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Ethan Rex

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Everything posted by Ethan Rex

  1. This is really cool stuff. EDIT: I need to learn how to read and look at files. Oh and reviews are on the way
  2. I just submitted a FLP. If I need to submit a mp3 version as well just let me know.
  3. You mentioned that we could use Direct Wave as long as the samples are from the demo version, but Direct Wave isn't on the list. Can we still use it? oh god please say yes
  4. This, also, are you looking for tracker chiptuners (people who use programs like FamiTracker that emulate the actual NES soundchip) or people who can incorporate chiptune sounds/elements?
  5. Just did a whole listen-through of the album. Holy. Crap. The album is not only stellar in terms of individual track production but also in terms of overall album flow. The album creates that an atmosphere that immerses the listener into the raw emotions that these pieces convey. I sat and smiled through the final seconds of "Final Hours." Seriously, if you haven't checked this out yet, DO IT.
  6. Updated title and first post. I'm diggin the ideas that k-wix threw out, we just need to start talking schedules.
  7. Looking at feedback, I'd say 3.5 is the way to go, ad it's the version I'm most familiar with anyway. Now we just need to talk about DMs and scheduling. There's a lotta people, but I'm sure when we start to discuss schedules we can see if we want to split into two different groups or just have a large campaign that people can move in and out of. Tuesday or Wednesday nights work great for me, but I'm pretty free regardless. What about you guys?
  8. Had the pleasure of hangin out with Xarn last night - be warned, the man is a God at pool. Seriously though, it was a great time, Jesse, you're welcome any time!
  9. So a couple of us in #ocremix have been kicking around the idea of making an OCR Dungeons and Dragons group using google+ or some other version of online chat to get together and play. This thread is mainly to see who is interested and willing to play in such a group, as well as work out the details of making it. Any takers? EDIT: It looks like we're going to use 3.5 as the edition. Also, Halt made an IRC channel to talk or potentially play in: #D&D.
  10. Works for me. I'm terrible with names. Plus its ALL ABOUT DAT MUSIC BAYBAY
  11. Looks happy and healthy, congrats!
  12. This is pretty much me as well, except i'm lookin at jungle japes.
  13. Hey, good job with the BK project. Keep up the good work - I'm excited to see what comes out of it.

  14. So I'm over a week past deadline but I've posted something (hopefully final) over at KNGI anyway, feel free to check it out.
  15. That makes two then. Anyone else? ToN? Flexstyle? Random ReMixer waiting in the wings? Hit me up via PM or on this thread.
  16. This sounds awesome, count me in, except for the fact that I still need teammates. Anyone out there love me? anyone?
  17. I don't mean to say that its in the same key as the original (which is a non-issue) - I mean to say that there are a few notes that makes the piece seem to want to change key signature but don't really nail it down.
  18. This. It sounds like you're dancing around a key for a while and can't really settle in on one key signature. The hats sound odd, especially the open one. I'd change samples. As for arrangement, I like it, but for some reason its lacking a bit in the high-energy that I think you want from this piece. Maybe add some crazy solos or work with the drums to amp up the energy.
  19. Yeah I'd definitely look into getting a better sample or having someone help out with this - the piano sounds pretty fake. The arrangement is nice, but there are some notes that are cut off too shortly, and I feel like there could be some more emotion put into the softer parts especially. This is a solid track, but it needs some polish to make it postable imo. Good luck!
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