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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. DO IT DO IT! I love his consistently creative uses of sampling. I think everyone can take a page from this man's creativity.
  2. I don't get it, is there more than one video planned? I imagine for someone who feels truly passionate about this subject you would : 1. Not need a kick starter to fund it, just use YouTube. 2. Not need more than one concise and well put together video I wont claim to know anything about this video though.
  3. excellent collabo here! I just found my old ipod while i was cleaning and found this again. i didnt remember how good it was, and i never really realized who made it until now. great job here guys! i love the little voice in the middle
  4. any interest in this so far? I might try something ( more for practice with acapellas than anything) once this months RWTS is over.
  5. Definitely sounds very boss fight-y. Nothing really popped out of place at me so its hard for me to really offer any technical advice.
  6. definitely captured the castlevania feel. the hats dont seem to mix in very well though, and you might want to do something to make the organ pop out a little more , seems drowned out by the drums and guitar. Of course that could just be the style you wanted, or my headphones not being very good.
  7. drum programming. it always sounds like a baboon with decent rhythm is slapping an mpd over and over again. Ive gotten a bit better at compression but i still havent been able to make really groovy drum parts. in all the songs ive made that people like i was using loops XD other than that I still have trouble making originals and making new melodies and chords.
  8. the best information ive heard is actually from our very own argle. Not to take your songs too seriously and not to focus on making one section sound "perfect" . just go with the flow and if you find a part frustrating move on to another part of the song. thats really helped me enjoy the whole process. im pretty sure argle said that, or something like that.
  9. thats usually what i do. i just tag it with other stuff like " vgm remix" and the name of the game. i just know an older song of mine was tagged with ocr and didnt know if i should remove it. thanks for the clarification
  10. so just to clarify, should we avoid using any variant of "OCReMix" when tagging our music on soundcloud even if its from remix compos? It would avoid confusion about whats ACTUALLY a remix and whats not. right?
  11. i figured, i might as well start adding people that ive talked to and such :)

  12. I apologize if theres a thread for this but i didnt see one. Anyone play this yet? Ive played all of the GOW games up to the ps3 ones ( since i dont have a ps3) but it looks real juicy! It seems like god of war often fall under the radar of most gamers for being so violent, but it seems like its a series that never really lets its fans down and keeps getting more and more polished. i might swing the legacy ps3 bundle and finally get in on the sony love once again.
  13. on of the most bizarre going ons today- my coworker informed me that the first public crucifixion ever in america is happening today. sounds like a crazy idea, but some guy wants to try it. apparently hes streaming it on battlecam.com.
  14. the melody of this reminded me of the resident evil extinction theme song, so i tried to channel that. and came up with something totally different. a bit left to go, but im proud of the progress. im interested to see where you guys go with it!
  15. just kidding! guitar center likes to wait until you've shelled out 258 + tax on them before they tell you "whoops, we dont carry those anymore!"
  16. for those curious i posted about it on both the ocdeviants page as well as the deviantart project forums, so that should help get a bit of art. I am also personally working on cid highwind and depending on how that goes, i miiiight do cid haze.
  17. i feel like its an obligation for everyone to have one REALLY outdated piece of gear in the studio, like a crt monitor or a dusty old creme colored usb keyboard. just adds character.
  18. I posted in the forums there and in the OCDeviants group. :) hopefully there is some response

  19. OK so i messed with it a bit, and found that its one of the audio channels thats popping. i think it might have something to do with the ping pong delay im using, but i could be wrong. as the pop has an echo to it. pluginwise, theres just some reverb, some drum compression and ping pong on the one audio channel. ill try removing it and see if i can get it to pop again. resetting the buffer helped too.
  20. affirmative! its all good though. i could still remix it for fun, which is what its all about at the end of the day
  21. should I try to recruit some deviants for the cid artwork ?

  22. no software, but guitar center is selling Ferrari grey krk rp6 g2 studio monitors for 129 each. which is an insanely great deal for those monitors.
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