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Ethan Rex

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Everything posted by Ethan Rex

  1. On that point, I'd encourage everyone to post in the project forum so everyone can give feedback.
  2. 1) Tuberz votes for one person 2) Darkesword votes for the other 3) The compo explodes in mutual victory
  3. I mean yeah, but why? Isn't that kind of the point of releasing info about the game beforehand - to build hype and get people to wonder about what's going to be in the game? I'm not saying he's right and I'm not saying he's wrong. I AM saying that it is interesting that he knew the names of the new pokemon, and it is worth noting that he got a C&D when other apparent "leakers" did not.
  4. Right you are. And apparently my post was more rumor than not - which is what I suspected, but is still interesting. Here's the article. The guy was an admin at Nintendo Pipeline forums.
  5. I think I read about some pokemon news website having an admin or something like that "leaking" information. He was right about the most recent pokemon's names and he received a C&D from the big N. I'll try to find the post and link it, but he was talked about fairy type and how that was the japanese name for it - I think dark type is called villain type in japan as well? My point is, that could easily be a literal japanese translation and the actual English version is something like Light type or whatever.
  6. How are everyone's mixes coming along? I'm excited for this week if I can flesh out these ideas to fruition.
  7. So its not from an OST? The track sounds sweet and I was wondering if there was any more like it.
  8. Happy Birthday to my favorite Canadian and regal Sonic Remix King! I don't normally make brifday threads or threads in general but whatevs HAVE SOME CAKE Its a frog because Amphibian and I like to imagine that it's Froggy from Sonic Adventure, which also fits you. anyway HAPPEH BIRFDAY BUDDEH.
  9. REVIEW GET! Yami - very very tame throughout, intro takes a bit longer than I wanted. Try to build to a musical climax to catch interest. Sonically i think you can spread the sounds out to make the mix less muddy. Diggin some of the pad work, this mix just needs some work in order to bring out some of the sounds. Tuberz - Solid guitar work throughout, and the piece flows nicely in terms of arrangement - I'm diggin the variation and nothing sounds too awkward except for what mindwanderer said about the last verse. jnWake - oh hell yeah this is groovy, i'm diggin the string stabs, but i'm not diggin the panning on some of the leads - it seems a tad too right with not enough on the other side to balance it out. I'm loving the synths you have as I always do. Things stay relatively the same throughout, and while I would've appreciated a few more change-ups, this is a good track. MindWanderer - nice dark/eastern instrumentation at the beginning. After the intro, the soundscape gets a little bare, and like with jnWake's track, I think there's a little too much panning in the leads with not enough to counterbalance it in the same frequency spectrum. Things change up to keep it interesting, but I would've liked some more transitions as well as a musical climax (things stay at relatively the same level of intensity throughout). Cosmic Sounds - also some nice dark sounds here in the beginning, the high strings sound a TAD humanized but considering the time constraints its pretty good. Piano is a nice changeup but sounds out of place sonically - it seems like it has a high pass filter on it that i'm not diggin. Would've liked a stronger ending as well. Mr. L - I always love your pads, and your intro is pretty solid. Kick seems a bit too strong at places. Nice overall soundscape but it's hard to peg a distinct melody. Fade-out ending is done quickly and is kinda meh. Cash and Change - Soundscape sounds kinda empty, which makes the panning on the bass sound awkward - I typically wouldn't pan basses as they are normally the foundation of a mix. First transition is solid, the second one is a little awkward and seems to come out of nowhere. Source usage is apparent but I would've liked a little more mixing of the two. Source usage on my track for the convenience of the masses That Toxic Caves intro is pretty much all the way through :19 starts the Turbo Man Melody with the Spinball Bass :38 the bass takes the Turbo Man Melody and Spinball is in the chip lead :51 is that sweet bridge section in Turbo Man with spinball in the background 1:38 Turbo Man is the foundation for the bass solo 2:03 repeat of turbo man in the bass 2:17 E Piano is playing the Turbo Man bridge Also it may just be me, but I'm not hearing the spectrum extremes, especially the bass part, but that might be my ears/headphones. ANYWAY, good job to all those who submitted. I look forward to it
  10. I'm all for keeping the deadline, but that's just because I'm ready to submit and I think it would be good to curtail one week to be on track as opposed to continually pushing dates. EDIT: Just submitted. jnWake, I'm looking forward to what you've got to throw at me, I'm pretty excited about my track this week.
  11. Yeesh, I've been here two whole years, HOW THE TIME FLIES. Thanks for all the birfdai wishes guys. The day was filled with remixing, relaxing, and a life-sized Batman balloon. O.o
  12. I hope you guys like the intro bit from Toxic Caves because it's in my track a LOT.
  13. We need moar friendly banter. Mega Man? MORE LIKE SEGA MAN AMIRITE
  14. All you need to know is the sexy smoothness that is Toxic Cave's bassline.
  15. Much more chill than I expected. I'm not too disappointed, but I agree that the hype may have been overblown.
  16. HAPPEH BIRFDAI BEEEEEEN May birthdays are the best birthdays.
  17. Completely joking, but I agree. a good example. So far I haven't gotten too much into the flashy jumps and such, but that's what i'm working on to cut down on minutes.
  18. Been picking up speedruns of Super Mario 64 - my best time so far is 36:11.9 with a shitty backwards long jump and many mistakes. It's also the first thing I tell girls at parties.
  19. So just one more person until 12 right? CMON PERSON WAITING IN THE WINGS BE MAH HERO
  20. Hey Darkesword, seeing as Xarnax is wanting to join MegaMan and I really don't care what side I'm on, is it cool if I switch to Sonic Team? Plus, I'd get to remix toxic cave
  21. Hey man, I've been using those 3xosc chip presets you have on your website (the lsdj ones) and they've been AMAZING so this is my message to say thanks and that I

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