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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. I found a horse with a dead guy next to it on the middle of a path, so I took it. Free horse! But THEN, when I got off my horse he instantly flew straight to my left and through the side of the mountain. Alas, he was a good horse. These bugs are hilarious.
  2. Yeah I really dug this mix. Got a first place vote from me. Honestly, I'm still learning quite a lot about mixing and mastering so I can't say much in that regard, but I just wanna say that overall its a pretty solid mix. Some great sounds and great use of both themes.
  3. Done and submitted, myself. All I can say is I need some more practice with mixing / mastering, but it was still a fun track to put together. I'm excited to see the turnout!
  4. Yeah, the the menus really have a tough time with the mouse. Hell even trying to control with the arrow keys didn't seem much better to me. I'll get used to it though, its not enough to ruin any awesomeness that is sure to be had.
  5. I ALMOST went with Argonian, but after playing around with character creation I was pretty happy with a Nord character. Also, I feel like leveling is pretty damn fast, at least early on. I did one side quest and raided a small mine and I'm almost level 5. Not that this is a bad thing. The perk system seems pretty awesome, and combat feels better than Oblivion. Still kinda awkward, but fun nonetheless.
  6. Haven't seen a review score below 90% out of the 30 - 40 reviews that are out so far. Wooooahhhhhh. I have a 10 page research paper due on Tuesday. I must do all I can tonight.
  7. I shall be remixing for the Gentlemasters' Club this week. Very excite.
  8. Well according to this article on IGN: http://ps3.ign.com/articles/121/1211692p1.html They seem to just want to move on from Generations and create a new game next. I do think it would be worth doing some DLC for this game, but I don't know how much time they'd be willing to devote to it, especially if they have a desire to just move forward. I wouldn't rule out the possibility, of course.
  9. Its a pinball minigame, not an actual stage, sadly. Its kinda cool and it does have a really awesome jazz rendition of the Casino Night stage music, but yeah. I'm hoping they do include actual full stages in any future DLC. It seems like a smart thing to do, as people like me will surely be suckered into buying additional stages, especially if they include some of the greats like Ice Cap or Lava Reef.
  10. Yeah, I've been having way too much fun with this over the last several hours (just unlocked tonight on Steam). I have to say, the unlockable soundtrack has been a huge incentive for me to play the challenges and get every red star ring I can. I've beaten up to Crisis City, but I've been doing a lot of backtracking because of the unlockables. Did all Chemical Plant challenges and got all the Green Hill red star rings. Some of the challenges were surprisingly fun, though some are pretty silly. Still, its worth getting the tunes I'd say. Did the first boss with Sonic Boom playing, aw yeah. Also, Sky Sanctuary is one beautiful level. Though I still wish they counted Sonic 3 & Knuckles as 2 separate games and included either Hydrocity or Ice Cap.
  11. I will be down to join an OCR guild, no question. As for a name, I lack the creativity to think of anything.
  12. I've been keeping up with this game for a while, and it is looking fantastic. It seems to be just what I need in an MMO. I'm pretty set on trying a Sylvari. As for professions, there are a few that interest me, so I'm a bit torn. Of course, I'll probably make multiple characters, so I guess I'll at least have an Elementalist, Thief, and Engineer. Super stoked.
  13. I agree entirely, and I only stopped playing less than a year ago myself. The various guilds I was in all had some great people, some with families (even multiple instances of husbands and wives playing together). Hell, even some of the public groups I joined for raids had some wicked people on vent. Despite the trolls that were on my server, I'd say the amount of friendly people whom I enjoyed playing with completely outweighed them in every regard. I suppose some servers are worse than others, and maybe I just got lucky and avoided the dark sector of my server, but I'd say WoW isn't so bad. Personally speaking, of course. Now I feel bad for quitting and not getting to say goodbye to my old GM *EDIT - I guess some of the random dungeon groups could be pretty bad, since they added the cross-server queues, but I rarely queued without some friends so I avoided a lot of that.
  14. This one makes a lot of sense since Koji Kondo did both of those soundtracks. But yeah, there are TONS of examples like this out there. I feel like I have several but I'm too tired and lazy to look for them. Perhaps in the morning.
  15. I would like to second the fact that FFXI had an absurdly kind community as far as MMOs go. I also second the fact that MOBA (ARTS, or whatever you want to call them) communities are pretty terrible. But I get the feeling that most PVP oriented games have a community like that.
  16. Yup. Maybe its partly because I'm more into fantasy than sci-fi, but Guild Wars 2 is looking to be a pretty great game to me with a lot of cool features. I'll admit, I thought the story segments in SWTOR were pretty good when I played the beta. Pretty much straight from a BioWare single player RPG, and as such the writing and voice acting were really good. The gameplay did feel pretty safe though, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I don't think it will wow anyone who is looking for something new and exciting in that department. The addition of a cover system for the Infiltrator and Smuggler classes was an interesting idea, but I found that it wasn't all that effective. Also, pretty standard MMO fare as far as actual quest objectives go, but having choices when doing quests and turning them in is a nice touch. I'm sure the game LOOKS beautiful on a good PC, no question about that. And I bet the lore and voice acting will be great for Star Wars fans who really want to immerse themselves in the setting. But I dunno, not quite sold on it myself.
  17. Fantastic sigs. Looking forward to the competition!
  18. Yeah his passive encourages you to constantly be attacking minions to keep the stacks up, but its not ideal to be constantly pushing like that. Also getting caught in Smokescreen is pretty ridiculous. Like a reverse bush.
  19. SO GUYS I bought Graves and he is actually pretty fun, though I'm still getting used to his skill set. Its weird to have a ranged carry that benefits from going into melee range to Buckshot someones face off. Though he still does pretty great from far away as well. With quickdraw his auto attacks can get pretty ridiculous. Also, his attack animations and sound effects are REALLY cool, which is a nice little bonus :3
  20. One of my favourite Genesis games, so naturally I endorse and any all remixes from this game. Idaten is a favourite. After I get through with all this busy school stuff I might attempt my own remix from this game. Maybe Solitary, or maybe something else, depends what I'm feeling. At any rate, excellent choice.
  21. I listened to the source and sort of mumbled the lyrics to myself in a rap-like rhythm, and it seems to work pretty well actually. Also I love the bass in this song, just saying. Unfortunately I can't ACTUALLY rap but I do like the idea of this.
  22. I dig this. Its really chill, but it has that chiptune "bite" to it, as I call it. Really neat effects and such used here too, I like it a lot. I would love to hear the finished product when you're done with it. I am unfortunately not much of an expert for production so I don't know if I have any pointers in that department. Musically it sounds great though, so you're going in a good direction I'd say. Keep it up.
  23. Oh booya. That would save on travel costs if I only have to go that far. (Of course I would front you some gas money as well) Hopefully we can work something out if you're going.
  24. If there's anyone in the Southern Ontario region (around Guelph / Toronto) that I might be able to arrange travel plans with, let me know. Otherwise I'll probably just bus it or something.
  25. Here's a song I did for a PRC a few months back. I just sort of forgot about it after the contest, but I did win with it and I thought there were some good ideas here, so I figured I'd revisit it. As far as the arrangement goes, I'm pretty set on the way its laid out, though suggestions are welcome. I'm particularly fond of the ending where it slows down. However, production wise I'm looking for some advice and / or pointers. I like the rhythm guitar, but the lead guitar tone seems pretty off, especially on some of the higher notes. Could be an issue with either the Guitar Rig setup I used, the EQ, or both. If anyone out there who uses Guitar Rig 4 has some ideas that would be lovely. Or anyone who generally has some know-how about EQing lead guitars in a rock context, your help would also be appreciated. The lead guitar is a bit muddy in some spots also, so I will no doubt re-record it all once I decide on a more suitable tone. The drums seem pretty punchy, but I'm pretty new to mixing drums so I'm sure there are some issues there as well. Also they could maybe be humanized more, though I do like how they sound currently. Still, I'm no pro so let me know what you think. I do like the synth sounds, but there could be some issues with the mixing, or perhaps some better sounding patches I could be using. So let me know what you think of those too. The transition into the piano bridge also might be a problem spot, I'm not sure. Keeping the synth sustained over into it seems to work well enough, but maybe something more could be done? So yeah, overall I'd like some feedback on this. As one of the first full remixes I've completed, as well as one of the first rocky songs I've attempted in FL Studio, I'm pretty happy with it, but its far from perfect so any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks! Link: http://soundcloud.com/jordan-reed/amphibious-enter-the-jungle-by *EDIT: Oh gosh. SOURCE TUNE HERE:
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