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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. The violin in this is to die for, and the vocals aren't far behind. Amazing piece, kate, absolutely stunning.
  2. LOL. I loved it when Naughty Bear shoved the blue bear into the cake mixer. Priceless. It actually looks pretty funny. Dunno about gameplay though.
  3. Oh God. I have a feeling this game will spawn an internet meme. Also, I'm wondering why there's only three playable characters, if there's four badass shark babes. Does one just swim around looking badass and making sharky... I mean, snarky... comments?
  4. Oooh, Moribito, I'd totally forgotten about that series. I can second that recommendation.
  5. Impressive.
  6. I'm thinking this guy is a spammer.... Just a thought.
  7. I'll fifth? sixth? the votes for Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, which was what got me into "adult" anime and has kept my interest since. (And by adult, I mean more mature than Pokemon, not, y'know, adult films kind of adult.) Or at least, both series were amazing; I wasn't that fond of the movies, but then again I watched them both at like three in the morning and was half-asleep, so eh. But yeah. GITS:SAC is a definite must-see, especially if you like getting philosophical and psychological before each serving of ass-kicking. But I'll also caution you, and I think someone else already said this: You're going to HATE the Tachikomas. Samurai Champloo (which I never got to finish), Black Lagoon (which I saw a total of one episode of), and Cowboy Bebop are also great choices.
  8. I'm having a viewing party at my house... that will consist solely of me.
  9. I think the top five or six are definitely shoo-ins at this point - especially Phoenix Wright. Can't wait to see who our new mascots are!
  10. I'mma sit here, drink a limeade while eating a slice of key lime pie, and listen to it. Congrats on a successful completion, too!
  11. My votes: 1. Zidane 2. Red from Pokemon 3. Kefka
  12. I get the same feeling all the time... like they intentionally release substandard products just so they can milk us twice when they release the version they should've in the first place six months later. But then, I'm a touch paranoid.
  13. I wouldn't go that far, Bahamut, although I would agree that I wasn't that impressed with what they've got so far as far as Sorcery - five spells, plus items, whoopty-doo. But let's say they eventually get up to 50+ spells, and possibly dabble in other magic as well - Alchemy (if you consider that a form of magic), Summoning, maybe some Lycanthropy (again, if you consider that magic) or Telekinetic stuff - and you could have a halfway decent game on your hands, especially considering how convoluted and wonderfully tactical the spell combination could get with that many spells. Create a giant fireball and hit it with a sonic wave to create a miniature explosion from across the room, combine a tidal wave with an icy attack and then hit that with your basic magic bolt to create a massive rain of ice shards, combine a lightning bolt with a rain attack and high winds to scatter electrically-charged bullets every which direction... it could easily be a great deal of fun, if they did it properly. Of course, they'd need to back up its release date to fit all that in... and make it a slightly more mature-oriented game, because it seems to be aimed at the Harry Potter kid/tween/teen crowd at the moment. As it stands now, I have to agree, it's more gimmickry than substance.
  14. That's a pretty good one, you ask me.
  15. Also, what about songs with pre-existing lyrics that can fall into other categories, for example Kingdom Heart's "Simple and Clean" which can be considered J-Pop?
  16. Seconded, wholeheartedly.
  17. Yeah. It was their big reveal for the 3DS.
  18. Have to say that Portal 2 and Twisted Metal were good surprises, definitely. ...still ticked off that Final Fantasy XIV is going to be an MMORPG, though. GIMME BACK MY RPGS, SQUARE ENIX, YA BASTIDS! I dunno. I guess the last half hour or so made up for, like, 10% of the rest of the press conference. But 4-5 B-rolls of clips from upcoming games without really showing them to us, mostly automated demos, and a disunified presentation still sunk the boat in my opinion.
  19. I caught that too. I almost died laughing until I realized just how sad that was. Suffice it to say I'm underwhelmed by Sony's presentation this year. 40 minutes of "this is what makes the Sony Move cool, dude" with little gaming evidence to back it up did nothing for me.
  20. They're "making the PSP a large part" of their strategy to "move forward"? Ballsy. And possibly a big mistake.
  21. The WiiParty was a huge flop, I thought. Especially to me, seeing as my first thought when they were playing the demo was, "Hey, that looks like Mario Party except with Wiis!" Aside from that, though, a very strong showing. Sony'll have to really come out with some surprises to come close to matching it.
  22. Agreed. And they definitely did a good job of returning to their core following without ignoring the need for so-called "casual games," although some of what they showed... Nintendogs... ugh. *shivers*
  23. OH HELL IT CAN EAT PEOPLE! RUN! In all seriousness, though, yeah, it sounds like the vast majority of their concentration is now on the 3DS.
  24. KID. FRICKIN. ICARUS. Sweet.
  25. Yeah, nothing that was shown by Microsoft today really impressed me all that much, either. Even Kinect didn't impress me, and won't until you can do much more than just stand in place and bob around while playing lame arcade games, doing yoga, or petting the equivalent of a 360-generation Digipet. Although the Star Wars game for it did get me excited for all of 3 or 4 seconds, I'll admit, until I really started looking at it. Here's definitely hoping Sony and Nintendo have something great to show us tomorrow. Especially Sony, because I have a bad feeling the majority of theirs will be basically, "Hey, so, here's what Sony Move can do that is the exact same kind of stuff that Wii and Kinect can do."
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