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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. I love that game style! if you were looking for a modern game, legend of grimrock is kindof like that. if you start in a dungeon its likely not xeen. swords of xeen, clouds of xeen and darkside all start in a town. isles of terra starts in town as well. is it a game where you start out having to take your characters out of stasis? I think that's dungeon master. might be lands of lore too, but I remember nothing about it besides the fact that I think Patrick Stewart played the king
  2. so im not one to bump, but I just discovered that if you click the "app gallery" tab on the statistics page of soundcloud they have a nice list of idevice music apps, some of which I've never seen. there's a chiptune tracker style app for iPhone!
  3. my dream of hearing darkesword beatboxing is finally realized.
  4. https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/esperado-feat-syllix-freedom for last months Rwts compo, Its a remix of "Still Alive" from the incredible Mirrors Edge OST. I decided to go a trancy route with it. I figured Id let you guys rip it up and give me some juicy feedback while I wait for this rounds results!
  5. I noticed there are like 3 or 4 tiers of membership on soundcloud, are any of them really worth paying for? does it significantly benefit you as a musician in putting yourself out there at all? 29 euro isnt really that bad of a price if it does help you in some significant way. Of course, you get more play time ,so there is that i guess.
  6. that IS suprising, given the crazy mods they make for PCs
  7. I don't have kids, but I do have the coolest 10 year old brother ever. www.flickr.com/photos/theburgomeister/6167742878/in/set-72157627716186314/
  8. the style of this game looks really good. maybe i should look into bastion as well since i havent played that yet
  9. huh, if only someone sold those D: im not skilled in hardware mods. the gbc is probably my favorite handheld next to psp.
  10. voted! tough call this round. but in the end it came down to the largest improvement i saw since your posted examples. everyone seemed to nail the theme pretty well, and the other criteria seemed pretty close for me.
  11. you know how to backlight a gameboy color? I can't find them anywhere.
  12. zebralette is free and pretty powerful in my opinion, might be worth looking into.
  13. I heard that meteo xavier is a pretty good spell in most games. oh wait, thats meteor.... happy birthday anyways!
  14. anybody know some good lsdj tutorials? I keep finding videos of stoners who don't know how to explain the interface."oh this screen its kinda like, a thing, you press buttons. its kindof like sortof, a kick sound, maybe. "
  15. subbed, that was waaaay too close. gotta get done earlier next week.
  16. for FFT, were the nice animated cutscenes there in the original? i used to have the psx copy , but never ended up playing it beyond the first few fights.
  17. i dont know if theres anything against prizes. but im not a mod so id say contact one of the competition admins
  18. diggin it! im glad you took this to the workshop
  19. The driver 2 port for GBA was garbage, trying to make the gba produce that kind of 3d. In the psp/ios port of FF Tactics they changed EVERY dialogue to be in old english. I cant say that it was bad, kindof made if feel different to play.
  20. chugging along, this remix will either rock intensely, or miss the target completely. should be a good round!
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