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Ethan Rex

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Everything posted by Ethan Rex

  1. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck rooms are getting full fuuuuuck Just a question who hasn't done this a lot: I'm not sure if I can make it (because of potential scheduling issues) so I'm wondering if booking the room requires a payment of any kind. Also, is it easy to unbook the room if I can't make it? Sorry for potentially dumbo questions
  2. Agreed. I had talked about directing a Golden Sun project, but I have nowhere near the talent, time, or OCR Star power to pull such a thing off. That being said, if TheMaverikk or someone else wants to rehash this, I'm down for codirecting.
  3. Sad to hear. Also what the hell happened to the Hard Men 2.0?
  4. Jeez, is it already that time of year? I swear, the christmas preseason starts earlier and earlier
  5. Okay, kinda cheesy/deep/atypical-of-my-usual-personality story here. When I was growing up my parents did the usual thing of throwing me into every activity imaginable until I found one I liked. I played sports, did Boy Scouts, and other things like that. I had fun in those activities, but it always seemed like the other kids could really get into them in a way I couldn't. Now, I grew up in a home with a piano that my mom played, but it was always like church hymns. Other than that and video game/movie soundtracks, I was never really exposed to music that much. SO, one day I'm with my mom when she decides to get some random acoustic guitar CD for whatever reason. She's driving home and a track comes on that's really pretty jazzy. This solo hits and for some reason that just clicks in my head. The music just makes sense for some emotion or thing in me that I've been trying to make heads or tails of. Fast forward to now and that's still the main reason I like music: it allows me to convey and understand different emotions or attitudes that I can't normally express. It's almost this little friend that I've always had with me that gets filled with energy while listening to music. Sorry for the deep and weird insight into Ethan Rex, I'll stop now lol. EDIT: I should probably answer the question instead of rambling. I acquire the emotion of music that I listen to. I tend to love happier stuff with leads that dance all over the place as well as warm sounding or complex chords. Basically I love jazz.
  6. I figure I'm a little (aka a LOT) late to the game, but if anyone who's still yet to finish wants to collab I'd be more than happy to help.
  7. Pokemon puzzle league has a strange effect on people. Also hell yeah I remember you man. You had us each sign your book if I remember correctly. EDIT: Wait Shrack you were there? Shit man, there were so many people coming through therex's lovely room of magic and wonder™ that I guess I missed meeting you. Next year for sure!
  8. Pete I knew you were trying to bulk up but I had no idea you were so ripped.
  9. I'm diggin' these reviews guys, thanks for answering the call
  10. Half of the Iceman lead doesn't even sound in time, and most of the better tunes are like 8 bars long anyway, but to each their own I suppose. And my only experience with the composer was Mega Man 1, so my comment was a little uneducated. Still, I wish we could've had the MM3 or 5 composers...
  11. ISSSSSSSS YER BIRFFFFDAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII This was the best cake related picture for "Strike Man Cake" Happeh birfday my Robutt Brothah

    I'ma make a thread 4 u

  13. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWLLLLLLLLLLLLLAKJFDOAIKFLAD Silvernix: Sounds are pretty muddy and heavy in the low end; make sure to set up your instrumentation so there's not a lot of frequencies overlapping. Key issues between sources. Trism: Drum stuff is cool. It sounds like some of the leads hit a wrong note at times. Transition out of the slow section was a bit odd. Nice energy here though. GLL: Piano boner is strong here. Hats sound a little too prominent for my tastes and distract from the vocals. Vocals/lyrics are fuckin killer. Love the 80s style tom fills. Piano at around 3:00 sounds pretty fake, maybe because it's the only thing goin on at that point. Some of the high notes around 5:00 are a little off key. Xarn: Dig that you're doin orchestra this week. Chimes seemed a bit off rhythm in the beginning. Brass sounds pretty fake, but that's a bitch to get sounding good. Things sound a bit centered as well. Jive: Vocals are nice, although sometimes i think the distortion is a bit too heavy. Hard for me to pick out sources here. KingTiger: Vocals are pretty cheesy in the beginning, but I love cheesy vocals. Source useage is rockin; you blend sources vertically which I love. Transitions are nice too. timeaus: This track sounds like it was inspired by some artist In all seriousness, I'm a big madeon fan, and this is a pretty solid imitation. Arrangement seems pretty disjointed to me; each of the individual parts sound solid, but it sounds a little directionless at times. Esperado: This is some sick improvement dude. Intro builds a lot of energy, but the part after the Mega Man FX was a little disappointing in terms of energy or power. Rest of the song picks it back up though, so nice work. Gario: Accelerando works well here. Things seem to hit a groove and stick with it through most of the piece: it's nice, but I wish there was a change of pace somewhere. Hylian Lemon: Dig that bass. Groove is nice, and the transition to the more traditional chip part was solid. I also enjoyed the vertical source usage here. As I posted earlier, my track was heavily inspired by Boss Fight's Wily 2-1 remix. I typically make more groovy things and don't make uptempo stuff that often, so I'm looking forward to your guys' thoughts on it. TL;DR POST REVIEWS YOU DINGUSES I'M TIRED OF ONLY LIKE 3 PEOPLE DOIN' IT JEEEEEEEEEEEZ
  14. I agree with g-mixer, but I DO like the idea of theming the album around the two ring approach. Maybe an album in which every track is a collab? Anyway, given a bit of time and a stellar director team, I think this could work out well.
  15. I figured that Kuolema's already heard my crits this week, so there's no need for a public review (I haven't reviewed any Robutt Mustard track). But yeah, he killed it this week, and I'm proud of him. And damn. Maybe we can adopt?
  16. DEM REVIEWS Amph: Smooth as fucking silk dude. Sub bass seemed a little big in spots but that's really a nitpick. Glitches were tasteful and well done, and the marimba/xylo added some nice texture. Cash: Countermelody at :20 sounds like its is in the same freq range as the lead, try and eq or maybe even knock it down an octave to separate the frequencies out and clean up the mix. Some nice automation happening in the leads. Dug the ending. Jameson: Dissonance is used well here. Piece was dynamic and kept my interest.The style and atmosphere kept me hooked till the very end. Nicework.jpg wildfire: pretty atmospheric intro, though i wish it was a bit shorter. Vocals seem oddly harsh in the high end, almost as if it was high passed with a bit too much resonance. Other than that, the vocals worked well. Track seemed a bit long, but I'm an impatient listener, so that might be my end. Mr. L: nice change of pace from the usual atmospheric stuff man. Some of the note changes in the strings seem a tad off, and some of the harmonies are a bit odd, but it's neat that you're branching out. ParahSalin: Still some key issues that need to be worked out, though it's less than before. Hats are reeeeall hot on my end, so I'd cut the high frequencies a bit to make that less harsh. Arrangement got better as the piece progressed. Keep Improving man! PH: dat MP sine wave. As usual, drums are sexy, but this time it's because of drum choice as well as writing. Piano gave me a boner but it always does that; it DID seem a bit soft though. Actually, the whole piece seemed a bit on the quiet side, but it was a pretty downtempo groove, so it worked. shadow: Dug the glitch atmosphere here man. Still some odd harmonies, but at a fraction of what they were, so nice work on that. Bass seems panned a bit left which sounds weird to me. Your piano can come out as well, but this is some solid improvement man. Sir_NutS: pls have mai babbies pls <3 DrumJ8: Soundscape sounds a lot fuller than last time, nice work on that man. Switch to needle man has a few key issues, but i don wanna be a moduhater. Vocals work well aside from a few odd lines that seem to have too many syllables.
  17. Invoking some killer Boss Fight vibes for this week's track, I sure hope I can actualize em.
  18. I'm a little disappointed in the composer choice - the original Mega Man had some . Otherwise I'm pumped as hell - I love me some ol' fashioned side scrollin'
  19. I knew you'd love em

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