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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. I'm assuming you mean the Prime series. (Not much after that other than Other M ) If so, very excite.
  2. Yes it is pretty incomplete. I wanted to turn something in though, so I did as much as I could. I just got busy with a lot of life responsibilities so I couldn't put in the quality time I wanted. It also made it hard to mix the sources much because I didn't have time to really listen to them good. Hopefully I have time to work on it more in the near future.
  3. Didn't get to use as much guitar as I wanted, alas. Real life got in the way more than I anticipated this week But dropping out woulda made me super sad so I am submitting my horrendously underdeveloped mix imminently!
  4. I've been trying to do that myself. This first week of school is damn hectic, and I realized I'll be gone Saturday to see the Zelda Symphony. I'll finish 'er up in the next few days I'm hoping.
  5. I'd be down to do something for this. I'm thinking one of the snowy levels from Diddy Kong Racing, or perhaps I can come up with a frosty original?
  6. I hath voted for this fine solo. Loved the harmonies you used, very fine stuff.
  7. I got the guild invite and can look at the roster and whatnot, but clicking the join button does nothing. What do? *EDIT - Relogging did the trick. Huzzah!
  8. I've rolled on Isle of Janthir with a couple of IRL friends. But feel free to add Amphibious.1592, if y'all care to do so.
  9. Oh goodness, death threats from WillRock. Shit just got real. D: Lets do dis.
  10. Aw snap, someone else picked Slash Beast as their number 1 Looks like this is gonna be intense. That's all 32 now right?
  11. I actually JUST found a box filled with my old Nintendo Power issues yesterday. I still pick them up from newsstands occasionally when it looks like an interesting issue. Alas, gaming magazines aren't nearly as relevant as they once were. RIP Nintendo Power.
  12. I am wetness incarnate.

  13. I don't know how to respond, but I like it. I didn't bother installing the Beta a day before release because I was worried I'd have to download it again, since the Beta and the actual game are 2 separate things in my library. Aw well, guess I'll find out soon
  14. I pre-purchased yesterday. WHY CAN'T I PRELOAD IT YET? Its been too long since I've played Counter Strike and I forgot how awesome it was so I am very excite.
  15. Some really excellent stuff. The Harbor Town was a very pleasant theme, and I could easily hear it in a good RPG game. I was particularly impressed by "Forward Motion" also. A really solid groove throughout, and a simple yet beautiful and catchy melody. I really love listening to a good solo guitar piece every now and then. Great work methinks!
  16. Link still seems to be working for me! Maybe it was just down temporarily?
  17. Don't do it! I almost picked a theme from X7. There's too many to choose from, I tells ya.
  18. You should care about mias since they could very well come into the jungle and kill you, you're not as safe as you think there. Also yes I see a lot of people call me or friends noobs for doing good, but hey whatever makes them feel better. Those are the enemies to put on ignore immediately.
  19. Sounds like a fun time, here's my picks! 1) Slash Beast - X4 2) Commander Yammark - X6 3) Flame Mammoth - X 4) Sting Chameleon - X 5) Shining Hotarunicus - X5
  20. Looks like I wont be getting home until 2 or so hours after it starts, but hell I'll gimp myself and work on something anyways in the time I have.
  21. Yep, $5 is an AMAZING deal for this game. Its an overall charming package, with some wonderfully creative rhythm games using such a simple control scheme. Do iiiiiit.
  22. I sang some Frank Sinatra stuff in the past, though I'm pretty self conscious about my voice Still I'll consider something like that. Heck I'd like to try my hand at arranging something for this here band, but it will probably take a while before I do get anything concrete. Still, this sounds awesome and I just wanna say that I'm at least very interested in this
  23. Hmm, I'll be on the way home that day and I dunno when I'm getting in, but hopefully in time to do something for this. Sounds like a super fun time. Gotta find me an awesome Sega Genesis soundtrack or something.
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