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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. so I'm gonna need to post more info on this, but here's my problem: I decided to make a song using mostly drum loops and some bass samples, just to start making something and practice mixing. I'm having a good time when BANG it sounds like a gun goes off.I assume its some kind of feedback, but I can't figure out how to fix it. it happens seemingly at random, but mostly around louder parts like crash cymbals or transitions. I'm using ableton
  2. thanks garpocalypse! yea, I use ableton for now, it seems to bring automation with most of the time, but it still gets choppy sometimes. guess it makes sense to just delete it and redo it at the end.
  3. huh, explains why I could never find a remix of it all these years. thanks
  4. im proud of my double second place for the season. much much better than i ever would have expected, especially for the mirrors edge track, i submitted it feeling like i had learned something, but that the track was still garbage XD what are the overall places for the entire season ?
  5. ionno bout gameplay, which is probably fun, but his affinity for swearing at things is a little over the top.
  6. marlene misses you dyne, you should come back to midgar

  7. do you guys usually automate during or after tracking? I've had some messy situations with automation before I'm done , like if I have to add new segments or move them around I have pretty much undo all my automation
  8. Jesse likes Jesse preview. many good albums coming from ocr talent these days
  9. are we doing specific cids, or just whichever cid we feel like ?
  10. its good to get some feedback! i was trying to emulate the style of one his originals, so thats where i kindof went wrong with it. im with kuolema. this contest has really been helping me, even if its only been three months. Thanks to mindwanderer and whomever it was that convinced me to sign up. I legitimately didnt think i had the skill level to participate at first.
  11. it really does need more love, if even just from listeners. im excited to see what you come up with! Alright, ill see what i can come up with in the way of rearranging it a bit and trying to work on mixing! thanks guys
  12. if i have a pretty good outline of what i should do i could try my hand at some cid artwork.
  13. I concurr that there needs to be more perfect dark tracks
  14. I'm pretty hyped, despite that I won't buy it for months, haha
  15. its probably a long shot, given the fact that i doubt theres much in the way of midis for most of the might and magics ( at least the later ones, 6,7, but it would be cool if someone did some remixes! the might and magic series was quite a fun series as a kid. i spent so many hours of my life playing them, and yet i never beat them. this theme in particular would make a nice hip hoppy chillout remix, at least, i think so. course if nobody else does, i might tackle it someday.
  16. my highschool freinds are obsessed with that game
  17. theoretically you could just set it up like the RWTS compo in terms of voting couldnt you? just have people upload the songs for download, put them in a zip file and reupload it with a link which you post in the thread. then you just have people just pm you the top 3 or however you wanted to do it?
  18. you can mod the cord if you have some soldering knowhow. my mdrv6's had a ridiculous cord that eventually wore out, so instead of tossing them, i just cut off the cord and put in a headphone jack on the base of the earcup, works pretty spiffy.
  19. while searching for a midi file for a remix i wanted to try, i cam across a song that i wanted to clarify the eligibility of in terms of being posted on here. The theme tune on the soul reaver 1 soundtrack, ozar midrashim, which can be heard at numerous points in the game, is apparently written by a band and is not officially part of the games ost. does this mean it is against policy to be posted as a remix?
  20. some sony mdrv6 headphones that I swindled from some guy on craigslist for 25$
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