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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. So popular in fact, that Nintendo was going to pull the plug on the series due to years of declining sales unless Awakening sold enough copies.
  2. I think my favorite track is probably the title-track. Definitely has that "arena" feel and in general the album reminds me of something between Michael Jackson and Max Martin style pop music. That is a very good thing.
  3. So naturally, people are bitching about the fact that apparently Robin can use Nosferatu in this game to recover health like you could in Fire Emblem. I hope they have a good way of balancing this out. Perhaps you could only use it while in range and standing still or maybe it only works for a few seconds? Either way, I foresee much spamming of this move. http://www.siliconera.com/2014/07/21/robins-new-ability-super-smash-bros-lets-recover-health/
  4. Lucina and Robin were my dream reveal video. Dreams do come true, Zanquino.
  5. Until about a month ago, aside from working with Chernabogue on a Kingdom Hearts remix and helping with his tune for Badass Vol.3 (gotta get back to that asap) the last thing I remember doing was the Metroid Prime remix (which is in to-be-posted w00t) with Timaeus around this time last year. Now, I just finished music for a short film and the director is currently starting work on a film for a film festival next year (so that's a gig I have for next year). I also recently began doing music for a sweet indie game that's finished, but needs music and in a few weeks I'm doin' my first live show in years with a local band playing metal and rock arrangements of video game tunes. Now I'm making more music than I have in years. I find that having something to put music to inspires me and gets me out of the musical doldrums. Being paid helps too.
  6. G-Mixer is just grumpy because I was picking on him about loving fictional women. In on-topic news, I see that Rayman was just added as a trophy to Smash Bros? Why is Rayman a freakin' trophy?
  7. Surprise. Tim posts a Zircon track. Anyway, when I hear/see the words "most expressive" used in regards to video game music, I'm torn between two tracks. Tomb Raider probably wins, though.
  8. I vote for guitar pro as well. I've used that software for years and it's amazing. Though Guitar Pro 6 is awful in my opinion. Stick with 5.
  9. Lol. Well, to be fair I don't think there are too many video game or animated women designed to be unattractive. Except for villains, and even then most of the evil women are designed to be hot too. Regardless, I'm glad they went with Lucina instead of Chrom. In Fire Emblem, Lucina saved my ass more than any other character in any game. Though I guess she was kinda over-powered in some ways. Can't wait to slaughter megaman with her and Robin.
  10. Yes. This is Nintendo, stop having dirty thoughts about Princess Peach you weirdo.
  11. Yeah! Lucina and Avatar/Robin added to the roster. Son of a bitch, I'm going to have to buy a Wii U.
  12. Updated...not sure what more I want to add to this. If anything.
  13. Random remix of the Cargo Bay theme that I will probably never finish. Source: Remix https://app.box.com/s/oqc9aoydtdyhol9xq3q3 Feel free to share any comments and/or feedback you may have! Thanks.
  14. I don't make music for musicians. I make music for people who like to listen to music.
  15. I don't know if it counts as anime, but I was watching a few episodes of "Legend of Korra" and it's entertaining. I hear Platinum Games is making a game based on it.
  16. Man, I played the hell outta Bomberman Hero back in the day! Great game and your remix is just as great.
  17. The only reason I made it as far as I did in FFVI was because of the vanish/doom trick. but I got bored just before I made it to Kefka. Regardless, I would've just vanish/doomed his ass too.
  18. Fire Emblem: Awakening is one of the only games I've ever put like more than 50 hours into. Which truly is a feat as I usually can't sit through a video game story that exceeds ten hours. Aside from beating the main campaign I played most of the paralogues and most of the DLC. I love that game.
  19. Any Final Fantasy game I've ever played I made it to just about the end and then usually got stuck on a boss or just got bored.
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