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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. Robotnik songs for my birthday, awesome! Don't let me down guys, I am very excite
  2. I figure the amount of time I spend playing this game, I should probably get that at some point. I suppose my birthday is coming up
  3. I assume this excludes our own battle Sick mixes errybody. AkumajoBelmont, I wasn't expecting a sick rap song, but your theme does work quite well with the genre so it makes sense. Love it. EDIT - gotta shout out to the birthday boy for his entrancing mix as well. Damn dats groovy Ben.
  4. Sure is a ghost town around here. Varus is pretty fun. Him and Leona or Taric in a lane is absolutely brutal. Anyone with hard CC is awesome with him, but they're the ones I've done and its always been a blast.
  5. Just submitted mah mix. I had to scrap my initial idea because I had difficulty working both themes into it, which is a shame. But s'all good, I got 'er done.
  6. I am starting to have second thoughts about my genre direction after working on it yesterday. Perhaps some new ideas will come to fresh ears today though! Mixing, yeah!
  7. At last, we mix. May the competition be fierce and the bloodshed be plentiful.
  8. Ignore the annoying “Check out my blog!” self-promotion on there. As a side-note, people who do this — we do not check out your blogs. We hate your blogs. Your blogs are terrible. But actually, that was a helpful read for me. I'm still learning quite a bit, so thinking about things like that is very helpful. Perhaps I get a bit too ambitious sometimes, so perhaps I just need a bit more focus. I'd leave these comments on there but I don't feel like making an account. Obligatory "Awesome sigs!" comment. Because they are. I like that there will be 2 Rusty Ruins sigs!
  9. Aidyn Chronicles on the N64. The battle system was fairly clunky, hitting enemies was very inconsistent, figuring out how to customize your characters and level your stats properly was convoluted, getting around the world took forever, the soundtrack was almost nonexistent (and what was there pretty much sucked). Yet I played it so much, is just had some kind of charm that drew me in. I never did beat it myself, but every once in a while I will tell myself "I'm gonna do it!" and start a new game. One day.
  10. Represent. Nice brackets. Kind of sad that my theme wont be paired with Chernabogue's, they're like brothers. But there's some sick themes in my bracket so I'm pretty stoked!
  11. Ah, I might have still had the link from when it was public on the thread. I since changed it to private, so I think the URL was altered a bit to make it super secret. Should be fixed in the thread now! (Works for me, at least)

  12. The early version I realized was public originally and isn't there anymore, but the newer version is essentially the same with a section added at the end and a slightly longer intro, and it should still be thar.

  13. WHO WHAT WHERE Oh, in Japan. Still, North America can't be THAT far off. At least I hope
  14. Oh boy oh boy oh boy. I don't know what kind of style I'll end up experimenting with this time around, but Rusty Ruin is such a fun theme so I'm sure it'll work with almost anything. Very excite!
  15. I picked it as all 5 of my picks as a joke. But really I love that song, haters be damned.
  16. Yeah seriously, that main theme, ugh *shudder* I would have picked Soleanna New City if it was a stage. So groovy.
  17. Planet Wisp is so good, so I hope SOMEONE ends up with it. I'm glad to see so much Sonic Colours love in general really.
  18. Hey, so a small thing I noticed! Panic Puppet Zone Act 1 and 2 from Sonic 3D Blast on Genesis have 2 separate themes. Also, I like the variety of picks here. Some really awesome themes, I am tres excited.
  19. There is an overworld map for all the stages in Sonic Colours, but Planet Wisp has multiple actual acts that have stage music in addition to the map music (I wouldn't be using the map music). They've all got the same general theme with minor changes.
  20. 1,2,3,4,5) Wild Canyon (SA2) Knuckles is so gangsta. Actual picks: 1) Rusty Ruins Zone (Sonic 3D Blast GENESIS VERSION) 2) Planet Wisp (Sonic Colours) 3) Aquatic Ruin (Sonic 2) 4) Diamond Dust Zone (Sonic 3D Blast GENESIS VERSION) 5) Lava Reef (Sonic & Knuckles) Yeahhh! So excited. Also, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is an identical soundtrack to the Dreamcast one! Just saying.
  21. Damn. I'm tempted to get Colors 3D now but I know my drawings wont even be half as good as this. Exceptional. You should do the cover art for an OCR album some time.
  22. I wanna peg it as something like acid jazz or trip hop, but it doesn't feel quite right. There are a lot of sub genres of electronic and hip hop out there that I'm really not familiar with, so I'm sure there's a word for this SOMEWHERE. Pretty neat beat, really weird harmonies throughout, but a good weird. Also 3/4 and 6/8 are always awesome.
  23. I've been listening through my Sonic soundtracks to find some awesome tunes. My list will probably have acts from 3D Blast (Genesis) all the way to Sonic Colors.
  24. I always imagined this concept working in the .hack// universe for some reason. Maybe because the game was supposed to be an MMO, and there are TV series about it. Or maybe there was talk of it somewhere on a forum, I don't remember. Anywho, bit of a tangent. I do recall hearing about this a while back, and it is an interesting concept. It'll be cool to see how it turns out, but I could imagine it completely bombing if its not executed properly. Considering that the footage there is pre-alpha, it doesn't look half bad, so I look forward to seeing more of it as it develops.
  25. Aw yeah, loving those synth arpeggios. Pretty cool musics all around. I am eager to see what people think of it when it comes here. Perhaps I will consider getting it.
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