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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. Lovin' the preview - I'm just sorry I missed the Secret of Evermore track. But, I will hear it soon enough, I guess.
  2. It's been doing it to me for about two months now, too, at least in Chrome. Haven't paid attention to whether it does it in Firefox too though. I meant to make a mention of it, but I guess it slipped my mind. And it doesn't really bother me all that much, which probably also contributed to my failure to mention it - honestly, I usually just click on the menu heading before it even has time to register. Oh, and I'm on a widescreen laptop as well... but it was fine for the first few months that I viewed it on this laptop. It really just started doing it sometime around mid November - late October-ish. EDIT: Just occurred to me, I remember it starting right after the front video got changed to something new. Maybe the source of the problem stems from there. SECOND EDIT: Just checked for you - the drop menu is on top like it's supposed to be when using Firefox, so maybe that'll help.
  3. This is something that's been bugging me ever since I noticed, while doing remixes for the remix drive last month, that one of the Pokemon remixes I reviewed - I think it was Argent Vexemon, although don't hold me to that - was listed as Silver in one place and Gold in another. I like the solution posed by the Damned though.
  4. I'd noticed this a while back too, and had wondered the same thing. No idea, but I'd be interested to know too.
  5. Congrats to all three of you deserving people!
  6. Nice! I had wondered whatever happened to this mix - I loved it so much in the WIP boards, and it's so good to hear the final, polished version at last. Can't find a single flaw at all with what Nutritious created here; major props.
  7. This jogged my memory of the question that came to my mind on reading the original post: What ABOUT solo projects (i.e. things along the lines of Sonata of the Damned)? Will those be allowed to remain completely private, or will they have to have their game announced, as well? Just curious. And I like this policy, a lot - for those of us who wait patiently for the release of albums, it gives us more to look forward to.
  8. This is excellent news.
  9. Hmm. This is useful. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/115084-New-Google-Chrome-Extension-Reveals-SOPA-Supporters
  10. Hard to say, without knowing what their IPO (the original price of the stock when first placed on the market) was valued at, or without some reference points as to the value in past months/years. (If their IPO was $10/share, for instance, that's completely different than if it was $50/share. Same with the value of previous months.) I'll see if I can look up price points from the last few years and get a feel for how they're doing... for curiosity's sake if nothing else.
  11. Disappointing, but not surprising: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/115025-ESA-Refuses-To-Pull-SOPA-Support
  12. If I had even the slightest bit of skill at remixing, I would totally help out with this initiative - it's something that's been bugging me for a while too, as some of my favorite game music (Descent, Might and Magic 6-7, Magic Carpet to name a few sources) is from games on the pc. As it is, I'll just wish you all the best of luck and hope to see your tracks on the front page soon.
  13. Lol Brandon. Seriously, though, gotta agree - OCR 2011 was awesome, and having several of the albums in particular to anticipate gave me something tangible to look forward to at a few points in my life that were pretty bleak this year. Thanks for all the music and community of this last year, and all the years before too, OCRemix. EDIT: Btw, hilarious sig, Brandon, very nice.
  14. Nicely done. I feel bad I got way too busy there right after the second form showed up and didn't do even a fifth of the reviews I meant to do. :-/ Stupid holiday season. Oh well. I'll do them anyway eventually.
  15. Then it's perfect as is. AHHHH. Okay - THAT source I'd heard in there, I was just too tired at the time to make the connection between it and the cutscene. Sorry - just came off a 12-hour shift, lol. Well, that drives my already high opinion of the arrangement up. Kudos. EDIT: Err, actually, once I thought about it, "Ruined Celes" IS the name for that cutscene's music - (see here). I don't know how the heck I mixed things up in my head and somehow transposed "If You Still Believe" in there. Lol. I guess I should go to bed before I type anything else as dumb, because obviously exhausted Melbu Frahma cannot read original posts very well. Apologies.
  16. Whoa. I really like what you've done with "Ruined Celes" here, and a lot of the sound choices - particularly the string that comes in around 0:35 - are really great. As a huge fan of the LoD soundtrack, this was a great, surprise treat for me to find in the workshop forums. I'll definitely be interested to hear the "concept album" when it's done. Constructive criticism: Can't give you much, as I never was much of a musician let alone arranger, but let's see... the sound that comes in at 0:55 felt really out of place to me with its first note; the notes that came after were okay, but something about the first note didn't gel quite right. Also, I didn't hear all that much of "If You Still Believe," which I assume is the "song from the opening cutscene" you were referring to, in it - it could be you were arranging an odd section of the song that I wasn't really noticing, though. Great stuff as it is, though. Can't wait to hear it after you're done making changes.
  17. The presents were all awesome, Fishy. In particular the last two have me very excited, but they all do, honestly. Can't wait to hear the full thing!
  18. I'd like that too.
  19. One of my favorite tracks off of the album; I love the dark, mysterious atmosphere that it creates, appropriate for the first "dungeon" of the game, and the feeling of being lost among trees in the high grass with poisonous Pokémon circling all around. The percussion wasn't absolutely perfect, but wasn't nearly bad enough to bother me, and the intriguing, layered arrangement more than made up for any weakness in the instruments. Overall, a truly excellent track.
  20. Mistaken Love?
  21. This. Also, the possibility of the inclusion of the raid against the Necromancer and the meeting of the White Council has got me excited, although I know (if it's shown) it'll probably tick off some purists. And of course, I'm curious to see how the advances in CGI affect the films, compared to The LotR.
  22. Think it was Mirror 3. Could just be a bad individual d/l though - I just d/led from 2 and it worked just fine. (Sorry, should've checked the other mirrors before I declared it glitched. ) So it could've easily been an interrupted d/l that I didn't catch or something.
  23. The .zip folder glitched on me, as well. And when I went for the individual tracks, everything after Effrontery Escape links to a download of Effrontery Escape, lol. Oh well. I'll content myself with the disc and a half of music before 2-05 that is working, and wait for the rest to be fixed. In the meantime, congratulations to everyone who worked so hard on this project to see it to its fruition!
  24. Amazing, amazing piece - truly captures the western, desert feel while maintaining an epic overtone. Great guitar work, and loved the whistle ending - perfect way to end the piece, imho. Major kudos to Stevo.
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