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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. Wait, an LA speedrun with OCR background music?? Count me in. When do you plan on broadcasting it?
  2. Such things were both possible and commonplace before 9/11.
  3. Welp, this is right the hell up my alley. I can't wait 'til I have, you know, an income. I'll be all over these kickstarters when that time finally comes.
  4. Kanthos is the man, in case any of YOU PEOPLE weren't aware yet.
  5. Well, crap, I want all of them In order of preference, though: 1. Lounge Lizard Session 2. Studio Drummer EZ 3. M1 Le So yeah, if I can only have one, it's gonna have to be Lounge Lizard. So hard to pass up on Studio Drummer, though...
  6. Sounds like Komplete Elements is claimed. I'll take the Korgthing
  7. Awesome question from one of the people who makes me scared to write music I compare myself to others in everything. It's an awful flaw of mine. Being that I've been writing more tonally flexible music like jazz and funk and fusion recently, I've been comparing my tunes to your own, Sam, and to PROTODOME's, Joshua Morse's, Disasterpeace's, Surasshu's (sp?), etc. Needless to say, no matter how cool a tune of mine is and how much others or I enjoy listening to it, I end up disappointed in myself for not living up to the aptitude of professional musicians, and that's really kind of a stupid reaction considering I've only been writing music for maybe a year or so, and not even consistently at that. Regardless, it's an inevitable reaction, and I remedy it by sending my music to some of those musicians whom I really respect to get feedback. Just hearing from any musician I respect that they like my tune is enough to keep the fear away... til my next tune. I'm still sort of in that early phase of composition where every time I write something, I think, "Wow, did I really make this?" So at this point in my music-making career, I'd say I'm still seeking validation as a member of the cool kids club of composers. I want others to say "Wow, did you really make this?" So in that sense, yes, whenever I even think about writing a new tune, I already feel a little defeated and incapable of greater things, almost unworthy of the musicians I look to for inspiration. Scared. I suspect that feeling will abate over time as I feel like I close the skill gap more and more between myself and my "idols." Nothing would make me feel better and more confident than to be able to stand at eye-level with some of those artists I listed before, but until then, I'll always have a little fear of failure, incompetence, and insufficiency.
  8. I'm also curious about this, so now, it's really, really, really important that someone answer this question. edit: Wait, I think the question I have is totally different from your own. Are you asking how to link different parameters to the same midi control (say, modwheel/vibrato)? In that case, you can just link all the controls to one knob/automation clip by turning off "Remove Conflicts" in the "Link to controller..." dialog box.
  9. That she is, good sir. That she is. ... but I'm married. Fuck.
  10. I think Finale is sort of a piece of shit, and I sit next to the CEO of MakeMusic's daughter in my denture lab class D: Awkward.
  11. Honestly, I wasn't a huge fan of Last Airbender. I kinda thought the first 60% of the series was, put frankly, kiddy and boring. The last third or so of the series was pretty entertaining, though, and the overall impact of the show was satisfying enough. Zuki and Iroh pretty much made the show. Toph, too, I suppose. The rest of the characters... ugh... Korra, however, has been great from the start. The story is more complex and risky with its characters, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of filler or little mini-adventure subplot business that turned me off to Last Airbender til a little before Book 4. Just my twopence.
  12. You mean the strippers didn't win you over?
  13. I had a roommate who played old Apogee games all the time. He also built a theremin out of a hanging light fixture and a MIDI controller of a tree stump and refused to eat ketchup or shave his lumberjack beard, so that's the company you Apogee lovers keep
  14. Where do you draw the line? Should I use drum samples other people created? Should I use presets? Can I sample audio of another musical track, spoken word, etc.? Would doing any of the above qualify the track as not "entirely [my] own work?" This is why legalese is booboo. I don't like line-drawing. It always leaves good, well-intentioned people on the bad side of the line.
  15. Not sure if this has been covered and I reallllly can't bear to read the thread since legal stuff bores the living shit out of me, but what about pay-what-you-want models a la bandcamp? By that method, any money you make is technically a donation considering the minimum barrier for purchase is 'free'.
  16. Chalk (write?) me up (down?) as a novice (semi-pro?).
  17. <3 That means a lot to me, and I'm being totally srs. I also have some new tunes to show you. Unfortunately, you are on facebook exactly never. I'm working on a 9-bit album, and I'm going to write some jazzy business to make one, Mr. DOME, proud.
  18. Dental school is a foul, foul taint of a thing. And I hear my winter break is a week shorter this year, plus I have to take my first board exam the first week of January... so yeah. Hopefully, it all works out, and I can stay the whole time, but it's not likely
  19. I'm coming, and Ben Briggs and halc are probably coming with, but I'm not positive at this point. I plan on driving, and I wouldn't mind having people carpool with me to cut down on gas, so if anyone sorta near Indianapolis wants to drive here and ride the rest of the way with me to save a little on transportation costs, let me know.
  20. Herro. Here's a preview for my upcoming chiptune/9-bit album. Got a sweet halc collab in the works, too, so get amped
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