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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Era II is the best VST for Medieval and European folk instruments by far. As I recall, it includes excellent, true legato samples of all the instruments you mention and then some. There is also a fantastic vocal library add on including tavern singers and female voice by Celica Soldream! Nvm, I just saw you're looking for freeware...
  2. Carrying on with my action movie inspired rock tunes. Makes titling things so much easier
  3. Hey. Some rock music I did recently that has an anthemic, shuffle sort of vibe and possibly punk music influence. Let me know if you love it, hate, or have mixed feelings that are strange and confusing about it.
  4. When I installed any vst and I mean any vst, the computer upon wake or reboot would take you to recovery options and wouldn't load windows unless you rolled back to a point where none of it was installed, thus rendering it unusable. I fought with this for weeks and so did the shop I eventually took it to. Reinstalling Windows 8 fixed the problem entirely
  5. I had nothing but problems with EVERY vst on Windows 10 including the ones you speak of. It bricked my pc, even So I went back to 8
  6. Three suggestions if you mean a guitar vst 1. Prominy's V-Metal remains the only worthwhile electric guitar VST I've heard and/or used; especially for melodic rock and metal playing. Shreddage is good for robotic djent rhythms and not much else (Sorry guys, no hate.) 2. For little more than the price of most VST guitars, you could buy a real, lower-end guitar and it will sound infinitely better than MIDI sequencing. It's just that low-end guitars usually have tuning instability, more frequent truss rod adjustments etc. 3. Guitar players are a dime a dozen If it's for amp sims and fx, all of the LePou stuff is great and free. I think guitar rig also has a free version, but the pro version is the way to go.
  7. I was working in video game retail back when the Playstation Now service launched. The consensus about it was that the problem with streaming video games is the problem of time; same problem I had with it. Movies and TV are linear experiences that are watched from start to finish in one sitting and you can watch many of them in the span of a month. The amount of time it takes to watch a season of Daredevil would not even see you beyond the first couple chapters in an RPG and you might just be getting the hang of many hard-as-nails retro games at this point. Not all games are story-driven or difficult; some are party games like Mario Kart. Yeah, but if I want to play Mario Kart or Smash Bros with my friends every once in a while, it makes no sense to pay say...9.99 monthly, forever, when I would likely be charged around that price to buy both individually and have them until the end of time without bleeding money each month I don't play it. Most people also only have the time to focus on one game at a time. You get your money's worth and then move on. Adults with regular jobs, young families, other hobbies and interests; I've yet to personally meet one of them that felt video-game streaming is worth the expense. A stronger back catalog of games than the competition might see higher subscriber numbers for Nintendo, but I don't see that overcoming the issue of time investment. If you have limited time to play a game, an old one no less, you really are just better off buying it and getting your money's worth out of it at your own pace, without a looming subscription fee giving you access to a ton of games you aren't even playing. Game streaming could be a good option for parents whose kids like to play a lot of video games in their spare time but rather than fork out 70-90 bucks per game (in Canada) that they'll probably get bored with soon anyway, you could pay 15 a month and give them access to a wide range of games they can get bored of quickly. They should def do PS+, but Nintendo, though.
  8. I was referring to Playstation Now, I think is called. I think we're talking about different things.
  9. Netflix but video games, be it streamed or subscription style, is a terrible idea that I'm fairly certain didn't work out like Sony hoped. People only ran out to buy the NES classic because of nostalgia and then realized they could've played these 30 year old games on their tablet or phone for free via emulators that can run in a browser instead of paying Nintendo again for their old ideas. For 15 dollars, you could buy several NES or SNES games on the shop and own them forever - screw subscriptions.
  10. You want to use reverb as a send, not an insert. Create a track that has your reverb set to 100% wet, 0% dry and send your tracks to it. The higher the send level, the more reverb you get. Mic positions are great because you get the hall or scoring stages natural reflections, but if you're using different libraries, they won't sound as cohesive because they sound like they're in different places because they are. Which, for achieving acoustic realism across the mix, is not what you want
  11. I'm just waiting for the entire series and get them all at once. It's gonna be righteous
  12. And tablets And gta5 And give their 16 year old the car keys You better believe that they'll give them a 4-500 video game system
  13. This is the video game industry in 2017 we're talking, how many anticipated games actually deliver on the hype? Though Zelda is almost always good
  14. Hey. Guitars definitely sound phony. Shreddage, I presume? Anyway, VST electric guitars sound like crap even with the best sequencing, but some things you can do to make them sound better. Automate the string preference and fretboard position so that your virtual guitarist is playing in the correct positions for the phrase, automate portamento speed, switch between down picking and alternate, use the sampled vibrato instead of the horrid lfo, your use of harmonics in the beginning is too excessive and perfect (latter is probably samples fault), I'd also say do your best to include slide ins, but sample libraries are shit at this. Furthermore, you only want as much distortion as is absolutely necessary. Even in death metal, getting a sweet twangy sound out of the guitar is what you want, because the harder you play the more the tubes break up and distort. This is why rock guitar players prefer tube amps; you get a constant fluctuation of distortion that really breathes life into the performance and no two notes are ever the same timbre exactly. Lastly, your synth is too loud, drums lack punch and it sounds to me like the tracks aren't all being routed to one good room reverb. You want it to sound like the band is jamming in the same place, but don't send the kick and bass. Set a test tone generator to produce a sine wave at 50hz. Send this tone into a noise gate and set the threshold to immediately where it cuts out the sine. Sidechain the kick drum to the noise gate so that it lets the sine through when it hits (up the attack a bit) and you should have killer, clean (make sure nothing else is down at 50hz) sub bass on your kick that will create enough vibration to give the girl next door an orgasm and rattle her fillings loose. Hope this helps!
  15. I waited a year before I got a ps4. Regret it. I now own zero games for it. It's basically a Netflix box now
  16. It's expensive It's gimmicky It only has a few games really worth playing It must be Nintendo Getting serious Wii U hype vibes, here. The only games anyone really wants are the first party ones; all others are lame indie titles or games that came out five years ago on other systems. Promises of 3rd party support, but they will jump ship when their title sells poorly on the system. Also, Ultra SF2: The Final Challengers...are you serious? There's blood coming out of the cash cow's udder now, maybe stop pulling on it.
  17. These forums are as dead as the rest of 2016's victims. I hope you're not expecting a lot of replies Happy New Year
  18. Word. What most people seem to mean by "PS1 sound", or so I've noticed, is almost always a Roland Sound Canvas. Thought of buying one myself for nostalgia's sake.
  19. Indeed. To be honest, I always find these aspirations to sound 100% like a 20 year old game soundtrack a little weird. I mean, even these modern Chiptunes that would be made with Super Audio Cart or something are generally of a quality only dreamed of during the time of its samples' sources.
  20. I've purged my gaming soul aside from the occasional Overwatch match. That being said, if Bloodstained ever comes out, playing that will be mandatory.
  21. Not sure what you're on about my friend, but I can tell you this: All of those old Square guys used sound modules made by Roland back in the day. Sakimoto and Iwata both used XV5080s in the FF Tactics/Vagrant Story Era and you can still buy and import these from Japan online for around $500 - $600.
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