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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Yeah. If you have something like superior drummer, you can trigger the samples with the step sequencer. Each note in the step sequencer is set to a note on the piano roll. What I mean is can you use the step sequencer to trigger samples that are not from a VST plugin. Is that doable in Sonar? If so, how?
  2. or rather, "drum sequencing". Just yesterday I downloaded the trial version of Sonar X2 and it's pretty sweet so far. Once you get onto how it does things, it's pretty straight-forward. There is just one thing I can't seem to figure out though. Is it possible to load your own drum samples into the step sequencer? I can't even seem to trigger audio clips via MIDI controller as an alternative method Since I'm still figuring it out, and because it is a demo, perhaps I'm just missing something obvious in the setup or maybe it's a limitation of the trial? I tried Google, but couldn't seem to find the answer. Maybe I was just using the wrong keywords or something. Anyway, thanks in advance for the help! Oh, EDIT: By the way, if you can load your own samples into the step-sequencer, would the "essentials" version of X2 have the same capability?
  3. Timaeus is a great mixer to collab with. You two are meant to be together. Really liking this track, it has such an easy-goin', fun vibe to it. Hope to see it on the front page in the near future
  4. I guess in the late 90s to early 00s there were some common traits. Synth brass/orchestra hits, bell-type synths, clean guitar arpeggios, distorted guitar solos and rhythm, synth bass...just listen to a lot of anime intros and video game music. There are a few artists I can think of that some would say most would associate with a "J Pop" sound though. They were/are also fairly famous due to their contributions to animation and video games so that probably has a lot to do with it. Koda Kumi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp6YqoVZZxE Shiina Nagano/Two Mix Alan If you make something along the lines of the first two artists, you should do fine. Like others said though...the link he gave you sounds very much like something I'd expect to hear in North America. I'd be interested in reading that article if you find it Gar!
  5. Hey, people have done that to me in the past lol Thank you for the support, sir or madam.
  6. Odd, given that it is the same tone as here, only a half-step up. At 0:31 there is no guitar, if that is what you were referring to. Not sure I'm hearing what you're hearing. To point 2, are you referring to the lead, rhythm or both? If the rhythm in the intro and toward the middle, I think I know why this is. Thanks for the feedback so far everyone!
  7. Wait a sec. Out of curiosity Jnwake, you listened to my little attempt at Assassin's Creed right? What was your opinion on the guitar tone there? The same? I don't believe you said.
  8. Yeah, I got ya. More of a funk-ish tone than crunchy metal stuff. Makes sense, I'll see what I can do.
  9. I played around with it a bit more today, but I don't really know what to do =/ I'm not sure how to improve the tone.
  10. Jazzy solos and a chill-piano section. Good ideas I would say! I shall try coming up with both of those. I suck bad on the whole production aspect of things in general, so if there is a problem I can't really hear it. Would be interesting to hear other thoughts on this. So second question for anyone: What's wrong with the tone and how do I fix? Finally, some great feedback! Thanks you two!
  11. All right: I'm not really sure that my source choosing skills are great, because simpler tunes like this just wind up sounding like a medley between the source tune and "some original shit this guy came up with". I've been messing with it the past couple days and I'm not sure if I should just leave it alone, wrap it up and put it on Youtube.... or if I should continue trying to turn it into OCR worthy stuff. Because it seems to get worse as I expand it. I have like 250 views and not one response, so if I'm going to get one, make it an answer to this question.
  12. I just recently got those two games =D I can't beat the final version of Seymour
  13. Thanks! So far my version of Cross a Fear is sounding pretty sweet. Well, that's what Chernabouge tells me anyway.

  14. I think so. I can't imagine anyone owning the rights to all of Beethoven's music.
  15. WIP 2 Uploaded. There is now a section where a full guitar solo will go. I have added some more guitar lead licks and stuff. On the second repeat of the koto part I'm going to use my friend's hardware synth tomorrow to play a variation on the main theme. That synth has a sound I want to use. In fact, I hope to replace the koto-ish thing with something better entirely. Tell me what ya think so far.
  16. I disagree entirely. Music evolved through the ages as a science just as much as an art.
  17. A friend of mine got me new, un-opened copies of FF X and X-2 last month and I've been enjoying the shit out of these games and their soundtracks immensely. Source: Work In Progress 2: https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/ffx-2-give-ya-somethin-hot I'm trying to make this a more technical guitar recording than any I've done in the past, since I've gotten comfortable with recording stuff now. I have loads of ideas, melodies and sections I think I can add to it. In short, I think I'm actually going to finish this. Need real bass guitar though. It demands it. So yeah, any thoughts at all on how she's comin' along so far would be greatly appreciated. P.S. What the hell is the source tune actually called? I've saw it listed under 3 different titles online.
  18. I would say that the average video game soundtrack nowadays isn't all that special. Because video games have become so much more cinematic, the music has followed. Sure, the epic-orchestral stuff is great, but it isn't anything special. That's why I think that VGM from the 90s and the earlier part of the 2000s was so great: They often had a more unique approach to mainstream genres of music at the time. It blew my mind hearing a great song or soundtrack that fused something like jazz, traditional asian instruments, electronic AND rock music at the same time. Good luck finding that on a radio station or on most CDs of mainstream genres at the time.
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