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Ethan Rex

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Everything posted by Ethan Rex

  1. So I was watching Wilfred the other day and the of the show totally reminded me of this mix.Anyway, definitely digging the laid back feel, and I like how well you shifted it to major. Nice Work!
  2. Heh. I remember this thread. Just more proof that OCR only passes songs with high quality expensive software samples. I wonder what happened to that guy anyway.
  3. Yeah all i'm gettin is some burnt muffins right now. Glad you dig the countermelody - I'm starting to realize crazy countermelodies are my musical signature, so to speak. Just a question - about the lead synth, are you talking about the chippy pulse wave or the obnoxious saw-ish thing halfway through? Oh, and nice 8-bit cover, I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it. P.S congrats to Kuolema/wildfire!
  4. Mix is muddy - I can't hear the synths through the guitars. Work with EQ, Volume, and Panning a little more to make sure everything sticks out. For instance I'd drop the guitar lower where its not prominant, and the chuggy rhythm guitar definitely needs to be brought down a lot as well (the distortion on it is the prominant reason its muddy imo).
  5. <3 You and me both - I'm planning on working with this as well as my round 1 GMRB track (/shamelessplug) and hopefully expand on a lot of what I didn't have time for. As for the fade-in chip arps, that was supposed to convey the rain that signifies the coming of the "storm" part of the story/song. Listening back it DOES sound really loud at the end of each sweep. Yeah, I was trying to go for a modern meets old-school feel to help reinforce the idea of the NES's anniversary, but since I didn't have time to expand that second part it came out sounding more "8-bit with some modern sounds" than a "present meets past" type of thing. The thin part was supposed to be the calm before the storm, but re-listening I can tell that it seems more unintentionally sparse then on purpose. I'm really glad you guys enjoyed the track. It was probably one of the most fun tracks of mine to make, and Dafydd's feedback really helped to steer this in the direction it went.
  6. YOBO I'm sorry I'll never make that joke again mmkay
  7. Says the guy whose only bandcamp album is a chiptune album. And a good one at that.
  8. I've been in a nebulous gray area between sleeping and eating since about 9 this morning. TODAY WAS A GOOD DAY
  9. Stream of consciousness reviews! Tuberz: Nice intro here, guitar tone sounds nice. Some of the synths don't mesh with the guitar's as well, but it still sounds pretty good. Sounds like a little chippier take of the Black Mages version, which is a very good thing. Dug the silence at around 2:55, but I wish it hit harder when it came back in. Soloing sounds siiiiiiiiick braaaaaaaaaah. Overall pretty nice. TheRexAsaurous: Here's a little background on my track. The song is supposed to tell the story of two friends drifting lazily across the sea in their boat, reminiscing about old troubles they've faced on the waters. Eventually, they come across a storm like that they've never seen before. Through some miracle they manage to break through the storm's grasp, and continue drifting through the sea without a care in the world. Overall, I wish I had a little more time to flesh out the second half better, but life and school happened and I unfortunately couldn't get to it. shadow24: Pretty cool intro. That bass synth needs some work, and the sound's clash sometimes (they don't mesh and sound like a cohesive piece at times). I like the feel though, its got a sort of Earthbound eccentric-ness. Kuolema: Nice retro vibe right off the bat. Nothing sounds too messy, but there is a lot of stuff going on. Not really diggin the sound at 1:32 - feels like there's too much reverb or something like that. Link sample made me jump in my chair. Overall, a nice mix, and a nice title! Cash: Not sure how I'm feeling about the synths here - bass sounds a little too bassy and the lead sounds a little vanilla. I can hear a little dissonance at times as well. Definitely diggin dat organ though. Lotta nice work, plus I love the sources. What a great episode!
  10. Really anything by the Plaid Muffins is ska.
  11. I did wind waker for my source - its a sort of old meets new kind of feel.
  12. HAPPY MIRBIRTHDAYSGIVINGS /obnoxiousportmanteaus
  13. Sorry for the double post, but I put up a somewhat big update to my track at KNGI, thought let it be known here as well.
  14. Hey, it looks like we're together for the "Remixing with the Stars" compo.

    Whats your preferred method of correspondence?

  15. This is really good stuff - I just got through all of it, and I have to say it's one of my favorite releases of this year. Check it out, especially if you liked the Chiptunes = Win compilation that was released a while back.
  16. I'm in as a novice if there's room still. EDIT: Sorry I didn't read teh rules. I use FL Studio, and I typically work in synth wankery with some chippy stuff in a range of moods.
  17. With that in mind, how would one go about changing the delivery address for this? I might be shifting around at the turn of the semester and don't want things to get lost in postage.
  18. Me and my date went to a Halloween party this weekend, dressed up as a 20s era gent and a flapper. Or, if you were one of the many intoxicated people i encountered that evening, i dressed up as the monopoly man.
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