Since we're already here, I can just regurgitate some of the things I've been musing on lately:
Microsoft would be foolish to not try and flesh out a Warcraft TV series. Especially with how good the Halo series is right now (I should probably make a thread about that, by itself). The series could work similarly to how the Mandalorian and the Witcher work, by having a season-by-season schedule, but introducing characters and shifting focus for each season.
Season 1, Warcraft: Arthas - Season 1 follows Arthas, leading up to, and during the human campaign of Warcraft 3. It can be done with minimal CG since it has an almost exclusively human cast, and it could introduce Jaina, Kael'thas, Khadgar, Uther, and Kel'thuzad. We can see Arthas's early years, and then early on see Khadgar coming to warn against the plague. We'd follow this right up until Arthas takes up Frostmorne.
Season 2, Thrall - This picks up with basically the Horde campaign in Warcraft 3. Thrall gets a vision from Medivh, and brings the orcs to Kalimdor, introduces Rexar, Vol'jin, Cairne, and Chen stormstout, but also revisiting Jaina and introducing the Nightelves.
Season 3, Illidan - This could retell the night elf storyline, starting with some Grom Hellscream shit, but then be primarily from Illidans perspective. It could arguably be from Tyrande or Malfurion perspective, but since Illidan is a bigtime fan-favorite and is largely present in the Frozen Throne storyline, it seems like it would be a safer bet.
The undead campaign could be a season in itself, but since it sets up the grande finale plot, it could also be shifted to a full movie, Avengers style, where Thrall, Jaina, Malfurion and Tyrande, all show up together to fight Archimonde while Illidan and Arthas fuck off to Northrend.
It just makes too much sense.