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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. If this is open to anyone willing, I would love to at least try something for this, even if it may not end up being up to par. I do have a lot of free time coming up in the near future to work on some music since I'll be done school. I'll give some tracks a listen when I get home and see if anything catches my ear.
  2. Today is my last day of class! So tomorrow I'm going to record the guitars for the next bit that I have mapped out, since I'll have loads of free time. Kinda down to the wire but I'll get ya something, rest assured.


  3. At least he's in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, which we got and its super fun. Anyways, its a bit surprising that they localized this, but it sounds cool. It was a really smart of them to just call it a Pokemon game, it'll certainly get more sales here because of that, which is great. I feel like the tactics genre is a welcome addition to the many Pokemon spinoffs, and one that makes a hell of a lot of sense I'd say.
  4. Yyeeaahh!! 2 of each letter for both y'all. Happy birthdays!
  5. This is one of my favourite boss themes, and I dig this version. I like that it doesn't really sound like the Black Mages version, it is its own and the various different sections sound really sweet. I'm not listening on my good system right now, so as far as mixing goes, I don't have much to say. I love the tone of all the guitars though, and some really nice playing overall. It does feel a bit empty without all the synth noodling that is in the original version, but its still pretty sweet.
  6. So did anyone else click the link at the bottom of that article that is supposed to go to that girls blog?
  7. Aw snap. It's almost over now, but I've been busy with school so I'm gonna be so rusty D: NOT GOOD.
  8. <3 If I get better at this whacky rock remix thing, maybe I'll revisit it with more awesomer production. Or just make something better, who knows. I don't like picking favourites, but I must say that Top This and Wily's Bubble Bath stood out quite a bit for me. But I still listen to several mixes from the competition every now and then.
  9. Diggin' that 3 way tie in round 7, I didn't quite expect that! Very nice work everyone. Can't wait to try another competition like this. (SONIC THE HEDGEHOG YEAH)
  10. Being pretty much a newbie myself, I'd like to know how well I did overall in this competition as well. I was pretty happy with how it turned out for me regardless, given the little experience I've had in remixing music. Closure would be nice I suppose
  11. Dat groove in Underwater Lounge is positively addicting. The ambiance in Lights Out is most excellent. Some solid stuff throughout this album from what I have previewed, definitely downloading this. A+ material.
  12. I never did play the originals but I loves me some RPG goodness, so I am definitely going to get these when they come out.
  13. Just in time to be finished school and have loads of time for musics! I'm so excited.
  14. I was going through trying to guess which composer did each of those, but I didn't peg that one as Mitsuda. Awesome stuff. Yeah I'm in love with that list of composers.
  15. Yeah, damn. This is quickly becoming one of my favourite rock remixes out there, I foresee this going on my long term playlist. Colour me absolutely impressed. Can't wait for the whole album.
  16. I watched them all on YouTube pretty much. Spoilers follow, for serious. How much the endings vary is incredibly slight in most cases. Shepard surviving in some of them is simply a 5 second clip of him/her taking a quick breath in a pile of rubble. Anderson surviving basically only allows you to have a quick conversation with him before you meet the crazy StarChild (and there is even some dialogue floating around that was cut from this conversation in the game, and its a really beautiful talk with Anderson, I don't know why they took it out). There are some very small differences here and there depending on readiness rating and war assets I believe, but the fact that it is essentially the same cutscene no matter what you pick is rather disappointing.
  17. I'm not quite in a rage state about the ending, more of a "not sure what to think" kind of thing. But I agree with you about the writing for the rest of the game. I particularly enjoyed the entire Krogan story. Wrex, Eve, and Mordin all had some very powerful moments. But yeah, dat ending, I just don't know. Looked up the ones I didn't pick on YouTube since I couldn't be bothered to go through the chat with TIL and godchildthing more than once. I'm fairly torn. Also on a spoiler-y sidenote, did anyone else happen to not do the bomb mission right away? I wanted to get Tali back in my squad before I did any more side missions, but when I did the bomb exploded because I waited too long. Wrex sent me the most depressing e-mail.
  18. I absolutely love barber shop and used to sing it a bunch, so I'd love to do something with the Four Giants, though I don't have any samples of myself recorded at the moment. This is a pretty neat idea though so I'm interested to see how it shapes up. If I can get some recordings of myself in the near future I'll definitely try out for something.
  19. http://soundcloud.com/jordan-reed I mostly just post WIPs or random little non-serious things, but s'all good. Check it out if you wish!
  20. Aw snap I'm sold, this is one groovy album. Downloading with glee.
  21. I loved how she looked at the end of Prime, she had a serious, sort of realistic look from what I remember. But in Prime 2 and beyond they seemed to just go completely away from that and went for the cartoony sexed up zero suit we see today. Alas.
  22. Thanks a lot! I will probably join the Maverick battle, because these competition things are really fun.

  23. The Sims: - Now Entering - Neighborhood - Under Construction - Buying Lumber - Mallrat - Groceries Always loved the music from The Sims. Its really pleasant, and low key enough so that it sits nicely in the background and soothes the soul while you work through whatever it is you're doing. The Sims Hot Date: - Whole OST (Its not too long but its something worth listening through) A bit more upbeat, but its all really smooth jazz. Perhaps not for everyone, but jazz often helps me focus and it really is a wonderful mix of tunes.
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