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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. Unexpected things happened at work, and I'm mixing in the mega man competition this week so nothing on my end yet. I'm still interested in this and might be able to get something started in the near future, but if you end up getting that guys track or if anyone else wants to take the Pokémon track I won't get too worked up about it!
  2. Oh boy my turn this week. I sliced my finger recently at work but it's recovering so hopefully I can play guitar in some capacity on my mix we shall see!
  3. Amphibious - Sigma's Enigma Firefly (Shining Hotarunicus in Palace Ground [X]) Wanderforce (Gravity Antonion in Palace Ground [X]) Rolling (Frost Walrus in Palace Ground [X])
  4. I may consider taking the Pokémon claim if no one else is working on it, but I'll have to see what I can do by the 3rd since I've been pretty busy this week. Though I do have the 3rd itself off work and tend to produce better stuff under a crazy time crunch. I'll see!
  5. Yo dis my picks: 1) Spiral Pegacion (The Skiver) (X5) 2) Volt Kraken (Squid Addler) (X5) 3) Wire Sponge (X2) 4) Crystal Snail (X2) 5) Crescent Grizzly (X5) Was gonna pick Shining Hotarunicus but my teammate hath picked it so hey, that's cool with me. Hopefully the time I have available it enough to make some rockin' beats. Excited to hear everyone else's tracks, as always!
  6. I remember when I first heard this, so glad to see if posted. It's gotta be one of my favourite mixes ever. Absolutely flawless.
  7. Aw yeah some Yukiko love. Love her theme from P4A, always thought about remixing it myself. This is a great spin on it, I love the instrumentation throughout!
  8. Holy, 5 years already? I remember getting this when it first came out. I have a few tracks from it in some playlists I still listen to, it's awesome stuff!
  9. Waiting in the airport right now. My flight gets in just after 1 so I'll be meandering about this afternoon. Hopefully I'll find some of you early birds around! So excite!
  10. Honestly I've barely been around here lately and it makes me sad. That's what I get for accepting a position in management Luckily its only until May, so that leaves a lot of year left to actually start accomplishing things again! Well, let's make a small list: - Reconnect with my fellow musicians (I'm hoping MAGFest helps with this as well as having more free time in the summer) - Finish ALL of my current project commitments here on OCR. - Complete at least 1 new album, original or remix (I've had plans for a Shinobi 3 album for a while, I'd like to see it through) - Start practicing guitar and / or piano at least once daily, starting this summer (or sooner if possible) This is what I would like to accomplish. I'll give it my all. Best of luck to everyone else on their resolutions, and I hope to see you all around more this year. I've missed this place.
  11. I just love the badass slow motion leap off Epona with the bow. Well okay I love how it looks in general. But the leap yo.
  12. Just posting a status update, I'm well underway on my track and should have at least a semi-final draft by this weekend! Been working a lot lately but I'm gettin' it done. *EDIT - Oh, I should say that I'm mixing "Santalune Forest" together with "It's a Pokemon Battle!"
  13. I'm hoping by the holidays I'll have most of my project commitments done (and hopefully not work 40 - 50 hours a week at my job) and be able to do something this year. I'd love to do a fun Christmas remix. Here's hoping!
  14. Most of my old crap is on Newgrounds still and I'm too lazy to delete it. Sometimes its funny to look back at it And sometimes there's the odd idea that I actually DO like but can totally spruce up!
  15. There is a very high probability that I will be attending once again
  16. Oh man oh man. Is this the DoD I finally enter? Sakurabaaaaa.
  17. I'm currently at about a week or so of not touching my music PC. Sometimes I get in phases where I try to work through some games in my backlog on top of working several days a week. But I don't usually go more than a few weeks without doing at least something! Gotta get back into the music soon.
  18. You guys are awesome! I wasn't expecting this much response in all honesty, so thank you all very much.
  19. Thanks a ton! Really glad you enjoyed it I definitely had a lot of fun with that one Thanks a bunch! Never had my music called tasty before, thanks a lot for the support good sir!
  20. Thanks for the support! Since these tunes span such a large time frame, there's certainly some variety to them as I experimented with different genres. Thanks again!
  21. Hey everyone! So recently I've been cooking up this little album and its finally ready. It consists of a lot of music that I've been sitting on for a while, as well as some newer tunes. Some of these were from 2 hour competitions, others resulted from screwing around with FM synth leads or neat little chord progressions. I have a terrible habit of sitting on my music and never releasing any of it, so I needed to get something out there! While it is in no way a masterpiece, this music means a lot to me and was enjoyable to put together. It isn't all necessarily up to my most recent standards, but there's a decent amount of variety here so I hope there's something for everyone to enjoy. Available for full streaming on Soundcould, or purchase on Bandcamp, Loudr, iTunes and Google Play Feel free to leave all feedback, be it negative or positive. Moving forward, I hope to continue to improve! Thank you! Available on Bandcamp: HERE Available on Loudr: HERE Stream on Soundcloud: HERE
  22. I'd be down to mix something from Pokemon X/Y. If you want another chillout track on this one I can do that, but I'd definitely be okay with something more upbeat and/or aggressive this time around.
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