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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. Getting hooked on a game is the last thing I need in my life right now. There's a reason I started doing the one hour compo D:
  2. Actually, no, haha. My friends and I had always rushed one another and then grushed once LoD came out. I don't think I've ever played D2 through naturally.
  3. I've played D2 a fair amount since it came out, and I've *never* once picked up a single item that I actually was able to trade, and I found only a few items I was able to use (aside from 50 dozen Lidless Walls or so). I found a high rune, *once*. This, after probably a couple thousand meph runs. I've actually found more usable gear in D3 than I ever did in D2. My D2 wealth was built by working people to get insane deals on good items, then selling them back at twice the price D3 removed most of the personal facet of trading with the auction house which forced me to farm to become wealthy, and that became a chore after a couple of weeks.
  4. I agree with all of this... ...although to say that D2 had a diverse set of viable builds would be false. Granted, it was still more diverse than what D3 permits. Yeah, I sorta thought the auction house was the killer. *THE* reason I have *EVER* played MMOs or D2esque games was for the item hunt. Yes, there have always been player-to-player transactions of some kind in every MMO, but often, there are no-drop items (or whatever other MMOs call them; I only have Everquest terminology to work with ) that can only be obtained by killing monsters or completing epic quests and cannot be traded. These items are, rightfully so, the most powerful. Putting a price on power cheapens the process of developing a powerful character. So that being said, I don't have plans to play it as much as I did when it came out, but I might log on from time to time. It just doesn't have the staying power of other similar games, and it certainly lacks the je ne sais quois of D2.
  5. I want your production brain. Thanks for the detailed response!
  6. That's my issue, actually. I have Sony MDR-7506 headphones which are cheap ($75ish) but good for the price. That doesn't mean they're great all-around. And my actual speaker setup is just some old Logitech set I've had around for a decade. So as a consequence (and yeah, due to a relative lack of production chops) I often end up with a little mud. That was really my motivation to go the speaker route in the first place. ... and by all means, pleas continue the discussion I'm learning!!!!!!!!!
  7. Welp, that was fun last night. I'm glad I participated. Totally going to do this shit again next week ;o vote for me
  8. I'm not sure if there's some thread about this somewhere already, so sorry for the redundancy if there is. It happens. Anyway, I'm looking to buy a pair of stereo monitoring speakers for no more than $600-700ish. There's a lot of choices out there, and I'm really not gear savvy at all, so if anyone has any recommendations, please point me in the right direction ;o
  9. As a grizzled veteran of the original Cheetahmen game, I have to second just about everything zircon said. Seriously, I would recommend playing it if only to read the *awesome* intro sequence storyline. It's twelve kinds of mindfuck and another 13 of non sequitur. It almost beats out Monster Party for most shit-brained intro sequence. I may actually have to put some money into this...
  10. OK, you've convinced me Man... when I sit down to write a tune, either I come up with a ton of material within a few minutes or I sit there dicking around on my keyboard for hours. This may not end well, haha.
  11. Hmm, I may need to participate in this, but I know I'd get slaughtered I've never tried doing a OHC sort of thing. Maybe I'll just kinda make some private entries alongside the weekly theme and start entering for real when I feel competent
  12. That's what I do, and then the judges tell me to resub it because it's too interpretive bunch of doodooheads.
  13. I know dat feel. That's part of why I quit playing guitar. I spent a year or so practicing maybe 6ish hours per day trying to become an awesome shredder/prog rock guitarist. I got decently good, but yeah, what I *really* wanted to accomplish was still years of practice away, and I decided it was just too much work. Will is right. All that guitar-playing made solo-writing come fairly naturally, even if it's something I couldn't have performed. Writing such solos has only made it easier to conceive of increasingly wankeriffic riffs, again, even if it's something I could never, ever, ever perform. And the more I fudge genres I'm not that knowledgeable of, like jazz and funk, the better I get in general and the more "ecto-style" (read: unique) my iteration of that genre sounds. Plus, writing original music is more fun than writing remixes. Yeah, I said it. So shrug off the fear of "bad" and just go write shit, Fishy it gets easier the less you think about what you're writing and the more you just wing it.
  14. Awesome. Raise the kid right with retro games and hours of forced piano practice. Mazedude 2.0. Make it happen.
  15. This. If it happens, then I'm probably not going to finish the tune. This sort of impotency kinda keeps me away from my music rig more often than not. If I start a tune and don't have any initial roadblocks, then it's pretty much a guarantee I'll finish it within a day, if not, then two days.
  16. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Those videos were awesome. Seriously, I really hope someone saved these. He deleted them in the heat of what moment, exactly? If I had recorded myself playing piano like that, I'd guard that data with my life and the lives of everyone around me. Especially everyone around me.
  17. 23 male, 30 minutes a day. Sometimes an hour. I'm usually pretty busy with class or lab work or studying or whatever. When I have free time, I don't know... games just don't appeal to me like they used to. As a kid, I would play games for 5+ hours almost every day, usually with friends. For the past several years, I've played retro games almost exclusively, usually NES games and DOS games with a smattering of SNES and N64, not necessarily for nostalgia, but because I genuinely believe games from those era are superior to what comes out nowadays. And yeah, when I do get free time, I usually end up doing something other than making music because I don't feel the satisfaction of musicmaking til I finish a tune, and that can take a while with how little time I have these days. If I really want a quick music fix, I'll write a little loop to solo over on my MIDI keyboard, or I'll sit down at my Yamaha EP and improv or pick a video game tune and play variations or whatever. It does the trick, usually.
  18. Welp, on that note, I have a specific question. What exactly are we talking about, and what is a general solution to the problem? When would this problem arise? For my general mixing knowledge...
  19. I'm alright with all of that, as long as the hammer doesn't come down too hard or too often on trash-talking, assuming it's not outright derogatory. ... and even then, I'd be ok with it, but I understand lines have to be drawn to prevent butthurt.
  20. Meteo, just open the sample in an audio editor and add a very small amount of fade in and fade out? I'm modwheel-retarded. What is it and how does one utilize it? Also about grouping, I've been busing things more and more lately for automation or layering convenience, but what specific mixing technique are you referring to? Can you give me an example of "gluing" and how to do it?
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