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Chris ~ Amaterasu

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Everything posted by Chris ~ Amaterasu

  1. How strange, I heard this a few days ago on your website and was thinking, it'd prob be an awesome ocremix =) Really like your orchestral work and love how it stays true to the ffv tunes, I didn't warm up to the trills, but really enjoyed it nonetheless (>^^)>
  2. Yeah, thanks for the feedback funkyentropy, I re-recorded a few sections for docnano including that tricky double stop passage, so hopefully it makes the whole thing a bit more solid. We're pretty lucky that when one person absolutely stuffs up a note theres usually a whole army of violins to cover us hehe, =)
  3. I'm enjoying this mix so far, I like your synth choice and the intro sounds strong seeing that it kept me interested Hope you complete it soon =)
  4. -Thanks for the positive feedback guys, I'm glad it sounded together enough that it could be mistaken for being recorded at the same time, even though we are on different continents haha =) -I'm using a condensor mic (ATM350) attached to my chin rest and just recording my bedroom, so we can alter the volume pretty easily. The violin part is really high up so it cuts through all the lower frequencies quite well, so I don't want to drown anything else out. But it's a good idea to go tweak a few things for better balance.
  5. I have/use the AT350 for micing my violin, it's the first and only mic I've used so far. It picks up a lot of the detail which I like, but it is quite quiet and it can pick up breath sounds etc. since it's so sensitive. I can post up some pics and stuff if you want, my one is for use with violin, but I know there is a really similar version of it where you can clip it onto brass instruments.
  6. I enjoyed listening to this, reminded me more of a ffix melody, but yeah enjoyed the mix between orchestra and metal, and quality wise the synths sounded pretty good. The only thing I would say is that the chords that you used could have been more creative to give it a feeling more unique compared to the originals. Also if you are the same guy, thanks for your work on the re-orchestrated ff7 stuff =)
  7. Good idea =) Acoustic Violin ~ First hand 2kish made in the Workshops of Masnik,one of the last things my mother gave me while she was in Kuala Lumpur <3 Electric Violin --> Second hand $550 from an orchestra friend just last week, bought in QLD Acoustic Guitar Washburn d10 --> First hand $340 bought in Melb Love them all very much, the electric is the baby of the family though =) Wish people were giving away free pianos where I lived!
  8. Glad to see someone doing some string quartet stuff. The writing sounds fairly solid, but it is really hard to pull this off with the synth especially when it gets to the more staccato notes and higher pitched notes. Maybe one day I can start a ocremix string quartet and play stuff like this that ppl write =)
  9. I'm liking this quite a bit, downloaded (>^^)> The atmosphere really suits the piece I think, really chill/groovy, I liked the miramba(i think) stuff and the background sound effects. The only thing I'd wish for is more interesting chord changes/progressions in the first half of the piece like the stuff the string section does 3/4 through. Keep it up =)
  10. I like this take on the source, makes it pretty epic =D Liked the cool synth solos and stuff, the only thing is that is was a bit piercing to my ears like that background bit at 57 secs in Nice style =)
  11. the drums really give a nice atmosphere, don't know the track but enjoyed it =)
  12. Haha thanjs Emunator, my convo with you prompted me to try out the Fable remix, looking forward to working more on it! Thanks =D

  13. Thanks Doc Nano for the great feedback, as per usual you have some fantastic suggestions. I changed a few things, some from your suggestions and some from things I also wanted to change. I guess I'll change the status to finished and try to get some more feedback before I move it on to mod review =D I hope it's loud enough without the quality dying
  14. This is my first thread, and wanted to post my first remix here(have to think of a name for it =) I was playing some vgm on my violin the other week and somehow ended up playing a lot of Xenogears so I decided to make it into a remix. Some bits from guitar/violin need tweaking, but most of the ideas are there. Violin/acoustic guitar was done by me, although I don't know how much better I can make the guitar sound atm since I've been learning for under a year, need more practice T_T Feedback is welcomed =) Edit: -Updated 'Final' version, would love some feedback before changing it to mod review =) (Still need a name, if anyone has a stellar one, hit me =D) -Tindeck seems to make the mp3 I uploaded really loud, not too sure why Source http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIF2crvBSDU Remix http://tindeck.com/listen/nddc
  15. Lucky I went down to Melbourne, so instead I got hit with 40+ C/100+ F heat instead haha.

    Nah things are all good here, although heard things are pretty chilly in some places over there! =)

  16. I really like this take on the song, the chill out version suits bayonetta also I think. Also really loving that sax, didn't know a sax could carry that theme so well =)
  17. So many epic piano remixes popping up here, hello also from Australia (eastern side) and hope it gets through =) Love the piano rendition, if anything would like a bit more dynamics, but still loving it!
  18. It could be polished and the theme expanded a bit, but I really liked the atmosphere going and the choice of instrumentation. Would love to hear a finished version =)
  19. Damn docnano, you are seriously talented! I loved it, really love how you are bringing such classical themes to VGM =) The only thing I would love more is if I heard that rendition of the theme at 49secs in just cause I love that theme, good work. Sounds finished already lol (I'll have to get you to play some more amazing piano some time in the future!)
  20. Yeah hope it will be alright, if not then the bass/timing things I'm hearing will be easy to fix if that's what they don't like =) Either way, guess we'll sit tight (>^^)>
  21. Hope it goes through, I was worrying about a few parts and sections, but I'm sure we'll be able to resubmit if it isn't up to scratch, so all the best =)
  22. It's good to see things are nearing the end, can't wait to listen to this project, SD3 is my fav game =D Keep up the good work!
  23. I like the atmosphere in this song, sounds a bit brooding =) Looking forward to a more complete version
  24. Congrats Sole Signal, explains why you haven't replied to my message yet, but you are more than excused =P Those pics looked amazing =)
  25. Happy B-Day Mirby, have a good one =)
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