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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. Might and Magic 7 had some less-than-stellar tracks, it's true, but one of the ones that really stood out to me when I played it was this piece, played when the player's party enters one of the dozen burial crypts scattered throughout the region of the Barrow Downs. It's a great, sad atmospheric piece, and the melody (from 0:09 on till 2:30 in the link provided) is beautiful - particularly once the upswell hits around 1:54. I believe a lot could be done with it - even extracting the melody from the background would probably provide a jumping off point - and would love to see something done with it, if anyone would like to.
  2. Been watching TheGuitahHeroe in the workshop for a while, now, and I'm ecstatically happy that he's finally made it on OCR - it's good to see all the work he's been putting in over there come to fruition. Congrats man - looking forward to seeing you front page even more. As to the mix, it's a great multilayered piece, AND it's Pokemon (albeit not from the main series). 'nuff said.
  3. The only real issue I can come up with on it is that the pan flute-ish instrument still sounds mechanical (at least at the beginning, for sure). Aside from that, it's really great so far - I love the source and what you've done with it, and look forward to the final product.
  4. Pretty good mix, really enjoyed the parts with "The Oath" woven in... although strangely enough, my favorite parts of the remix were all the little moments hiding in the background, behind the lead.
  5. I can definitely second the request for Antipyretic. It's a simply stunning piece, one that truly brings home a large part of the story of Tactics, and deserving of lots of attention - although almost the entire soundtrack is deserving, in my opinion. In fact, there was another song from Tactics I always thought would go well in a remix with it, but I can't remember which off the top of my head; if I do, I'll post it. Under the Stars, Remnants, Night Attack, Ovelia's Worries, and, yes, Memories are all really deserving of remixing, too, I think.
  6. Easily one of my favorite mixes made by Nutritious, and a favorite from the album, as well. It's in almost all of my playlists. Simply amazing.
  7. If it's even half as good as the books, count me colored ecstatic.
  8. Methinks the release date listed here is what he was referring to.
  9. Love, love, LOVE the groove you've got going here - spectacular. Well done.
  10. Seconded, wholeheartedly. There's so much energy in this that it's hard not to tap your toes or fingers or something along with it. Also, the combined parts didn't overwhelm me in the slightest with a wall of sound, which is usually my complaint with metal of any kind. Great work, look forward to your next mixpost!
  11. Definitely get the tenseness coming through; I was on the edge of my seat, waiting to see where the song went next. Loved at 2:08 when the song sort of steps back and then gradually works its way back in, and the strings are truly beautiful. One of my favorite mixes of Shariq's, and that's saying something.
  12. Simply a beautiful piece. I will be playing and re-playing it for the rest of today, no question about it.
  13. Smooth, chill, ambient... solid gold work here, Radiowar.
  14. Wow. Impressive track list - it's looking pretty good! Exciting.
  15. Congrats to the album team on the release! As to the track, LOVE the dark atmospheric thing it's got going on. The strings sort of "sounding in the dark" is my favorite part of it, by far. Very contemplative, very cool.
  16. A wonderfully lovely and thoughtful piece. Normally, I'd probably pass on something like this just because of the primacy of the piano in it, but I definitely dig the instrumentation in this one - just beautiful, and still good five years later.
  17. One of my best childhood movie memories. Seconded.
  18. Wow. Amazing stuff, so much crammed into such a short two minute timespan, I'm on my third listen-through and still hearing stuff I missed the first two times. My only complaint, to echo DJ and Brandon, is too short - I was so into it that I wanted more, more, more.
  19. The cover art is just beautiful. Kudos.
  20. Easily my favorite OCRemix. I can listen to it all day and not get bored. The first 2:20, in particular, is amazing.
  21. Unsurprisingly, Nutritious delivers yet again. This isn't my favorite of his mixes, but it'll definitely be ranked near the top. Great work.
  22. Just discovered this track. Great atmospheric piece, really dark and mellow - I can't stop listening to it. Spot on.
  23. Freaking badass, as is usual for both remixers - loved it, got it looped now. I'm on my way over to the album's homepage to listen to the rest of the preview album now (after a few more repetitions of this track, anyway.)
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