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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. like two minutes after I subbed, I had two spots that I noticed could've used fixes. they weren't song ruiners, but still frustrating
  2. RWTS IS DONE, so now i have time to blow on other remixes, i shall try
  3. Will be submitting tonight, just waiting for some last minute feedback. I second tuberz, i think this is my best ReMix so far. If even just for the fact that i learned a good bit about drum processing.
  4. if the other two fine gentleman here decide to back out. id gladly give it a shot
  5. that reminds me of the glitch i found in soul reaver 1 . you could get raziel to hold a force projectile in his hand like a weapon by picking up any given object while underwater and then IMMEDIATELY throwing it . he forms a projectile, but throws the object instead, leaving you with mildly useless projectile stuck to his hand. if you managed to sneak an enemy with it, you can "impale" them with it, which is amusing. otherwise, hitting enemies with it just breaks it. he also has some wierd animations when you do it. otherwise, I made it to like level 65 in lode runner when I was a kid.
  6. doooo it. also is this open to everyone? Im not particularly confident on the being up to the OCR standards, but i can try to make something enjoyable. if anything, for practice and good spirits
  7. what a shitty theme. LOLOLOL. but what was the writing technique you were aiming for?
  8. the first bundle alone was like, what, 26 albums or something if you donated 10$ . Pure madness. now im just waiting for songs for the cure 2012...
  9. Mirrors edge is a good example. DAT BOAT CHASE SONG. MMMMM. but really, it has a nice futuristic feel that helps really set the pace. on a similar vein, the soundtrack to inmomentum, is similarly futuristic and fun to listen to. I think it came with indiegamemusic bundle 3 or 4, for those who are familiar with that. im STILL sorting through all those albums...
  10. is that sort of like, taking a gunther? thanks! i think its actually turned off in ableton, so ill turn it on!
  11. yea, it was at 44.1khz. I just ended up converting to mp3, since I don't really care about quality, with it just being a wip update. what is dithering ?
  12. is it normal to have an exported wav file that is 50mb, for a 2:50 song? seems far bigger than it needs to be.
  13. oh i wanted to mention, if anyone who played xeen wants any of the voice files from the game i have all of them. theyre pretty goofy and would probably fit nicely inside of a song. likewise if you own the cd version of it, you can just pop the disc into itunes and all the voice tracks show up as songs.
  14. https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3 though, generally everything i post is part of a compo on here, so youll hear it whether or not you check my cloud. cheers anyways!
  15. someone beat me to it! good work guys, and happy valentines! dont eat too much chocolate, or ice cream...
  16. it sounds like a nightmare at the circus! which makes it harder for me to comment on, since i dont know much about creepy music critiquing. its good to see someone doing something with bioshock though!
  17. im going to say this as uncreatively as i can. happy birthday !
  18. ill probably do the blacksmiths theme from might and magic -darkside of xeen, sketched out a quick idea for it. so unless it crashes and burns miserably. i will eventually get it done. not sure when though.
  19. good to know.I didnt know there was officially a proper spelling for it. fixed the errors!
  20. oh ok. good to know, Im not sure if i can personally do it, but theres bound to be someone with good enough skills with character drawing. i just was curious
  21. what kind of artwork are you looking for? is there a particular theme you had in mind for how the artwork would look?
  22. ack! try now, i didnt know it was a closed group!
  23. does goa trance count as futuristic sci fi? i feel like it conveys that vibe pretty well. they used alot of it in the matrix ost, which i would say is pretty future scifi. dunno if id do it, but i just wanna clarify before i decide.
  24. I created a group and did some basic searching for OCR related art work and subbed most of it. its pending approval from the artists i found. I also PMed a few people on deviantart who i managed to find that had the same usernames from here. feel free to join the group or submit whatever art you may have! i broadened it to add videogame related art, since it IS a vgm community. ill most likely have the art divided into groups based on album art, ocr fan art, and VG art once theres enough submissions to do so. i also made sure to state that its not an official page to avoid any confusion there. heres the link. http://overclockeddeviants.deviantart.com/ have at it!
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