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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. Yeah... sorry about that. My father's entire side of the family dropped into town to visit for a week, and I haven't seen them in a decade, so... I kinda lost track of time, for the most part. Anyway. Hey Hobo, get me approved on the forums so I can start helping to orgamanize!
  2. This is a sad day indeed. Gary Coleman, you will be missed - 42 is too young to die.
  3. ! I hadn't even noticed I won, lol! Thanks for the heads-up, lemme go find an image.

  4. Subspace Continuum. It's an old multiplayer top-down shooter. A touch cheesy, and it's lost 50% of its online pop in the last two years, but for a free game, not bad. Also, Vagrant Story.
  5. Wow, just... wow. Great work there, KB! I actually spent about five hours looking for those tracks (which tells you how much I suck at finding music files online), as well as a couple of other battle themes I could've sworn were in the game but couldn't find, before I gave up and figured we should just go with the OST; but if anyone wanted to remix those as well, that'd be great, we can make them bonus tracks or some such. Shirley's, Vellweb, and The Valley were actually three of my favorites from the game, so I'd love to see them given attention.
  6. That's a very valid point, as well.
  7. Nah, I halfway expected Treno to be an early catch too - it's got a good, catchy tune. But that doesn't always make it good remixing material, I guess. *shrugs* If only I had any remixing skills, lol.... I, too, have spread the word, and have created excitement with a handful of people.
  8. Blew my freakin' mind, especially the Mexican Hat of +1 Dance reference.
  9. Lol. Well, sorry, but I figured I should snag my namesake since it's my first Boss Month and all. But you're definitely welcome to use him next year. ;-)

  10. Happy birthday, my good fellow! Enjoy yourself!
  11. Mmm... the closest I can think of coming to that would be to subscribe to the related threads, at least for projects. Several remixers also have their own sites, which you might be able to subscribe to or something; I'm too lazy to go check how they've set up their sites. I'm sure someone else'll be along shortly with a much better idea.
  12. Not to be a naysayer or anything, but doesn't FFIV have Rydia roaming around here somewhere? I could swear I see her in her adult form all the time. And also, I'd love to see Ashley Riot as well as you, K.B., I just didn't think they could find a decent enough image. EDIT: I'll be darned. I went and checked, and you're right. Ok, I can also back up a vote for Cecil, then.
  13. In addition to my previous submissions, I'd like to second this as well.
  14. Or maybe goddamn Team Rocket keeps thinking they're fossils and steals them.
  15. *Dart Feld and/or Rose from Legend of Dragoon. (I KNOW no one's going to agree with that one, but it had to be said.) *Locke and/or Celes from Final Fantasy 6. *Ramza Beoulve and/or Agrias Oaks from Final Fantasy Tactics. *Zidane and/or Princess Garnet from Final Fantasy 9. Yeah, my suggestions are admittedly Final Fantasy heavy. *shrugs* Take 'em if you want, I don't much care... although I really do think Zidane'd be a good choice.
  16. Make him a second one, by 4:00 p.m. tomorrow, fully completed. Also, a sammich. Make him one of those too.
  17. C'mon, people, step it up!
  18. Your signature is just... just... wow. I love it and am petrified by it at the same time. Awesomeness. :-)

  19. Yeah, well, it'll take more than their pathetic attempts to rile me up. :-) As it was, they barely annoyed me.

  20. Possible bot, ghost331. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=29310 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=29311
  21. I have to say, the discussion of the chastity of mothers in the decision thread literally made my day 500% better. Thank you for this laugh. As to the song... well, it was definitely awesome, although I have to agree with Palpable and say I didn't think it was Seb's best yet. But it, too, also made my day a lot better, and for that I thank him and OCRemix. Definitely worth a listen.
  22. Happy birthday, JadeMaelie, may the dolphins not molest you as you go about your business today.
  23. Heh. The funny thing was, if they had come to me and said up front, "Look, we feel that you're being a suck-up," or "We're offended by your posting style," I would've been more than happy to have had a civil discourse with them about it, even though I think those are stupid reasons to have issues with someone - especially when they're not true, as the former is not. But derailing a thread in order to attack me just didn't sit well with me. -_-

  24. That's an interesting point, that I've never noticed. I wonder why that is. You'd think they'd try something different, like maybe some sort of Sunkern-esque seed that evolves into a sapling with legs and then into a massive redwood with legs AND arms, or something. Lmao. Agreed on the Barbecue.
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