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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. Cash, We need you for the castlevania remix compo! It'll give you something a little different to flex your music muscles! http://ocremix.org/community/topic/42341-castlevania-cacophony-of-incarnation-2016/?page=2#comment-800191

  2. Trism, I know you love a good compo! Come join the castlevania remix competition! http://ocremix.org/community/topic/42341-castlevania-cacophony-of-incarnation-2016/?page=2#comment-800191

    1. Troyificus


      I considered it briefly but I've never had much of an interest in the Castlevania series to be honest. Also I've not been too good with committing to competitions lately haha.

    2. Esperado


      Understandable! It's rough during the holiday season and with it being winter and all. 

  3. Hey Yami! You should sign up for the castlevania remix competition! It's gonna be a lot of fun! 

    1. Yami


      You know I already signed up? I was the first one :-P

    2. Esperado


      Oh, I spaced it! You were the one who picked SotN tracks weren't you? well glad you're in then!


    3. Yami


      Yes, that was me :-D

  4. Might have to crank the volume on my track. I forgot to turn the limiter on so its super quiet.
  5. sub a dub dub, one mix in the tub(of other mixes)
  6. just to be clear, the deadline listed on Thasauce is correct?
  7. I'm super sorry for derailing the thread this far already, I just wanted some clarification as ive struggled in the past. Ill just make my picks and then take things as they come with transposition. Theres a good bit of time to brush up on transposition and read over the information you guys have provided. If i have questions in the mean time I'll PM people about them. Thanks!
  8. Congrats on the front page post! I really liked how tripped out the mix was. 

    1. YoshiBlade


      Thank you, Thank you! I was inspired to put my feelings and story in word over at the OCR Birthday Congrats...I hope I post it... 

  9. That's easy for someone who knows how to do that. Transposing has been a thorn in my side since the first mega man compo I took part in. People try to explain it but I still don't get it, at least not enough that I can easily transpose a whole song and still have time to mix in one week.
  10. Does anyone know what key the majority of castlevania themes are in? they seem to like sticking to 4/4 and 3/4 for time signatures. I just wanna make sure im not picking a source thats crazy different in terms of key.
  11. when do we post picks? I already know Im gonna go hard for tracks from the GBA titles. OH BOI.
  12. I guess all thats left is to think of some ideas, do a little research,and reach out to get some practice with collaboration then! Thanks guys!
  13. Finally a compo with music I'm already familiar with! Gotta think of some good sources. shouldn't be hard!
  14. For real, who knew an Age of Empires track could have such a groovy bassline Edit: also Hoboka, I dont wanna be that guy, but the 19th is a saturday and not a sunday. just wanna make sure ive got my deadlines straight!
  15. I've got some shure se425 earbuds. But before you say "ew gross earbuds!" These have a bag of interchangeable ear cups, a built in woofer, and have a replaceable cord. They're also great sounding buds.They retail for 300 new but I'd sell em for 250 Obo. I love the sound, but I just don't use them for mixing like I thought I would and id prefer to save for some monitors instead.
  16. So I'be been thinking that most truly wonderful things in life are a result of human collaboration. This sentiment seems reflected often in the music world. When artists combine strengths they can create a stronger end product than they could individually, while simultaneously learning. That said, I'm not afraid to admit that I've got some social anxiety and as such, collaboration is a tough nut to crack. It seems simple enough at face value, but there are a lot of intricacies about working together on a creative project with someone else over the web, or even in person for that matter. Tldr: collab iz gud. Does anyone have good tips on how to go about collaborating? How do you share projects back and forth? How do you communicate ideas respectfully?
  17. Im not gonna say im committed to this one, but it already sounds like something I would make, so i could maaaaaybe find the time to whip something up that fits the MNP vision.
  18. i just tried to sign up, didnt see this post until this morning.
  19. I'll upload mp3s from now on. I'm just used to darkesworde wanting to encode his own mp3s in compos
  20. Sent you a pm with the soundcloud link Bundeslang. Maybe the file is too big? It's a longer mix than I've made before
  21. If only this was a PRC round. I could make that Aladdin track into a Klezmer Club remix.
  22. Oh man! I got the time zones all mixed up. Ill go by whats in your Sig and Ill have something done and subbed tonight before bed.
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