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Everything posted by Magellanic

  1. Fair play! And there I was, thinkin' my brain was playing tricks on me :lol:

  2. Well... it was certainly a good, fun round. I knew before the voting began that my matchup would be an overkill but damn.......I love your track Akumajo.....that's what makes it sting so much more! The rapping is just awesome Digi. Top stuff guys! Mucho respecto on an excellent collaboration As for everyone else...........bah its all been said.......though Xenon...the end of your track really made me chuckle. I was not expecting it at all!
  3. I swear my brain likes to play tricks on me. Probably just need to learn to read properly though. :tomatoface:indeed!!!
  4. Nah! You got an hour and 45, so you can chill bra' Edit: For anyone else who is unsure: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=179 (maybe put this in the opening post to save people panic and confusion?)
  5. brilliant! Happy Birthday Ben!
  6. All done and submitted. I'm pretty pleased with mine. Having been deaf in 1 ear the last 2days its been a bit of a bitch but frequency analysers FTW!!!
  7. I hope you don't regret finishing early Akumajo. It may cost you
  8. Phew! That's a weight off my shoulders. I was afraid I'd be held accountable for when....*cough* I mean IF you fail.
  9. Dude!! You're killin' me here! I've gone through two drafts and I'm still not happy. Its lookin' grim on my side. Am hoping tomorrow will be more fruitful haha Third times a charm right? Right guys? Ah, who am I kidding Looking forward to hearing your track though!
  10. I'm actually really happy at getting Tidal Tempest. A few ideas are millin' round my head atm. I've been at work so gonna start this tonight! Prepare for a battle!!!!!!!! Its time to go all out on this
  11. Time to get my swan-song ready to dazzle!!!!!
  12. Haha, its not so much the trashtalk I'm worried about now but everyone bustin' rhyhmes!!!! Sonic bracket starting soon aye?............BRING IT ONNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!
  13. The samples used in the mix are using East West Quantum Leap Orchestra Gold. Its just used like a vst within FL as it comes with its own sampler. If you're wanting to get hold of it, it'd be best to wait for another one of their 50% deals that come round every so many months.

  14. Thanks for the feedback. Always good to get people's thoughts! I'll most likely post an update when the arrangement is nearly finished. I mostly wanted to gauge as to whether anyone at all would think it was worth continuing with
  15. The Pokemon games are just fantastic and so feel like I should have had a go at rearranging some of the music ages ago, but hey ho, having a go now. Remix: Original: For the most part, its more of a sketch of the arrangement. Its very early days but I was hoping to get some feedback. I'm still not sure if its gonna end with some guitar in there but anywho, enough waffling.
  16. This is one sexy competition with amazing prizes. I'll definitely have a go and enter.
  17. I have to agree with dannthr here. Audio equipment, generally (there are exceptions) doesn't really depreciate in value, especially if its good quality. Depending on the style of music and your own unique voice will determine how good a microphone will be for you. If you have no idea about where to start, start with a dynamic mic like a SM58. If you're really wanting to keep on budget, go for the PG58. I use the PG57 for my guitar work and if you use the mic correctly, it will take a real audio hotshot to point out its not an SM57. If you fancy going for a condenser microphone, then I'd definitely reccommend Rode's NT1A. You can even buy it bundled with a pop-shield. Its around £100 so....$150-170 I'd guess. Most of Rode's microphones are fantastic for their price and the quality is top notch. They even have lifetime guarantees!
  18. Seriously Proto......this track makes me laugh so much. Its really really well done but man, those moans and groans are just too sexeh!
  19. I don't know of any commercial stuff, but maybe this will be of some use: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/andy-sneap/529782-sharing-my-collection-drum-samples-here.html I've layered some of these with other Vst's/samples to good effect. Even if you find a handful of samples you like it'll be worth the download
  20. I by no means have amazing guitar skills, but I reckon I could do justice to your guitar parts. I'll PM you some stuff and you can make your mind up
  21. This sounds so much better. The vocals are spot on! I'm feeling the pressure with regard to giving feedback if you removed MagnaCarta 2 because of me haha. Definitely have a rest and come back to it to see if/how you wanna change the Cammy theme. I love the Cammy theme so would be sad to see it go
  22. Sounds great bud. As well as the edit you posted, I think you could do with maybe putting a noise gate on your vocal track or leaving all the "noise" in on the track as you can clearly hear the cuts/edits in the vocal track when Claire starts and stops singing. That may not be a problem once you bring the track down in volume though. At first when I listened I wasn't sure that the Cammy theme fit in quite seemlessly as part of the track but I think its fine (To clarify it fits perfectly in terms of mood and harmony, its just not having heard anything from it before). Perhaps it would blend better if it was treated more as a bridge texturally. The groove and backdrop stay pretty much the same as the verses. I'd say its just nit pickin/personal taste though in honesty. Another point is that the opening motif in the Cammy theme would work excellently as an accompaniment to the verses and chorus to make the main Cammy theme fit better. I'm not saying it should be in every verse if you did do that. Again though, its just opinion Overall its fantastic and with a once-over will be spiffin'
  23. Really great suggestions guys, thank you. I'm torn between SSD and AD, but it'll become clearer once I spend more time with the demo of AD. NI's Studio Drummer I completely forgot about. Battery was a pretty good piece of drumming kit so I'll do some research on Studio Drummer. The price of SSD is quite an attraction over AD but then all the midi loops with AD sound pretty cool.......perhaps I'll have to consider both
  24. I just checked out the intro video and it sounds fantastic. It looks like theres a good amount of customization too. Definitely gonna give the demo a go! Thanks for the suggestion.
  25. So, I was hoping to get some opinions from some of you heavy metal, heavy rock, synth rock guys etc. on drum samples. There's certainly plenty of choice from free samples to expensive drum instruments. What do you guys use and what would you reccommend for someone making one of the above styles? What is it you like about those particular samples of instruments? I know about EZ and Superior Drummer along with BFD 2 but, are there any of you guys out there who have used Steven Slate Drums? I've been eyeing up the SSD 4 Ex as its only $99/£55-ish. They still seem to be ironing out the bugs on it but would anyone care to give an opinion on yay or nay? Or what would you reccommend as an alternative? Its a rather broad question and down to taste/workflow along with how much control you like over your drum parts, but thought this thread could help other peoples on the forums if they're considering drum sample packs or instruments for various rock styles.
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