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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Except you haven't read the novels he's working on or has written. That's the thing here, we haven't saw them. You can't say it will fail if you haven't read it. Let's see some pages. Help remove the skepticism.
  2. I really like this one. Good use of guitar too!
  3. I was super pissed when I saw that poster that had "apprehended" over Gambit AND Rogue...man I nerd raged. Anyway, I think it fits the character, but it lacks the "fighting game" action to me. It feels a bit more like a menu theme. Either way, I still enjoyed the song very much. However, the drums are a tiny bit overpowering I think.
  4. Girls, stop fighting. I agree with what Snappleman said a while back about using what you have. I don't think Gar is out of date, but people these days put waaay too much into software rather than what really counts. The freakin' music. Which is why there's been so many horrible songs on the radio for the past ten years. All that really matters is that you have a solid performance, mind blowing composition and good mixing. You don't have to drop 700$ on the latest and greatest operating systems, East West sound libraries, the best reverb plugins, the most critically acclaimed soundcard on the market, the newest DAW etc. I can provide you with an extensive list of examples of well produced, amazing music that was made around 1989-1999 and is better than what we have now. That was before all this "high end" shit even existed. I guess what I'm saying is that, Gar should only upgrade to something if he feels it's worth his money. If you can use what you already have, and it sounds great then there is no reason to upgrade. If you try out some new "up to date" product and it inspires you in ways your old stuff doesn't, get the new product. Of course, to run said new product, you may have to upgrade to a new OS or something. I think that point is sort of being lost at this point in the thread though.
  5. I didn't like it. Then again, I hate RPGs.....
  6. I'm convinced "the view" by Metallica and Lou Reed is the worst thing ever. That shit is pure evil.
  7. New WIP http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/final-fight-demo-wip-2 =/
  8. I hear ya. I'm a musician not an audio engineer! Still though, paying someone to do it ain't cheap.
  9. I've been trying desperately to get seperation between all the sounds on my rock tracks...but I think I've failed. I try to give all the frequencies their own space, but like I said it's not working =( How can I make this better and clearer? The goal here is to achieve a sort of early 90s hair metal sound. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/mak-eightman-criss-stratos 2012 Remix!!! This is now a collab between myself and Mak!!!
  10. The guitars tone sounds fine to me, but more vibrato (and maybe some echo) would make em' sound killer in my opinion.
  11. So I had this old fx pad type thing kickin' around and I wanted to make use of it. So, I created this ambient kind of track that could possibly work as a menu theme for a survival horror type game or maybe a film. So, does it achieve the right atmosphere to you? http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/horror-theme
  12. I was actually reading a study that recently showed humans are all born liars. We have to learn to tell the truth, but lies are natural. Some real awesome posts (imo anyway) in the thread so far. I'm way worse I garauntee you that. I'm trying to learn how to EQ correctly so that I can get moar clarity. Most days it just feels like I don't get better though
  13. Ah ha! I heard that head smasher track. I love it. Pretty awesome outlook on it Luke.
  14. How long did it take you to get good with mixing and otherwise producing music? Assuming you are good with it. Do you think you can still improve at it? If so, in what areas?
  15. Awesome, but I still liked Firewind better on Burning Earth and Forged by Fire.
  16. So I'm workin' on my own rock/metal arrangement of CV3's Beginning. I'm sort of looking to Naoto Shibata's interpretation of the theme as the primary inspiration. I know at even this early stage that its got flaws. Mainly because I am horrible with mixing and production. I think I also jumped the gun at the starting gate, i.e, I started playing to soon. Help me out here. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/castlevania-beginning-wip Oh yeah, I'm also going to do the main melody on guitar in the end. The violin lead is only temporary. The melody has also been changed around in a way I think is better for guitar...
  17. New teasers were shown at Brasil Game Show. For the first time, no one seems to be 100% certain who the hell these are hinting at. It seems to show 3 SF characters per trailer but that would make 9 more SF characters which seems unlikely. http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2011/oct/07/brasil-game-show-sfxt-character-teasers/ EDIT: Oops....eventhubs has a pretty good analysis of the trailers which shows Balrog, Juri and Vega.
  18. That's pretty sweet. It's got that oldschool thrash metal vibe to it, but at the same time doesn't feel too retro. Which is awesome. Also, the palm mutes are killer.
  19. Yeah, tweeted with an iphone. A device used as "a platform for sin" lol
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