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Mak Eightman

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Everything posted by Mak Eightman

  1. Well, yeah. For some reason this game made me sad. It looks like "Metal Slug" cover. Game speed even lower then Metal Slug's. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf2XFtPc2es&feature=related Some weird chars... wtf? Bahamut? He was a good guy? Krystal? She remind me someone else. Samurai chick? Twisted hair blond biker... Is that Fang? Still, I liked the opening Overall, I'm sad. Toooooo anime-like(i like it but it's to Guilty Gearish). Looks like mixture of Batman, guilty gear and any anime from 80's. Soundtrack... Whyyyy? Why same old Contra covers, why Daisuke Ishiwatari?? Whyyyy? Not saying I don't like GG ost. But pleas.. NOT for HARD CORPS! One good thing(probably) is the storyline. Not sure it much related to original series, still something. What do you think? Am I simple hater or this is NOT "Hard Corps"?! Not anymore... sorry for my english
  2. Glad you like it man! But I'm still kinda confused. My leads? To simple. I'm sure you could do much more better(remember the ending!) Also I was surprised about lead synth. I thought it will be difficult to recover it. But that was easy:???: Gar:mrgreen: You have a very weak ears "Rammstein", "Oomph!" and "Pain" raised me as a guitarist, they using this amp. It has a boosted mids and sounds amazing in drop D and lower. Rammstein mostly making low-mid boost and mid cut. Oomph! - low-mid cut, then EQ low-mid boost Pain - low cut, mid-high cut, then mid boost by distortion pedal. This German AMP is amazing) This is the third track I used it! And I'm happy:mrgreen: edit: I have net lags for about month. Now you know.
  3. "Mak Eightman" will be fine)

  4. So how about send me mine Harvest November back boss?? I kinda missing about that remastered version... )

  5. Damn. I was working on Strange Medicine and realized that its Obsession. fuck. stupid me
  6. Dunno about SSD, but he gave me preset for AD. It was VERY useful! So yeah, Addictive Drums from my side. I wanna try also Superior Drums, someday.
  7. I'll try Strange Medicine or Black Soup, maybe....soon...maybeeee p.s. Roz, could you pleas give me last version of Harvest November, that I gave you before(mp3)? I lost most of my files after sys crash.
  8. Yeah.. Already did, couple days ago. Waiting is sucks. Still, thanks.
  9. I know this is a stupid question.. How can I get DOTA2? I'm still playing 6.72:whatevaa:
  10. This album has not much tracks. If you want to make it really cool, all of the tracks must pass the panel. I don't want to harm this album. Loss quality is not good. Not OCR quality? - Get lost! This is my opinion. I suggested to open my source, he did that. Anything else?
  11. Made it for LoM Project, but didn't pass judges panel. So I banned myself from the project. Here it is: http://soundcloud.com/mak-eightman/mak-eightman-feat-brent Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqqTFqYLjMg
  12. I'm good in recognizing the frequencies. I can hear them all. I'm bad at the rest of music process. Ppl think I'm good at music process. I like recording live instruments(again and again, and again...) I hate to make music, cause it's boring:<
  13. Just wanted to say "To The Sea" was shamefully NO'ed:mrgreen: Thanks DA:razz:
  14. Thats why I tried to understand WHAT actually they need. I'll make my track(when I find out wtf is wrong with my comp) and give it to Stevo or "WHO"(?), if they reject it, fine. I'll find another place to submit it, i'm sure. btw! Meteo! cool drums:<
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