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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. Well I knew that much. Guess I just don't know enough of the awesome little details!
  2. Guilds can be cross-server? That is very intriguing. I guess there is that guest system in place. I've never really looked much up beyond basic class stuff really. I should read up on more stuff before release
  3. This is something I'd most certainly be interested in. I've learned quite a bit since the start of the Wily competition, but I know I've got a long way to go. Colour me intrigued.
  4. Just played my ending again to see what changed. Gotta say, I like it. It is a good thing. White text ahoy: The extra epilogue after the Normandy crash was a nice way to finish things. I feel the way they flashed different images of characters and situations based on your decisions was good. It could have been more intricate, but I can't complain much about what they did do. They added new little dialogue bits to the catalyst conversation, but I don't remember the original version very clearly. Though I believe it is a bit less confusing with the new bits of info. I wish they included the extended talk with Anderson beforehand though, that would have been really nice. At least I can still hear it on YouTube. One thing I feel was strange is that the destruction ending was supposed to destroy all synthetics, ships, etc. But during the epilogue there are several fleets that seemed to be unscathed. I thought that was a bit strange. But they did clear up A LOT of the confusion around the original ending, so I approve.
  5. Glad you at least like the ePiano, I'm a sucker for that thing. In retrospect I coulda done more if I was able to really devote a lot of quality time to this mix, but I'm happy with what I was able to accomplish anyways.
  6. Saying you are disappointed with my mix and that you want to go against Gario or Brandon so you can go out with dignity is pretty insulting. I don't know how else to interpret that. Telling us Radio Sega has your back wasn't really necessary either. I'll move on, sure, but you should just be more careful with what you say. That's all.
  7. Honestly, I don't see why themes have to be so intricately weaved all the time. My best mix from the Wily competition, which won a round and I've recently submitted, used Shadow Man as much of the melodic material throughout but the Wily theme as the bridge. They weren't weaved together, per se, but it worked well in terms of song structure. In my mix this week, Rusty Ruin is a light supplement to the Emerald Hill verses with those floaty blips, and I guess the sax can be seen as a chorus. As a jazzy tune, I feel this setup works as a good and listenable song structure. Its the style that I like to use, and to me it just works. Sorry if that's disappointing. I would love to go up against Gario or Brandon too, as I absolutely adore their themes. I'm glad I've made it this far though, as I really didn't expect it. But I've been trying very hard and I'm pretty proud of all of my mixes, considering before the Wily competition I pretty much had absolutely no remix experience. And I am thankful for all the positive feedback I've received throughout this competition.
  8. http://www.native-instruments.com/#/en/specials/bass-invaders/?page=4995&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=bass+invaders+reminder&utm_source=newsletter 50% off FM8, Massive, and Razor. The offer ends today but its a pretty decent deal if you don't plan to get one of the bigger Komplete bundles from Native Instruments.
  9. Thanks a lot! Its sort of a return to roots for me I guess, less experimenting than my last two tracks, but I just really felt like doing a mix in a chill/jazzy style again.
  10. Haha, I am glad you enjoyed it. I'm thankful Xenon was able to pull together a quick recording after such short notice! I just needed a sax for that section, a synth lead wouldn't do it justice.
  11. Yo I love Anamanaguchi I saw them live once. Do it do it do it.
  12. I was gonna name myself my initials too, JMR, until I realized it was taken At any rate these are some absolutely sick grooves, I love it. I bet I can scrounge up some moneys to purchase dis, so I shall bookmark it for now so I don't forget about it!
  13. Done and subbed up in dis. I am eager to see what y'all think. Happy birthday to my main blue hog.
  14. Looks like it is back up for the time being, with a short login queue. I imagine it may get longer though, like it was a few days ago.
  15. This is probably the first time I'll be using a largely unedited keyboard part that I played, should be interesting (and there's another little surprise in here). Pretty happy with where I'm at, just need to do some final tweaks and such but its almost finished!
  16. I had some friends visiting Monday - Wednesday, but I made sure to get a solid head start on the weekend so I've got some good stuff laid out. Should be a fun time finishing this one.
  17. Wii U is to Wii as Xbox 360 was to Xbox. I don't see why people are getting so confused.
  18. I met her sort of at Magfest and she seemed like a cool person. I was too scared to add her or any of the judges on Facebook.
  19. My goodness that is just fantastic. A dream studio, to be sure. Didn't realize he played drums either. That song he plays near the end was beautiful too.
  20. AMPHIBIOUS VS GARIO Naw but really, its entirely up in the air as far as I'm concerned. Errybody has done well. I've been surprised by many people, and by myself, in this compo. Good stuff A+!
  21. It was pretty damn close I was convinced you'd beat me earlier in the week. It was an astounding battle, sir. We'll see what I can cook up Good luck to you as well. It shall be an interesting one.
  22. I'm not tired of my theme yet PETE TAKE MINE IF YOU WIN. Just kidding. But sexy jazz yes. Someone. Anyone. I dunno why I haven't tried it yet *EDIT: Half the stuff I do is with Sytrus. <3 I love it.
  23. You could do a 2-disc thing, one for JP one for US. Simple, effective, gives both soundtracks time to shine. I'd consider doing a track or something, though I would have to finish with my current music commitments. I guess I'll throw myself out there as a maybe.
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