverberation(90% i'd say). I hope someone will give you more constructive advice. SFME p.s. delayed guitars? making your mix more noisy at this moment when you use this trick with such reverberation imo.. p.p.s. theres one trick.. you can replace reverberation effect with delay..........
  10. Hi!! I want to thank you!! That was kinda unexpected.. I'm honored!!

    Thanks! Lot of thanks! I'll keep working and improving(hopefully)

    Thanks again!

  11. Hi Boss!! Lvl-up remix passed.. Unbelievable!!! with such source :D

    Thanks for your guidance Man!! Lot of thanks!!

  12. Just wanna say. I'm almost done with my source. I'll send it tomorrow to Metal Man. I hope..
  13. Have to disagree..Take all you have and mix it together. Length... Make some breakdown, lead section(maybe 3 for each style). Create leading variations of main melody(make'em hard to recognize). I know, I said nothing useful. But your wip sounds like quick tip, just to remember direction you wanted to go with this. In other words, you asking someone compose it for you. At least it looks like for me. Use your imagination, cause you can compose it. Sorry if you felt bad. SFME
  14. Music: Finish Double Dragon 3 RMX for proj to take two more sources - 60% Done Find another familiar game's rmx project and join - 0% Done Find familiar game's rmx and give some feedback - 0% Done Finish "Battle City" RMX and submit - 45% Done Find some strength to finish 3 original albums I already started - 1.5891% Done Improve guitar skills - 3% done Learn electronic stuff - 1% Done Life: Get some weight - 0% Done Same... Cause it's 5 years - 65% Done Learn English - 15% Done Learn German - 0.3% Done Learn something - 1.1% Done
  15. I think after I hear this stuff I'll bother you with lot of questions...
  16. Pm'd btw. I think someone who knows something about classical music should check Sorceress Noiram source. It sounds familiar. Talking about OCR standards. SFME
  17. Sounds cool man! Some mixing polish and its perfect!

    Sorry can't give you any feedback. My ears died few moths ago.

    But master compressor won't help without proper balance and mix.

    Some freqs still fighting each other.

  18. Halloween came to my country too late.. I'm too old and too busy
  19. Voted! Well done guys! I'm not sure is this allowed, still I have some impression I'd like to share about some mixes: "Ghosts on a Disco Train" has some pretty nice quality bass line "Mother of Abominations" has some interesting instrumentation "Gloomy Glow" should be more careful working with drums/bass. Loved piano part "Sepulchro Regum" is great, but some instruments need more attention(brasses, string except intro). Choir.. I want to know what was that! Also I wonder, where is Garpocalypse and Syllix?
  20. I have some net connection issues, so I say it here. Expanded version of my source(Stevo heard it) was accepted to BadAss2 project as finished. I hope Stevo can show it to you. Is it possible to have one track in two projects?
  21. Thanks for the links/advice guys! So now I get it. All I need for start is Zebra and/or FM8 I'd say Toxic BioHazard also has some potential. The reason of question was simply to understand. After playing with Bitmachine and toxic, I think I get it. I love the discussion! It's .. fun I wanna hear it!
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