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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. I hope he doesn't, but I felt like I have to say something. copyright law is ever-so-slightly limited and allows some leniency, such as using 30 seconds OR 10% of a music clip is allowed. My bad.
  2. damnit, this means it'll have to be done soon, doesn't it? Fine. @perfecto57 I'll talk to Brushfire real soon, and hopefully we get this off the ground. In the meantime, do any of you have any ideas for a theme or direction to take such an album (if it were to be done)?
  3. is that Nickolas Cage in your signature?

  4. Pretty old in comparison, but HOLY SHIT Someone doesn't know their copyright laws.
  5. this BRUSHFIRE WE GOTTA TALK DUDE! owait save that for PM
  6. Hey Breadmania, I know that the thread is closed now, but I hope you understand that you need to start posting on the Workshop forums.

    Hope to catch you around the forums!


  7. Congrats on being post #2,000. I guess that's worth some braggin' rights. Good song btw.As for me, "Can't Get Enuff' by Winger. Actually, is the #2,000th post.Kyoto - Skrillex
  8. Skrillex - Breakin' a Sweat [The Doors] from the Bangarang EP very much this also
  9. Actually, downloaded it the other day. Along with ASSiGN ImageLine Pitcher (and the rest of FL10) Fantastic. Just what I needed. Now if I could only figure out how to receate this in SynthEdit, just because I want to...
  10. Welcome to the OverClocked Remix forums! Hope you enjoy your time here!

  11. Well, you have to remember Bahamut, dubstep evolved quite a bit since this track was submitted to OCR. The standards, then and now, are different.
  12. Here, we want you to sign this. Go ahead, it's safe. just don't read it. Hey, look. We'll even pay you. How's- HEY! DON'T READ IT! Yeah, right here. Just right down th- DON'T READ IT DAMNIT! alright. Thanks for signing this. Here's the- OK, STOP TRYING TO READ IT! YOU'VE ALREADY SIGNED IT, SO GET THE F**K OUT!! Thank you for signing this petition. Have a nice day.
  13. Prophetik did a good job, and I'm sure he'll shoot me for a grammatical error somewhere here. Anyway, STOKED FOR THIS. PREPPING BITTORRENT AND BOOSTING BANDWIDTH
  14. I guess it's to make you suffer in some way or another. I dunnno
  15. hmm... maybe someone should make avatars for the remaining albums then? (Rozo should do it!)
  16. Exactly. I morph the idea, but can't get the original idea back
  17. ^ this this Problem is, I get ideas when I can't put them down, or I an unable to return to a certain inspiration later on. (Maybe this is a help thread?)
  18. happy Birthday dude!

  19. [Grammar Nazi] family is dumb [/Grammar Nazi] [/off topic]
  20. ...what do you do first? Whether it's for OCR, or an original work, is there always some part that you write first, without fail? Is there a step that you ALWAYS take?
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