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Chris ~ Amaterasu

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Everything posted by Chris ~ Amaterasu

  1. Oh cool, I recognise these remixes. Will have to grab the mp3 when it goes up, Thanks and gw =)
  2. I really like the sound of acoustic guitar, and want to eventually use it in mixes/recordings and also mix it with violin =) But I like steel strings =D
  3. I'm not really versed with the style but I enjoyed listening to it, interesting take on the banjo tunes =)
  4. This is sounding really cool guys, great work =) I love this style and I love dk2 =D
  5. Original Mario Land theme (Mario Land Soundtrack) Many many hours Still to this day, listening to this conjures up images of jumping on those mushroom platforms, and jumping on those black round things. Even after my memory of what I actually did fades, this will always remain >.> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k25AtvtaqX0&feature=related =D
  6. Hey linkspast, can we arrange a time to play our sc2 match, I think they are waiting for us =)

  7. Sounds tough Mirby, I hope things brighten up and you can find a nice place to stay!
  8. This was one of the weirdest and one of my most loved tracks from ff8, so I eagerly look forward to an awesome remix =) Seems a bit conservative to my ears and I wish some of the synth could be more catchy, but sounds good ^^
  9. Lol I gotta agree ,love the fire maku hahaha
  10. I find that I'm the same, usually my concentration will slip a bit at the 20min mark or so, when the game transitions towards a longer/epic game =) I think it helps me a bit to sit back for a second (when i'm not in confrontation) and ask myself how things are going in regards to: Army composition, expos, upgrades etc. And that sorta prompts me/reminds me of something that I have to work on which helps in bringing more focused play for me But good luck finding out what helps you tick! I'm a terran player so I doubt our minds think alike heheh
  11. If you send me a version of what you want, I can tell you if it's too hard for me =) Pretty funny that recently I've been playing this theme, on guitar not violin lol Edit: Sent you a pm
  12. Listened to this last night, and I really enjoyed it also. I'm a bit conservative in how I like remixes so the background harmony was enjoyed quite a bit even if you didn't mess with the main melody Although it was as bit short and abrupt to end, I still enjoyed it =)
  13. Wow, this remix mentally whacked me right over >.> I've listened to the other original of this for absolutely ages, but I never realized =O It's the music in my FAVORITE smash combo video, 20 secs in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B38NsvumgsI&feature=related I associate this song with YL pwnage <3 Awesome, so now I know where to get it from =D Anyway, I really like this arrangement, acoustic stuff that I really dig <3
  14. I like the atmosphere this piece creates, and I really started to enjoy it when it started picking up some pace, I'd also like to frequent this fictitious bar =)
  15. Wow, tracks opening up *Takes a squiz
  16. I actually really like this song once it gets going. I found the intro nice, but it sounded like it was a bit too distant and in another room. I'm surprised that the style you went works really well, and I enjoyed it, just that it felt a bit muddy throughout and the ending was a bit abrupt. But the actual composition and guitar solos I really enjoyed, more RO love please! =)
  17. I think this is a great idea, still don't think I have the skills to remix something decent but can't wait to hear this project I'd be happy to help out =)
  18. I spent way too many hours of my life on this game, have to second a request of gunbound songs haha
  19. Cool, thanks DjMustix ^^

  20. It's a shame more people aren't giving you feedback, cause I thought your piece was really interesting >.> Gave it a listen again, and there are just minor things I'd try to change in the updated version that answer call session between the piano and guitar at just before 1:00, maybe try to make the piano imitate the style of guitar a bit more, but don't know if you want that contrast. I think that the section at 1:03 where things slow down, personally if I were playing, I'd slow down a fraction there to sort of sink into that more relaxed section before ramping it up again tempo wise That mandolin at 1:20 with that high passage and spike, it sounds a bit piercing and synthy to me but not sure how you can fix that At 2:00, interplay between instruments is nice but I feel as though you could add something to make it more dramatic if that's what you are going for, cause I hear the bass on the upbeat and beat 1 but that's it, but then again not sure what exactly you want I really like that bit at 2:20, sounds awesome apart from the tamborine I think at 2:20, it felt borderline painful to my ears with headphones on Only other thing is the violin synth, but we'll see about that hehe But as I said before I really like it and it's a lot better than anything I could do by a massive shot so keep it up/well done =) Btw feel free to disregard anything/everything I say since I have 1% knowledge about the instruments and even less about the style Hope you get some good proper feedback from ppl around here ^^
  21. I really enjoyed the guitar solo actually, amazing how good simple writing can be for a lead, I also liked the synth/flute thing also I think the strings chipping in the background with that 4 same note motif, maybe try fiddling with it. I don't know how easy it is to do synth wise, but I know they can sound much warmer and with a lot more feeling in real life. This is my experience a second violinist who constantly has to play notes like that coming through lol, but yeah really liking it still =) Btw what do you use to record for the guitar if you don't telling? I don't know too much about the finer points of guitar performance but sounds very nice
  22. I would be interested, just have to wait for Blizzard to add N.A servers for us S.E ppl
  23. I really like this, finish it please =D
  24. This was also my fav track from DKC2, so I'm happy to see that it made it =) Enjoyed the track overall, I really liked the mood that the piece was heading for, meshing orchestra + more rock makes things all so much more epic, glad to see that it stayed true to the mood of the stage ^^
  25. Hey I really enjoyed listening to this WIP, good work =) Sounded really catchy and interesting I'm not really experienced at picking up things that are wrong, but the only thing that detracted was the mandolin, some bits in the middle of the guitar. The mandolin still sounds synthy, but then again from what I know it's so hard to emulate those instruments that I would be too scared to try myself haha so good work =)
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