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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. I've never been super clear on what acid jazz is, but I think Quantic might qualify. Here's a song by him, one of my favourites called Life in the Rain: It gets real good, I especially like the guitar solo section and the beat behind it. Here's another I like called Snake in the Grass: I dunno if this is quite what you're looking for but I hope it helps.
  2. I am in the same boat. Also its finals time right now so I didn't really have a choice. Alas.
  3. Thanks a lot guys! I'm really glad you liked it. C7 nailed the trumpet part despite the terrible key signature Thanks sir. I will certainly keep that in mind next time, haha, but you did great.
  4. Flexstyle last remixed in Round 3, and now its Round 6 Pretty tight remixes this week, I am enjoying these as they keep me company in the otherwise dreary library at school.
  5. Down to the wire But I have submitted! Pretty happy with how it turned out, probably one of my better works to date. Also, live trumpet courtesy of C7! Many thanks to him.
  6. My internet has been in and out all week and I've been working on my mix / doing several final school things before exams start. I will vote probably right before I submit my mix tomorrow morning! It was a great round, as usual, and I'm almost set on what I'll vote for but I shall decide soon.
  7. I was pretty excited for a new Lux skin but.. seems pretty so-so, not really my style. Classic Lux I shall stay. I love Gangplanks new look though.
  8. I shall be mixing for the Gentlemasters this week. Pretty sick theme, I'm feelin' smooth.
  9. While I already had a few of these albums, I decided to throw in some moneys and get all 17 of them anyways! What a deal for such an excellent selection of music.
  10. Ever since I was much younger, I always remember doing this. Basically whenever I walk on a sidewalk with relatively even shaped squares, I feel compelled to step twice in each one. In a way I suppose this could be similar to what you experience with the lights, in that the line separating the concrete squares of the sidewalk are the bar lines and my individual steps are the beats. Sometimes there is the odd square that is larger for some reason, and when I notice this I will step 3 (or 4 if needed) times in it, then continue in the 2 pattern for the next normal sized squares. Now that I'm thinking about it, it does seem pretty rhythmic or music-related in some way, but I don't know if it would count as some sort of OCD or not, I'm pretty unfamiliar with that kind of stuff.
  11. This is precisely my dilemma. What a batch this week.
  12. Yeah I share OCRemixes on Facebook using YouTube videos all the time. Its an easy way for me to show my friends. Granted, very few of them even bother to listen D: Fools don't know what they're missing.
  13. Oh gosh. I am going to EB right when it opens tomorrow to pick this bad boy up. I will probably listen to the awesome CD before I play though, because I'm pretty much as excited for the CD as I am for the actual game. At least my 10 page research paper is out of the way so I can play the hell out of this game over the next week or two at least. Its been fun, Skyrim.
  14. Yes <3 This will be an exciting round, I'm sure of it. I don't know if I'd be able to handle 12 Mega Man metal remixes.
  15. Based on when I've played him since the patch, he is slightly less amazing but still very good. They nerfed his range but he was always rewarded for being close and Buckshotting faces so its not so bad. He still has great mobility and escape from his Quick Draw and Smokescreen. The Buckshot nerf is noticeable but it still hurts.
  16. \m/ Yes. A friend showed me this a few days ago and I had a good laugh. PETA cracks me up sometimes. Anyone else find it funny that the tanooki in their parody flash game can get crushed or fall in a pit and die? Not very ethical if you ask me.
  17. Just throwing this out there, I appreciate all the comments towards my mix in your reviews. I don't have a lot of remixing experience under my belt (let alone mixing 2 songs in one), and I'm still learning a lot production-wise so I'm glad that there are some people enjoying what I was able to put together. Also rock really isn't something I have a lot of experience with as far as mixing goes so it was a bit of a gamble this week, deviating from my more comfortable style. I realized it was a bit muddy but I'll continue to work on it. Thanks all! Also I may have time in the next few days once I'm done all this school crap to do some small reviews, but I can say that it was an enjoyable bunch, and there were definitely a handful that I could have slotted into my top 3 that didn't make it. Alas, choices had to be made. But a good effort from everybody, in my opinion.
  18. Wooh! Happiest of birthdays to y'all. Here is a bag of puppies.
  19. I dig these games and I dig this mix. I'm not always big on rap but it really works with the groove you've set up here. Love the bassline. Such a smooth sounding bass. I'm not production pro but it sounds pretty great for the most part. About halfway through (can't see the exact time on tindeck) it sounds like the vocals might be distorting ever so slightly, or something else in the mix maybe, but its hard to tell. I could also be hearing things. Awesome piano solo, really beautiful. So yeah, great stuff overall. Might be some things to clean up, but just slight issues if any, because its sounding pretty tight to my ear.
  20. Some of the southern regions have some really colourful forests, and I personally think the towns look fantastic. Some areas farther north do lack a colour because they're rocky and snowy, but there are still some really pretty things like snowdrifts and icy lakes, and it feels splendid whenever its snowing or raining. Exploring is much more exciting than it was in Oblivion, I can say that much.
  21. Aye, it was open to everyone so of course people of many different skill levels are involved. I'm still learning a lot myself but I gave it my all, as did others I'm sure.
  22. I guess C7 will be up for us this week, being the last on our team. Sweet turnout this round. Voting was a bit tricky, there were certainly a few I could have slotted into my 2nd and 3rd place votes.
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