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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. was this ported to the appleIIe? i think i played this, it was a HARD game to beat, i dont think i ever did. interesting source choice!
  2. i like this thread! many good resources, ill have to check em out
  3. ack, why is this source so hard! its 50/50 if ill get done in time
  4. soul reaver 1 has an interesting take on death if you ask me. To boot, the main character has technically died twice. From there, anytime you "die" in the "physical" realm, you are booted into a spirit realm where you cannot interact with objects for the most part. You have to consume souls to have the strength to will yourself into the physical world using portals. This works nicely for the puzzle aspect of the game, but can be a huge pain in the ass during certain parts. such as the water areas (the boss of the water area in particular). if you die in the spirit realm you get spawned back to the elder god room which while annoying, isnt really that detrimental. You have to be particularly bad at the game for that to happen, as there are almost no difficult enemies in the spirit realm, and health regenerates.
  5. just dropping by to mention your sig, along with errrbody else. is it you, or someone else in the sig?

  6. loudon stearns? he does have a bit of a weird mouth. videos are nice an informative though! edit: the songwriting teacher is also really strange. he looks like an 80s rock transplant or something
  7. i dont know much about this title, or the mgs series in general. but i do know the first god of war game let you "guard impact" bosses. it was a bitch, but if you mastered it, playing the game on the hardest setting, wasnt as impossible as it otherwise wouldve been. and then the creators got wise and took out the gaurd impact feature. thusly, i NEVER played a god of war game in god mode EVER again after that.
  8. adge ill try not to leave you hangin! i have the day off saturday and ill try to throw SOMETHING together. if only just for practice and to give you some competition.
  9. this time around, im doing better at watching them. ill just watch them when i wake up in the morning. more than two courses on there is a waste. so much video material,
  10. maybe he forgot is his password or something?
  11. this. the response videos they get from angry LPers are usually pretty funny to watch as well.
  12. pewdiepie makes a living doing let's plays.
  13. sounds pretty good to me! i support this remix.
  14. looks like alot of fun to me! good luck!
  15. Wow, second, thanks guys! it was definitely a tough vote! syllix is a great star as well! alot of really good advice
  16. i hath voted. just in case my vote pm never showed up or something
  17. can we have the person sign it? not that I can afford it, but itd be cool to have signed stuff from artists we listen to. a dslr signed by zircon? its like all my hobbies converge!
  18. I learned what timbre is and how its useful to sound design though, so it was well worth the effort !
  19. unusual timbre would be fitting as well. i think timbre is such an underated concept.
  20. which is why contests like these are so awesome. that gentle push you need. im in the same boat. i support this idea
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