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Chris ~ Amaterasu

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Everything posted by Chris ~ Amaterasu

  1. Hi Emunator, I came across your post. I'm happy to do some string work if you are looking for a violin, I'm around as always hehe
  2. Man, I've been waiting for this one for ages since I heard it. I love this style of music, and the playing, arrangement is catchy and superb. Happy to see it here, and hope to see more =D This is typed before downloading it, I remember that song so well already hahaha
  3. Thanks for the comments guys, really helpful stuff since my ear isn't well trained yet at picking out what percussive elements should be doing in a song. I'm a bit happier with where the percussion sits in the piece now. Playing dk2 again so I can upload a movie of Krem Quay to go along with the song =D Thanks for the comment Rukunetsu =)
  4. Here is my as of yet, un-named remix of Bayou Boogie from DKC2. I tried to intertwined each element and instrument in this mix, sort of using an approach which I learnt more so in chamber music. Update: Ok, I think I'm done with this remix, made a few changes here and there, fixed a few notes that were questionably out of tune, and now I'm just settling on a name before it gets subbed. Will be my first solo sub =o Original http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsbV5mkNLsE Remix http://tindeck.com/listen/cjqh Thanks everyone for your help
  5. Just listened to this, and I really enjoyed it. I really liked the second half, where it finds its groove, but I agree about the piano, I think for the intro to play such a slow melody, you really need a fitting piano sample for it to be expressive. Other than that, good luck when u submit =)
  6. I really enjoy the intro, and felt it was good at setting up a good atmosphere. I thought the strings were panned a bit too much to the left. The only other main thing is that I thought the main melody could be a bit more interesting in terms of tone, but it does fit the atmosphere well I think. Mid way through the song, it'd be nice to see more of a swell from the strings as they hold those longer notes, which is how they would tend to play that section realistically - I think ti would also make that section a bit more expressive. The other thing that stuck out was the abrupt ending. But overall I, really enjoyed the mix as a whole =)
  7. Really enjoyed the performance guys, really great covers so far =)
  8. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed this mix. It's really nice and laid back, a nice listen =)
  9. Been looking out for this one ever since it was on the WIP boards, love all the nice human touches. And that atmosphere with the police sirens, very nice =D
  10. I've used cubase and FL before, but for some reason I prefer audacity =)
  11. I really like this =) I love piano and I love FFVII, if you could get a recording that sounded even better that'd be awesome
  12. Ok, thanks guys for the comments. I'm gonna make a few changes, mostly involving the piano then sub it and see what the judges have to say. It has been great fun making this track and been really educational, so thanks to everyone who commented and gave suggestions. Hopefully in the future I can learn how to mix better and keep on improving my playing and recording =)
  13. Hey, thanks everyone for your replies, I've changed this to mod review. I'm happy to go to the next level in terms of feedback, I've tried to implement most of what was suggested by people to varying levels of success, you guys know too much =D
  14. Awesome to see FFVII get some more love around here, electric guitar really suits 'You can hear the cry of the planet' It's pretty amazing how the ffvii ost can be played in two different ways, good job =)
  15. -End of a nice relaxing day here, Thanks a ton Jared for those suggestions and tips, some really useful stuff. Theres no doubt I can master as well as you, (that track you showed was pretty spectacular) but I've started focusing a bit more on the mixing aspect of things. Theres still things like panning and those special presets which I'm still working with. @Thank you for offering your help, I'll be glad to take it if/when I run into a wall =) -I've also done some improv for bass guitar stuff as suggested that I'll work later =) -Anyway, thanks everyone for the comments, hoping everything is heading in the right direction, for this remix and myself =)
  16. Ok, thanks for the suggestions guys, I've moved the piano down an octave to see how it sounds That Malmsjo Piano is a bit pricey, but when I'm not studying maybe I can get it, for now I'll work with what I've got and see if I can make it work I'll also look into Ozone, I'm still learning how to use music programs let alone plug ins, but I'll try to find out some info about it. It's great to see all these little tips that you guys with a whole world of experience can share =D
  17. Ok thanks for the suggestions guys, I'm looking into all the things mentioned. I think I'm done with the recording side of things, and now am looking at balance, EQ and the the sound quality of the synth involved. Hoping to make the violin sing more, hopefully with a few tweaks I can get it done. It is hard with the E string, it can be too piercing, but if you put too much EQ it just sounds bad =/ @ Jared Hudson, I really like how that piano sounds. I'll try to get a piano that sounds as lovely as that @ DaMonz Thanks for the suggestion, it does sound a like a good name. I'll have a bit of a think about it when all the mastering stuff is done =) I'll work on these finer points over the next couple days then will prob change it to mod review, but keep the suggestions/love/hate coming, happy to hear it all =)
  18. I think this name really suits this song, great name and great playing =D (>^^)> =D <(^^<)
  19. Ok, thanks for the comments guys, I uploaded a new version with a few changes. There are still many things to address that you all rightly pointed out, so I'll get working =D I'll focus more on the synth instruments and see if I can get the timing a bit tighter between synth and real instruments. @ Callum, all the instruments were recorded separately, but I'll see if I can make the tempo really match I'll also see if I can get a chance to record the violin intro bit again that plays with the piano if the house is free, damn violin having no frets >.> Oh yeah, keep the comments coming, even if you hate it. No offence taken, it's pretty much my job description to be grilled =)
  20. -I wanted to share my version of FF7's 'Interrupted by Fireworks', which among many of the FF7 tunes has stuck with me years after playing the game This piece started out as a simple duet, between my violin and guitar now 2 weeks ago, but I kept adding more and more things -This is my second completed remix, and so I've had problems with quality, direction and mastering, but this little project has taught me a lot of things. Special thanks to everyone who contributed ideas/suggestions and to Jared Hudson for giving me some much info on how to make it shine just that little more -In regards to instrumentation, I tried to focus on intimacy and expressiveness to bring out the melody/harmony. -This thread was magically revived for some reason o.o Original 'Interrupted by Fireworks' Thanks DaMonz for naming the remix - awesome name <3 Remix Title: "Interrupted by Another Dream" I hope you enjoy =)
  21. I really love the saga frontier 2 soundtrack, and I'm glad I'm seeing someone tackle it. I liked the transition from the remix to your more original take on it. I only wish that the melody stood out in front while the backing stuff was toned down a bit, but that's just me =) Good work
  22. This is sounding really good Melody, it's an addictive piece to listen to, like the additional piano bits you added/made stick out(would love to hear that piano riff at 1:27-1:28 more though hehe) The percussion sounds a bit better, it still sticks out a bit with the flute solo I think, but it does sound a lot better. Looking forward to learning/recording this piece, the way it's written and the soundscape will really let me rock out =D
  23. Aww, that sucks =( [i also agree with Dj Mokram, maybe this can give some time to polish regardless of posting] It's still an epic remix, so you don't have the cancel the order haha
  24. I like the ambient nature of this piece, very sad and relaxing! I love secret of mana so much, so I'm happy to see a remix of it! The violin synth you have doesn't sound too bad at all, actually it does sound nice. For a violin synth it actually has some nice swell and vibrato moments, even if there isn't as much variation in vibrato speed, but if you want me to give you a acoustic or electric version of the part let me know =)
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