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Everything posted by Magellanic

  1. It does sound very good. I don't think I would have coined it was a sampled lead if I had not known from the start. If the sample-pack is programmed well it should be easy enough to get realistic results but, like any sampled instrument, convincing the listener is sequencing it realistically. Definitely agree with Meteo production-wise. If this pack can be run through your own amp-sims and such, its a sure-buy for someone who doesn't play guitar. Saying that, though, even if the samples come amped I bet you can get great results.
  2. Thanks Rozo. Killer feedback as always I get what you mean about the arrangement. I'd love this one to be an OCR mix but if it turns out that the panel don't think its suitable then so be it. I'll clean up the EQ, compression/limiting and balance then get this thing off to the panel. If I do get a sudden burst of inspiration to modify the arrangement then I'll do it. Word thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Edit: If anyone is interested, this is the final version that I'm going to submit - http://soundcloud.com/lidawg/sonic-knuckles-super-sonic
  3. You know, I use a mixture of both. I dunno what it is about micing up rhythm guitars but for me they always sound more lively and full. For leads, I use line-in. Depends on what works for you Fantastic preview btw. The album is shaping up very nicely.
  4. I think the problem with the snare is partly to do with the sample but also how its sequenced. It sounds very robotic. The drums in general are lacking cohesion. To me, it doesn't really sound like a drummer drumming which is what you should really be going for in this style. The mix is sounding much better and the bass is certainly adding a lot. I think balance could still be better though between the bass and guitars. In general, I think the bass is just too loud. Bring it down and bring the rhythm guitars up some more.
  5. Just voted. It makes me sad that each week there are less sonic musics, but the quality has been fantastic. Lookin forward to the next few rounds, but at the same time its one week closer to the end. You could always extend the comp by havin' a knocked-out bracket
  6. That is an amazing way to share files. Shame about the 404 error though
  7. So so good. Very impressed when I heard this one At 1:15 when the wub joins the party, it sounds phat but just really narrow compared to the textures and mix before. It sounds just abit odd to me. Its fine once the other synths come back in though. Don't want it muddying everything else. The build-up that ends around 2:23 kinda goes to no where. The track keeps going up and up and then.....it just kinda carries on. And not in the "Ahhhhh, gotcha" kinda way. I reckon you give that build up the climax it deserves. It left me feeling cheated Love it round the 3:00 min mark. Kicks into Launch base perfectly! And yeah........such a good mix. In my humble (and not especially great experience) this is pretty much there, though I reckon you got the skillz to polish this one up just a bit more. I think the mix/production is fab and the fusion of both themes is done really well and expertly. Edit: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOOD!
  8. Have a good one dudes That Castlevania cake looks amazing......and so tasty. Glad I didn't have to choose between eating it or immortalising it. Tough decision!
  9. Thanks a lot for the feedback again guys. Its been really useful. I was gonna post an update about 2 hours ago but after reading what you said, you confirmed what I thought. So....this is a complete and finished version that I'm gonna put as mod-review. Source: Remix: http://soundcloud.com/lidawg/super-sonic-fireballz I was getting fed up of the chiptune parts not sounding quite right so I've replaced most of them with parts I wrote in a tracker. I think they're a lil more authentic sounding and suit the mix better. The chip/synth solo has been completely re-written. It was too....boring. Anyway, as always, feedback is appreciated. I think I've remedied that some more with the new solo, but hey let me know what you think. I am happy with the arrangement now
  10. Thanks a lot for your feedback Timaeus. I tried out basically all you said and kept what worked. I've also tried out a couple of new things myself. The only thing I haven't had a mess around with is the drums at the end but I think I'll do that next. I've re-recorded the solos but they still need more practise as they're still not quite in time. Also, there's not a recorded bass instead of samples. Remix: http://soundcloud.com/lidawg/super-sonic-fireballz-3 As always, feedback is greatly appreciated
  11. Its sounding much better than the previous versions. Bein a guitarist ,its probably just me being picky, but I think you need to perhaps be a bit more sparing with the squeals on the lead. If you like em' then leave 'em but if you're wanting to keep the listener believing that the guitars are real, ease off of them a tad. The drums do sound weak to me. For the style of the guitars, I feel like there should be more of the click on the bass drum hits. The snare is barely comin' through. The cymbals sound very distant from the mix. You said you have no bass, but the thing with guitars is that in the lower range - mud is a very real problem. By cutting the low-mid and putting a beefy bass in, you will get a lot more power from your guitars. Part of the secret to a great rhythm tone is the bass tone. Your mix will also sound much clearer. I think the guitars could do with a lil information around the +600hz/mid range. They sound a little too scooped to me, but that's just personal preference. Seriously, the arrangement is great. The style is great too. I just think there needs to be a little bit more tweaking to your eq and balance. Once you got that nailed, this will really be the best it can be. There's more potential in this mix to be realised
  12. Aw man, I used to watch the intro movie with Sonic Boom endlessly. It would make me very happy to see this project happen. Go go and do it now So yeah, list me as interested in contributing.
  13. Thanks for the feedback guys. Really appreciate it! I've had a lil' more feedback, so I'm gonna post this update as finished. I'll just let it settle in my mind and then come back to it fresh in a few days to add the final polish for mod-review. I'm still torn 50/50 as to whether I need to get the chords/arrangement changed up a bit. I'll decide by seeing if I get struck by inspiration! Love you for this Kuo! For the mean time, one update: http://soundcloud.com/lidawg/draft-super-sonic-fireballz I've had another go at the mix and removed some of the mud and scooped the guitars some more. I think they sound better/more powerful. But hey, what I hear is probably just make-believe haha. Much love
  14. No probs bud, I'm glad that it was of help. I hope you kick some butt with your entry :D

  15. Definitely agree with Cyril about the bass and such. It would really give this mix even more power if you brought the bass up some. But damn, so enjoyable!! Love your lead tone and its just a great track. Best of luck to you good sir!
  16. FF XII just really didn't grab my attention. The story seemed a bit thin and pushed to the background compared with previous games. The characters were also forgettable and I didn't care for the music either. Gameplay-wise, I thought it was pretty good as was the battle system. Its a game I've tried to like but just never could. I definitely see what people do like about it though. Anywho, I digress! I kinda agree with you. Also, it doesn't really reflect as to how the engine/hardware would cope with that level of detail if it was gameplay. I mean ultimately, its great but the whole feat of having such impressive graphics is to show what can be achieved during gameplay, not as a cutscene.
  17. Ah man, thank you SO much for bringing this to my attention. Definitely wanting to check this out. Hopefully it won't disappoint but, having said that, the Zangief and Bowser cameos are more than enough to keep me happy!
  18. So I've been eager to see how this would turn out after reading up about the game and seeing screenshots over the last few months. After seeing the E3 demo it has gotten me really excited as the focus seems to be on exploration/survival. I'm loving the atmosphere and to me, has a similar atmosphere/vibe to the Walking Dead (minus zombies but with the addition of weird mutant, infected guys). The focus is on the characters it seems. Anywho check it out:
  19. Well, gamers are spoiled these days. When you look back at how games looked 20 years ago. The thing though that I loved about the older FF games (and I think many other fans did) were the stories and gameplay. In my humble opinion since FF XII, Square Enix has failed to excite and engross me in a Final Fantasy. Having said that, the tech demo is unbelieveably impressive and very enjoyable to watch. I always love me a bit of eye-candy!
  20. So I'm at a difficult point where I dunno quite what to do with the mix. I'd like to say the arrangement is finished but I get the feeling it might be too repetitive. The ONLY thing I'll say is that the guitar solos need more practise but besides that I'd really appreciate feedback. What needs improving? What needs taking out or revamping? All feedback received will earn you a Magellanic +1 love point. Let me know guys Remix: http://soundcloud.com/lidawg/wip-super-sonic-fireballz-1
  21. I reckon there is more potential to unlock in this mix. I think the arrangement is pretty damn good. There's a good amount of personalisation but still retains the feel of the original very well. My feedback is going solely off your latest version. The drums are at a good level but the leads and other synths kinda need to be beefier. They're getting a tad lost/overpowered by the drums. You could do with some more EQ to get rid of some of the muddiness (scoop out some of those mids). It'll help with getting the leads etc. to stand out more and be clearer. I'd like to just make it clear, I don't think the drums need to be quieter, its just the leads need more presence/fatness. At 1:10 you really need to have at least a crash hit to emphasize that mini-drop. Other than that, I reckon with the intro you could get some more interest going with panning the high-pitched accompaniment part left and then right. Just a suggestion to give some more motion to the soundscape. Honestly, I really think this is a great arrangement. Do more!
  22. Emails are sent out by OCremix at the time of album releases. If you want it to be sent to another address just get the email account you registered on the forums to forward the email to that other email address. Sorted
  23. The whole creation/collaboration process behind this project sounds fantastic. I really look forward to hearing this whenever it gets released.
  24. Its been a really great competition and great to see such interesting and close matchups. Just started to listening to the current round's mixes and I'm certainly impressed so far (just listened to AMT's and Brandon's) Definitely lookin' forward to seeing the ending to this saga of bitter defeat and triumphant victories. Keep the ear orgies comin' guys!!
  25. I think even on a smaller/individual basis there could be some cool collabs between music and visual artists. There are many here on OCR with their own Youtube channels, websites etc. and so need some kind of cover art for either individual tracks or collections. Think of it as a mutual pimping. Not only do you get to look at some great art work, but also hear some cool musics whilst you do. Perhaps, a means of bridging the gap in getting artists to communicate is to have a sticky topic in one of the forums (recruitment?) with contacts for artists that are wanting to collab with someone here. I'm sure you guys are just like many of us on OCR who are looking for practise as well as to share and express their art to someone. In response though to your opening post, the art is really kickass. It's great to see appreciation for games in another medium.
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