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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this, so please move it if it isn't. I'm selling my guitar, an alpine white Gibson Les Paul Studio that was manufactured in '03, I believe. I haven't really played it in 3 or 4 years, and I never gigged with it or anything, so it's in pretty good condition minus a couple of cosmetic scuffs on the back of the neck. If you interested, I'll take some pictures and send them your way. We can hammer out a fair price at that time, too. Please buy this guitar so I can get a pair of good monitors D: edit: you should really buy it, you guys.
  2. Yarrrrr, forgot a few. Ape Escape has an amazing sort of ephemeral liquid dnb soundtrack. The Mammoth Cave track reminds me of DKC music but better. You heard me. Braid's soundtrack is amazing for relaxation and thinkin' time. It's a really warm strings-based Celtic-inspired sort of thing, lots of nice fiddle work and such. Hell of a game, too. The story is quite evocative. Anamanaguchi will make anyone instantly happy, although I guess their stuff apart from the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack isn't technically VGM, but it might as well be. On that note, Disasterpeace's VGM soundtracks are all excellent and generally pretty uplifting or pensive. He even made a procedural music generation game that pumps out some fantastic melodic ambience and is very relaxing to play.
  3. Angel Flavors Present from Katamari gives me chills most of the time. The Earthbound soundtrack -- not to mention the game in general -- is extremely uplifting. Insert Rupee's Great Job remix always does the trick, too. Gotta second Calum's suggestions, too, especially any of the Animal Crossing soundtracks. The melodies have that nice nostalgic quality to them.
  4. Just got through the first track. I want to Space Jam your talent so badly.
  5. I don't think I ever posted my contact info for you people. ECTOGEMIA#1224 Let's farm shit.
  6. Haha, seriously?? I was considering starting that trilogy next. What don't you like about it? If you're looking for a new read and an easy one, i'd recommend the mistborn saga. Bller. If you're looking for extreme reading, start up the malazan series. 10 books, and they only get better and better. What an awesome ass story.
  7. Well, from what reviews I've read, the consensus seemed to be that the first three books are excellent, which I agree with, and that books 4 and 5 are kinda stagnant and bloated. This being the last real vacation from grad school I'll have for the next 3 years, I just want to make the most of my free time. Between diablo 3, writing more music, and continuing with this series, I'm just not sure where to focus my time, hence asking for some opinions on the latter 2 books.
  8. I'm just about done with the third book. Holllly shit, this has been a fantastic read so far. I hear the fourth and fifth suck, though. Without spoling anything, can anyone give me some good reasons why I should or should not continue reading?? I'm just not looking to waste any time reading a crappy 1200 page brick
  9. If this is even half as good as the soundtrack for Return All Robots, then it would still be a must-buy. My $$$ is your $$$ once I get back from my honeymoon in a couple of days. Is there a recording of that livestream available anywhere?? I meant to watch it when you had scheduled it, but I think I ended up playing video games instead. Oopz.
  10. I'm upset that my wedding is preventing me from listening to your new album. This isn't what I signed up for.
  11. Wilbert, I always seem to get critiques on the treble of my mixes. I never seem to hear what's wrong with the treble myself, so clearly I'm missing something. Could you point out specific points in the mix where you think the treble is an issue and exactly what I need to do to fix it? Would be a good learning opportunity for me. I'm tired of hearing how crappily my high end is balanced
  12. Agreed about the low end. That's kinda my own particular production weakness. I can never get the low end to sound sufficient. I wonder if it's an issue with my speakers more than it is with me? Probably not. I'm not sure I agree about your assessment of the integration of the source tunes, but I did feel compelled to bookend the track as such because I thought maybe it did need a little more self-referencing for cohesion, as you said, so I think there's definitely some merit to your critique in any case. I hadn't thought about the arp being too persistent, but upon listening again, I'd have to agree. Might cut it out or filter it out for a phrase or two now and then. But it's sooo coool-soounding D: Glitching = sampled the previous phrase and put it into Fruity Granulizer which I had just learned how to use the night before + additional processing like reverb, filtering, bitcrushing, etc. If you haven't messed with Fruity Granulizer, definitely give it a try. AWESOME plugin. Hours of fun can be had loading in vocal VG samples and making the character say horrible, horrible things. Thanks for the mod review, brah <3
  13. Hah, that's actually my favorite part, but to each his own Thanks for the reply!
  14. LINK (updated) Phonetic Hero came up to Indy from Kansas for the weekend, and we remixed some LTTP. Herein, one may find such fine sources as the ocarina/bird flute theme (cannot find link, but surely you know it; it kicks off the remix), , , and the ubiquitous . The work was pretty evenly split, and I think our styles meshed together quite well to produce a nice cohesive remix.wat u think? edit: Added more beef to the low and low-mid end. Added some percussion. Added some filtering automation to the repetitive arpeggio. Added a choir in the latter part of the track. Adjusted drum EQ and balancing. Added in some quirky chippy tom part.
  15. I think my Current Events remix from the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet might fit the bill, but it's a RESUB, so not an official "ReMix"
  16. I mean, you saw his mask, right? lol. "rule bending"
  17. My real ID is nabecker@indiana.edu.
  18. herpie berpdie. see you later probably
  19. Weird. Kinda thought that by this point, I'd heard of pretty much every major series that has ever been, but I've never heard of this one. Looks pretty sweet, but with D3 coming out this week, my gaming schedule is booked for just about fucking forever. Might have to delay my wedding.
  20. And this track was pretty baller, too. Bring your A game, Mr. Odyssey ;o
  21. I'd love to do this, and I miiiiight just be able to work it into my nasty end-semester schedule. I'll keep you posted on my availability.
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