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Chris ~ Amaterasu

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Everything posted by Chris ~ Amaterasu

  1. It's probably just the sample tbh. In real life a viola section never sounds quite that bright, generally it sound more lush and mellow in nature - but like I said, I like how it sounds and I think it does fit well, so wouldn't change a thing =) I would also second a +1 for having an instrumental version, but yeah - all the best with it =)
  2. Not really, but they sound good and I think they fit the piece =)
  3. Very smooth stuff, enjoyed it! =)
  4. Ok, thanks for that Rozo, lvl99 and everyone else who posted. I ended up finishing this and uploading it(link above), tried to get the balance a bit better =)
  5. Both'he mashes up vgm with dialup modems' and 'many different VGM tracks in there as you want' sounds awesome! Btw, looking forward to seeing how Sabrina's vocals mesh with the rest of your track, it'd be great to see her on ocremix as well as youtube =)
  6. I really loved that piano at the beginning, interesting take on the source, really enjoyed it =) Great work!
  7. It was the section at 2:25 or so lol, but it's all good, I like it =) Yeah live guitars would be awesome =)
  8. Hey I liked this track, cool mix of synth and orchestral stuff and styles. That weird break in the middle thew me a bit, but hey was pretty fun to listen to. I thought the intro bit was a bit repetitive/prolonged, but yeah def some interesting interpretations of FF7 in there, maybe even a bit too liberal in some places for my liking - but like I said, def fun to listen to =)
  9. I really enjoyed this orchestration/remix, great work =) You seem really talented with samples/humanisation, they all sound superb. I can only comment on the string section since that is the bits I have the most experience with. The bit from 1:19-1:25, is what stuck out to me as being less than real. String crossings with those notes sound a bit different live as you probably know, as each string sounds different and resonates a bit differently, but is something that never seems to translate well in sample libraries. Also because that ascending passage at 1:19 is too fast for spiccato I think and the violins would have to use sautille as the technique there if you wanted it off the string, and it would sound different.But then again I don't think there are many sample libraries that have that technique. If you wanted the same technique spiccato, you could have 2 of the sections doing divis. But then again, maybe I've just been in noob orchestras and we can do it =D But yeah, if you don't pay attention to how 'real' it sounds, it sound epic and awesome regardless, I subscribed <3
  10. It was so tempting to make the bell that does the intro appegio play some schala's theme haha =D But that's some great feedback as always, I'll try to EQ and humanize things more so it sounds better and is easier to hear.
  11. Yeah the ending isn't that typical, so mixed reactions at first is a taken, but unless anyone has any objections, I'll prob update this to mod review, and then hope to finish it in a week if people think it's ok. I'll probably tweak the drums more, I'll see if I can give them more presence, but in the second half theres a billion things going on, hard to balance things if the drums are too loud. And yes, the violin is special my Chris/Amaterasu sample, a highly unpredictable synth that ads random appegios to things. But it's also a compliment to think I could be confused with the pure perfection of a synth =)
  12. Thanks Kuolema and HoboKa for your feedback. You probably didn't find the drums as bad as Kuolema because I already re-wrote them haha(and am continuing to re-write them), I also boosted the overall loudness of the track. Thanks for that pick-up. I also spliced together two different violin recordings, cheated so I could get a less flawed performance =) Thanks for the compliments on the dynamics, I didn't use a midi keyboard, I just traced the volume levels for just about everything so I could get it sounding less dead. I chose to do that ending because I didn't think I could go much higher on the violin without breaking glass. And as a plus, that sort of ending is more impressive to look at, compared to just holding one note haha Maybe I can do something to make it more natural, but if not I can always re-recorded the second half
  13. Ok, thanks for the feedback hakstock, I've kept your ideas in mind, and have updated the link. I'm not sure what sounds you were describing that seemed off, but there is a little synth ticker thing that might be the thing u identified lol, it shouldn't be too loud in this version - I used a lot of synth for the first time(compared to what I used i.e > than zero )
  14. Just chiming in, typing with 2 jam-sticky fingers to say that I enjoyed this mix, made it really epic - and liked the acoustic bit you had there also, great job =) I really like that ending chord also, different and nice, love golden sun =D
  15. Coming up to the one year anniversary of getting a song accepted from last september, hope it'll come soon (and the others, but I'm not too picky ^^) =D
  16. I love kirby music, and I love live music - keep it up =)
  17. Weaving the Threads of Time This is a final stage, WIP using the following themes: 'Chrono Trigger Theme' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIO1sajyx_o Tales Weaver: 'Apparation' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68oLYpV1R1g Not sure how many people know about Tales Weaver but it's a korean MMORPG and I think it has an outstanding, catchy as hell soundtrack =) Remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/gsul
  18. Thanks Algamest, I can't think of a higher compliment than the ones you gave - and I'm still surprised about how much people liked this song =) This track only has 4 non-live instruments, the strings, piano, french horn and chimes so I thought it was pretty minimalistic already - I can upload a version without strings if you're curious though. Anyway, I updated this with the settings that I use, the main changes are to the piano and violin, different sample/settings for both. I'm not sure when I should sub this - since every time I work on a song, I learn so many new things >.> And even the tone of my violin changes as I find a setting for reverb/etc that I like better haha
  19. Thanks PerLichtman, it feels like an age since I uploaded this haha, just about forgot about it >.> I took Jared's suggestions to heart, and got the Malmsjö Acoustic Grand sample, which I've been using now with a brighter sounding piano to get a balance which I'm happy with. I still haven't submitted this yet for a few reasons - I thought there was no rush, and the longer I wait the better things will sound both in regards to samples like the piano, and real life instruments But yeah, that's a really great summary, hope it can help myself as well as others. I'll definitely have to check out those libraries given how much I love using piano =)
  20. Haha thanks Emunator! =D

  21. I just did some improv over this, while doing some practice, its really addicted to play to! Would u be interested to listen Mordi?
  22. Really enjoyed the track, weirdly it didn't sound empty without a solo instrument, which is a great thing. I think it is rather conservative, if you do add vocals/instrument I guess you'd want something more original? Either way, looking forward to this mix, if you can't find sexy vocals/sax I'm happy to help if wanted =)
  23. You got some awesome sounding electric violin stuff on your website, I hope to hear you around on ocremix =D
  24. I like the background groove, I really love this source also =) I do think things could be a bit less muddled/crowded in the remix. Like bringing out the strings and the main, and maybe with some fine panning? I also though the section 3/4 way through sounded a bit weird, I think it's the piano, it doesn't seem to harmonize as well as everything else there. The rhythm could work, I think it is just some of the chords, but maybe it's just my personal preference =) Keep working on it, hope to hear a finished version!
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