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Everything posted by Magellanic

  1. All the mixes were fantastic this week but I just have not been able to turn Sir_Nuts and Jason's mixes off of repeat. I seriously love them!
  2. lawl, that made me laugh. This talk about dissertations brings back..............memories.......not particularly fond ones either. Clicks word count - oo, 7900 words.......30mins later - clicks word count - 7883 words........What the F?!!?"34?

  3. Haha, well I would say that you're willing to play it, and even buy it, because your dissertation possibly fried your brain :P True though, the graphics aren't terrible.

    Great stuff, celebration time for you this Friday :D And definitely, I'll check me work rota and get back to you

  4. Utterly fantastic. The piano playing is just gorgeous and the interaction between the chiptunes and piano is so natural. This piece of music deserves all the praise and more. I thoroughly enjoyed the 3 minutes listening to this masterpiece.
  5. Check out this amazing game. It's shame it isn't multiplayer!!!

    How's things goin btw?

  6. Not listened to all of 'em yet, but damn, Sir_Nuts. Seriously awesome job on the remix. Excellent use of the Cammy source. Really played on the electronic-y nature of the original. I'm looking forward to your next round
  7. This is so well crafted. I'm especially impressed by the effective use of the orchestral instruments. Often when orchestral samples are used they just.....well, don't sound that great. Here, though, they are used to expert effect. DJP sums up the use of different styles here. Very well done. Its like no single element had to be sacrificed. I could go on at how amazingly well the different aspects are done here, but to put it simply, I love it and so should everyone else.......in my humble opinion that is
  8. This is just brilliant. Crazilly energetic but not over the top. The complexity of all the intertwining parts its just fantastic. It really makes this track shine. The opening motif is used really REALLY well throughout and acts as the backbone yet doesn't become repetetive. The breakdown is vast, expansive and seemlessly leads back to the opening sections. About 4.20 onwards for me is just beautifully done. Epic, emotional and passionate. I really think this is my favourite track of the album. Lets hope to hear more from Dominic in the future.
  9. Beautiful performance. It was especially nice being able to see you guys perform it. Very enjoyable
  10. Wooo, make some noise!! Had any word back yet about your OCR proposal btw Mr Crouse?
  11. I have to agree that the source for this is amazing. I may try and throw something together, we'll see
  12. I thought it whilst reading the previous posts. You maybe read my mind....possibly...
  13. I am oh so proud but still failing to match your awesomness of 11,799..........:puppyeyes:

  14. Simply RAWKIN' fantastic. This is defintely a great track to get people hyped for the future mix posts and album release. I'm not familiar with the original.....but damn I still love it, I can only imagine fans will love it even more. Great stuff
  15. Completed. Have to agree with Proto on "What do you consider as good game music". You could either answer that with the style and type of music (rock, classical etc.) or examples of games that have music which you identify as good game music. Perhaps re-word or give an example, but meh, I'm sure it'll be all good
  16. Sweeeeet! I'm lookin' forward to hearing the completed arrangement. I'll be sure to have a gander whenever you post it up Hearing this does make me want to do another FFX mix. Perhaps I'll try and do another of Zanarkand. (I know I've done one but meh, such an awesome score)
  17. I'm liking the solo. It sounds as though you're using Suteki as the base of the song then fitting the other sources around it? Its early days, but the transition between the two sources at 01:14 could do with being smoother. It sounds a little like "source 1 end, source 2 start" rather than a constant flow. I'm probably splitting hairs though. Other than that, as you've said, the background is somewhat sparse but if you can incpororate some of the lush orchestral textures from Suteki that would be amazing. With that song, the melody does shine but its also the harmonies and counter-point that make it. Being a big fan of the orchestral version it'd be great to mix some elements of that with it.
  18. I hate to say it (as I do love Flashback) but I think it was originally for the Amiga and then ported to PC, Sega etc. On another note, I think I'll get started on my mix for this in the next few days (maybe even today).
  19. Oo exciting. Suteki Da Ne is a fave of mine so I'll be checkin' to see how this develops. I approve of using the Japanese lyrics As for vocalist, perhaps you should collab with Sabrina again? Anywho, looking forward to updates on this one, not heard anything from you for a lil while
  20. Ah man, I'm so excited for this, especially for some more Cammy remixes. Gonna be following this one closely. Best of luck to everyone
  21. Thoroughly enjoyed this. Lots of variety, solos and rawk! I'm not familiar with the sources, but I felt that the transition to the end was smooth and well done. Looking forward to your response Will, I mean, that was some badass synth soloing by OA
  22. That was one sweet trailer. Very excited about this release
  23. I agree with your disagreement hehe I'm still rockin' this one on my playlists. The source selection is fantastic. I went out of my way to find Might Final Fight and play it just because of your arrangement
  24. 11,700, debt repaid lawlz

  25. I really enjoyed that. Brilliant guitar playing
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